The RIFF container format is used various types of fines including AVI, WAV, WEBP, LA, OFR, PAC and WV. According to the EXIF specification, Meta information is embedded in two types of RIFF LIST chunks: INFO and exif, and information about the audio content is stored in the fmt chunk. As well as this information, some video information and proprietary manufacturer-specific information is also extracted.

Large AVI videos may be a concatenation of two or more RIFF chunks. For these files, information is extracted from subsequent RIFF chunks as sub-documents, but the Duration is calculated for the full video.

ExifTool currently has the ability to write EXIF, XMP and ICC_Profile metadata to WEBP images, but can't yet write to other RIFF-based formats.

Tag IDTag Name WritableValues / Notes
'CSET' CharacterSet - --> RIFF CSET Tags
(WebP files)
--> EXIF Tags
--> EXIF Tags
'ICCP' ICC_Profile - --> ICC_Profile Tags
(WebP files)
'IDIT' DateTimeOriginal no  
'JUNK' OlympusJunk
--> Olympus AVI Tags
--> EXIF Tags
--> Ricoh AVI Tags
--> Pentax Junk Tags
--> Pentax Junk2 Tags
--> QuickTime Stream Tags
'JUNQ' OldXMP no  
'LIST_INF0' Info - --> RIFF Info Tags
'LIST_INFO' Info - --> RIFF Info Tags
'LIST_Tdat' Tdat - --> RIFF Tdat Tags
'LIST_adtl' AssociatedDataList - --> RIFF Tags
'LIST_exif' Exif - --> RIFF Exif Tags
'LIST_hdrl' Hdrl - --> RIFF Hdrl Tags
'LIST_hydt' PentaxData - --> Pentax AVI Tags
'LIST_ncdt' NikonData - --> Nikon AVI Tags
'LIST_pntx' PentaxData2 - --> Pentax AVI Tags
'SGLT' BikeBroAccel - --> QuickTime Stream Tags
'SLLT' BikeBroGPS - --> QuickTime Stream Tags
'VP8 ' VP8Bitstream - --> RIFF VP8 Tags
'VP8L' VP8L - --> RIFF VP8L Tags
'VP8X' VP8X - --> RIFF VP8X Tags
'XMP ' XMP - --> XMP Tags
(WebP files)
'_PMX' XMP - --> XMP Tags
(AVI and WAV files)
'aXML' AXML - --> XMP XML Tags
'acid' Acidizer - --> RIFF Acidizer Tags
'afsp' Afsp no  
'bext' BroadcastExtension - --> RIFF BroadcastExt Tags
'cue ' CuePoints no (config_files/cutepointlist.config from full distribution will decode this and generate a list of cue points with labels)
'ds64' DataSize64 - --> RIFF DS64 Tags
'fact' NumberOfSamples no  
'fmt ' AudioFormat - --> RIFF AudioFormat Tags
'gps0' GPSTrack - --> QuickTime Stream Tags
'gsen' GSensor - --> QuickTime Stream Tags
'iXML' IXML - --> XMP XML Tags
'id3 ' ID3 - --> ID3 Tags
'inst' Instrument - --> RIFF Instrument Tags
'labl' CuePointLabel no  
'list' ListType no  
'ltxt' LabeledText no (CuePointID Length Purpose Country Language Dialect Codepage Text)
'note' CuePointNote no  
'olym' Olym - --> Olympus WAV Tags
'plst' Playlist no  
'smpl' Sampler - --> RIFF Sampler Tags
'tx_USER' UserText - --> RIFF UserText Tags
'tx_Unknown' Text no (streamed text, extracted when the ExtractEmbedded option is used)


WebP alpha chunk.

Index1Tag Name WritableValues / Notes
0 AlphaPreprocessing no [val & 0x3]
0 = none
1 = Level Reduction
0.1 AlphaFiltering no [val & 0x3]
0 = none
1 = Horizontal
2 = Vertical
3 = Gradient
0.2 AlphaCompression no [val & 0x3]
0 = none
1 = Lossless


WebP animation chunk.

Index1Tag Name WritableValues / Notes
0 BackgroundColor no  
4 AnimationLoopCount no  


WebP animation frame chunk.

Index1Tag Name WritableValues / Notes
12 Duration no (extracted as the sum of durations of all animation frames)


Index2Tag Name WritableValues / Notes
0 CodePage no  
1 CountryCode no  
2 LanguageCode no  
3 Dialect no  

RIFF Info Tags

RIFF INFO tags found in AVI video and WAV audio files. Tags which are part of the EXIF 2.3 specification have an underlined Tag Name in the HTML version of this documentation. Other tags are found in AVI files generated by some software.

Tag IDTag Name WritableValues / Notes
'AGES' Rated no  
'CMNT' Comment no  
'CODE' EncodedBy no  
'COMM' Comments no  
'DIRC' Directory no  
'DISP' SoundSchemeTitle no  
'DTIM' DateTimeOriginal no  
'GENR' Genre no  
'IARL' ArchivalLocation no  
'IART' Artist no  
'IAS1' FirstLanguage no  
'IAS2' SecondLanguage no  
'IAS3' ThirdLanguage no  
'IAS4' FourthLanguage no  
'IAS5' FifthLanguage no  
'IAS6' SixthLanguage no  
'IAS7' SeventhLanguage no  
'IAS8' EighthLanguage no  
'IAS9' NinthLanguage no  
'IBSU' BaseURL no  
'ICAS' DefaultAudioStream no  
'ICDS' CostumeDesigner no  
'ICMS' Commissioned no  
'ICMT' Comment no  
'ICNM' Cinematographer no  
'ICNT' Country no  
'ICOP' Copyright no  
'ICRD' DateCreated no  
'ICRP' Cropped no  
'IDIM' Dimensions no  
'IDIT' DateTimeOriginal no  
'IDPI' DotsPerInch no  
'IDST' DistributedBy no  
'IEDT' EditedBy no  
'IENC' EncodedBy no  
'IENG' Engineer no  
'IGNR' Genre no  
'IKEY' Keywords no  
'ILGT' Lightness no  
'ILGU' LogoURL no  
'ILIU' LogoIconURL no  
'ILNG' Language no  
'IMBI' MoreInfoBannerImage no  
'IMBU' MoreInfoBannerURL no  
'IMED' Medium no  
'IMIT' MoreInfoText no  
'IMIU' MoreInfoURL no  
'IMUS' MusicBy no  
'INAM' Title no  
'IPDS' ProductionDesigner no  
'IPLT' NumColors no  
'IPRD' Product no  
'IPRO' ProducedBy no  
'IRIP' RippedBy no  
'IRTD' Rating no  
'ISBJ' Subject no  
'ISFT' Software no  
'ISGN' SecondaryGenre no  
'ISHP' Sharpness no  
'ISMP' TimeCode no  
'ISRC' Source no  
'ISRF' SourceForm no  
'ISTD' ProductionStudio no  
'ISTR' Starring no  
'ITCH' Technician no  
'ITRK' TrackNumber no  
'IWMU' WatermarkURL no  
'IWRI' WrittenBy no  
'LANG' Language no  
'LOCA' Location no  
'PRT1' Part no  
'PRT2' NumberOfParts no  
'RATE' Rate no  
'STAR' Starring no  
'STAT' Statistics no [Value 3]
0 = Bad
1 = OK
'TAPE' TapeName no  
'TCDO' EndTimecode no  
'TCOD' StartTimecode no  
'TITL' Title no  
'TLEN' Length no  
'TORG' Organization no  
'TRCK' TrackNumber no  
'TURL' URL no  
'TVER' Version no  
'VMAJ' VegasVersionMajor no  
'VMIN' VegasVersionMinor no  
'YEAR' Year no  

RIFF Tdat Tags

Tag IDTag Name WritableValues / Notes
[no tags known]

RIFF Exif Tags

These tags are part of the EXIF 2.3 specification for WAV audio files.

Tag IDTag Name WritableValues / Notes
'ecor' Make no  
'emdl' Model no  
'emnt' MakerNotes no  
'erel' RelatedImageFile no  
'etim' TimeCreated no  
'eucm' UserComment no  
'ever' ExifVersion no  

RIFF Hdrl Tags

Tag IDTag Name WritableValues / Notes
'IDIT' DateTimeOriginal no  
'ISMP' TimeCode no  
'LIST_odml' OpenDML - --> RIFF OpenDML Tags
'LIST_strl' Stream - --> RIFF Stream Tags
'avih' AVIHeader - --> RIFF AVIHeader Tags


Tag IDTag Name WritableValues / Notes
'dmlh' ExtendedAVIHeader - --> RIFF ExtAVIHdr Tags


Index4Tag Name WritableValues / Notes
0 TotalFrameCount no  

RIFF Stream Tags

Tag IDTag Name WritableValues / Notes
'strd' StreamData - --> RIFF StreamData Tags
'strf' AudioFormat
--> RIFF AudioFormat Tags
--> BMP Tags
'strh' StreamHeader - --> RIFF StreamHeader Tags
'strn' StreamName no  

RIFF StreamData Tags

This chunk is used to store proprietary information in AVI videos from some cameras. The first 4 characters of the data are used as the Tag ID below.

Tag IDTag Name WritableValues / Notes
'AVIF' AVIF - --> EXIF Tags
'CASI' CasioData - --> Casio AVI Tags
'Zora' VendorName no  
'unknown' UnknownData no  

RIFF AudioFormat Tags

Index2Tag Name WritableValues / Notes
0 Encoding no --> RIFF AudioEncoding Values
1 NumChannels no  
2 SampleRate no  
4 AvgBytesPerSec no  
7 BitsPerSample no  

RIFF AudioEncoding Values

These "TwoCC" audio encoding codes are used in RIFF and ASF files.

0x1= Microsoft PCM
0x2= Microsoft ADPCM
0x3= Microsoft IEEE float
0x4= Compaq VSELP
0x6= Microsoft a-Law
0x7= Microsoft u-Law
0x8= Microsoft DTS
0x9= DRM
0xa= WMA 9 Speech
0xb= Microsoft Windows Media RT Voice
0x11= Intel IMA/DVI-ADPCM
0x12= Videologic Mediaspace ADPCM
0x13= Sierra ADPCM
0x14= Antex G.723 ADPCM
0x15= DSP Solutions DIGISTD
0x16= DSP Solutions DIGIFIX
0x17= Dialoic OKI ADPCM
0x18= Media Vision ADPCM
0x19= HP CU
0x1a= HP Dynamic Voice
0x20= Yamaha ADPCM
0x21= SONARC Speech Compression
0x22= DSP Group True Speech
0x23= Echo Speech Corp.
0x24= Virtual Music Audiofile AF36
0x25= Audio Processing Tech.
0x26= Virtual Music Audiofile AF10
0x27= Aculab Prosody 1612
0x28= Merging Tech. LRC
0x30= Dolby AC2
0x31= Microsoft GSM610
0x32= MSN Audio
0x33= Antex ADPCME
0x34= Control Resources VQLPC
0x35= DSP Solutions DIGIREAL
0x36= DSP Solutions DIGIADPCM
0x37= Control Resources CR10
0x38= Natural MicroSystems VBX ADPCM
0x39= Crystal Semiconductor IMA ADPCM
0x3a= Echo Speech ECHOSC3
0x3b= Rockwell ADPCM
0x3c= Rockwell DIGITALK
0x3d= Xebec Multimedia
0x40= Antex G.721 ADPCM
0x41= Antex G.728 CELP
0x42= Microsoft MSG723
0x45= ITU-T G.726
0x50= Microsoft MPEG
0x51= RT23 or PAC
0x52= InSoft RT24
0x53= InSoft PAC
0x55= MP3
0x59= Cirrus
0x60= Cirrus Logic
0x61= ESS Tech. PCM
0x62= Voxware Inc.
0x63= Canopus ATRAC
0x64= APICOM G.726 ADPCM
0x65= APICOM G.722 ADPCM
0x66= Microsoft DSAT
0x67= Microsoft DSAT DISPLAY
0x69= Voxware Byte Aligned
0x70= Voxware AC8
0x71= Voxware AC10
0x72= Voxware AC16
0x73= Voxware AC20
0x74= Voxware MetaVoice
0x75= Voxware MetaSound
0x76= Voxware RT29HW
0x77= Voxware VR12
0x78= Voxware VR18
0x79= Voxware TQ40
0x7a= Voxware SC3
0x7b= Voxware SC3
0x80= Soundsoft
0x81= Voxware TQ60
0x82= Microsoft MSRT24
0x83= AT&T G.729A
0x84= Motion Pixels MVI MV12
0x85= DataFusion G.726
0x86= DataFusion GSM610
0x88= Iterated Systems Audio
0x89= Onlive
0x8a= Multitude, Inc. FT SX20
0x8b= Infocom ITS A/S G.721 ADPCM
0x8c= Convedia G729
0x8d= Not specified congruency, Inc.
0x91= Siemens SBC24
0x92= Sonic Foundry Dolby AC3 APDIF
0x93= MediaSonic G.723
0x94= Aculab Prosody 8kbps
0x98= Philips LPCBB
0x99= Studer Professional Audio Packed
0xa0= Malden PhonyTalk
0xa1= Racal Recorder GSM
0xa2= Racal Recorder G720.a
0xa3= Racal G723.1
0xa4= Racal Tetra ACELP
0xb0= NEC AAC NEC Corporation
0xff= AAC
0x100= Rhetorex ADPCM
0x101= IBM u-Law
0x102= IBM a-Law
0x103= IBM ADPCM
0x111= Vivo G.723
0x112= Vivo Siren
0x120= Philips Speech Processing CELP
0x121= Philips Speech Processing GRUNDIG
0x123= Digital G.723
0x125= Sanyo LD ADPCM
0x130= Sipro Lab ACEPLNET
0x131= Sipro Lab ACELP4800
0x132= Sipro Lab ACELP8V3
0x133= Sipro Lab G.729
0x134= Sipro Lab G.729A
0x135= Sipro Lab Kelvin
0x136= VoiceAge AMR
0x140= Dictaphone G.726 ADPCM
0x150= Qualcomm PureVoice
0x151= Qualcomm HalfRate
0x155= Ring Zero Systems TUBGSM
0x160= Microsoft Audio1
0x161= Windows Media Audio V2 V7 V8 V9 / DivX audio (WMA) / Alex AC3 Audio
0x162= Windows Media Audio Professional V9
0x163= Windows Media Audio Lossless V9
0x164= WMA Pro over S/PDIF
0x173= UNISYS NAP 16K
0x174= MM SYCOM ACM SYC008 SyCom Technologies
0x175= MM SYCOM ACM SYC701 G726L SyCom Technologies
0x176= MM SYCOM ACM SYC701 CELP54 SyCom Technologies
0x177= MM SYCOM ACM SYC701 CELP68 SyCom Technologies
0x178= Knowledge Adventure ADPCM
0x180= Fraunhofer IIS MPEG2AAC
0x190= Digital Theater Systems DTS DS
0x200= Creative Labs ADPCM
0x202= Creative Labs FASTSPEECH8
0x203= Creative Labs FASTSPEECH10
0x215= Ulead DV ACM
0x216= Ulead DV ACM
0x220= Quarterdeck Corp.
0x230= I-Link VC
0x240= Aureal Semiconductor Raw Sport
0x241= ESST AC3
0x250= Interactive Products HSX
0x251= Interactive Products RPELP
0x260= Consistent CS2
0x270= Sony SCX
0x271= Sony SCY
0x272= Sony ATRAC3
0x273= Sony SPC
0x280= TELUM Telum Inc.
0x281= TELUMIA Telum Inc.
0x285= Norcom Voice Systems ADPCM
0x300= Fujitsu FM TOWNS SND
0x301= Fujitsu (not specified)
0x302= Fujitsu (not specified)
0x303= Fujitsu (not specified)
0x304= Fujitsu (not specified)
0x305= Fujitsu (not specified)
0x306= Fujitsu (not specified)
0x307= Fujitsu (not specified)
0x308= Fujitsu (not specified)
0x350= Micronas Semiconductors, Inc. Development
0x351= Micronas Semiconductors, Inc. CELP833
0x400= Brooktree Digital
0x401= Intel Music Coder (IMC)
0x402= Ligos Indeo Audio
0x450= QDesign Music
0x500= On2 VP7 On2 Technologies
0x501= On2 VP6 On2 Technologies
0x681= AT&T TCP
0x700= YMPEG Alpha (dummy for MPEG-2 compressor)
0x8ae= ClearJump LiteWave (lossless)
0x1000= Olivetti GSM
0x1001= Olivetti ADPCM
0x1002= Olivetti CELP
0x1003= Olivetti SBC
0x1004= Olivetti OPR
0x1100= Lernout & Hauspie
0x1101= Lernout & Hauspie CELP codec
0x1102= Lernout & Hauspie SBC codec
0x1103= Lernout & Hauspie SBC codec
0x1104= Lernout & Hauspie SBC codec
0x1400= Norris Comm. Inc.
0x1401= ISIAudio
0x1500= AT&T Soundspace Music Compression
0x181c= VoxWare RT24 speech codec
0x181e= Lucent elemedia AX24000P Music codec
0x1971= Sonic Foundry LOSSLESS
0x1979= Innings Telecom Inc. ADPCM
0x1c07= Lucent SX8300P speech codec
0x1c0c= Lucent SX5363S G.723 compliant codec
0x1f03= CUseeMe DigiTalk (ex-Rocwell)
0x1fc4= NCT Soft ALF2CD ACM
0x2000= FAST Multimedia DVM
0x2001= Dolby DTS (Digital Theater System)
0x2002= RealAudio 1 / 2 14.4
0x2003= RealAudio 1 / 2 28.8
0x2004= RealAudio G2 / 8 Cook (low bitrate)
0x2005= RealAudio 3 / 4 / 5 Music (DNET)
0x2006= RealAudio 10 AAC (RAAC)
0x2007= RealAudio 10 AAC+ (RACP)
0x2500= Reserved range to 0x2600 Microsoft
0x3313= makeAVIS (ffvfw fake AVI sound from AviSynth scripts)
0x4143= Divio MPEG-4 AAC audio
0x4201= Nokia adaptive multirate
0x4243= Divio G726 Divio, Inc.
0x434c= LEAD Speech
0x564c= LEAD Vorbis
0x5756= WavPack Audio
0x674f= Ogg Vorbis (mode 1)
0x6750= Ogg Vorbis (mode 2)
0x6751= Ogg Vorbis (mode 3)
0x676f= Ogg Vorbis (mode 1+)
0x6770= Ogg Vorbis (mode 2+)
0x6771= Ogg Vorbis (mode 3+)
0x7000= 3COM NBX 3Com Corporation
0x706d= FAAD AAC
0x7a21= GSM-AMR (CBR, no SID)
0x7a22= GSM-AMR (VBR, including SID)
0xa100= Comverse Infosys Ltd. G723 1
0xa101= Comverse Infosys Ltd. AVQSBC
0xa102= Comverse Infosys Ltd. OLDSBC
0xa103= Symbol Technologies G729A
0xa104= VoiceAge AMR WB VoiceAge Corporation
0xa105= Ingenient Technologies Inc. G726
0xa106= ISO/MPEG-4 advanced audio Coding
0xa107= Encore Software Ltd G726
0xa109= Speex ACM Codec xiph.org
0xdfac= DebugMode SonicFoundry Vegas FrameServer ACM Codec
0xe708= Unknown -
0xf1ac= Free Lossless Audio Codec FLAC
0xfffe= Extensible
0xffff= Development

RIFF StreamHeader Tags

Index4Tag Name WritableValues / Notes
0 StreamType no 'auds' = Audio
'iavs' = Interleaved Audio+Video
'mids' = MIDI
'txts' = Text
'vids' = Video
1 AudioCodec
5 AudioSampleRate
8 AudioSampleCount
10 Quality no  
11 SampleSize no  

RIFF AVIHeader Tags

Index4Tag Name WritableValues / Notes
0 FrameRate no  
1 MaxDataRate no  
4 FrameCount no  
6 StreamCount no  
8 ImageWidth no  
9 ImageHeight no  


This chunk is found in simple-format (lossy) WebP files. See https://developers.google.com/speed/webp/docs/riff_container for the WebP container specification.

Index1Tag Name WritableValues / Notes
0 VP8Version no [val >> 1 & 0x7]
0 = 0 (bicubic reconstruction, normal loop)
1 = 1 (bilinear reconstruction, simple loop)
2 = 2 (bilinear reconstruction, no loop)
3 = 3 (no reconstruction, no loop)
6 ImageWidth no [val & 0x3fff]
6.1 HorizontalScale no [val >> 14 & 0x3]
8 ImageHeight no [val & 0x3fff]
8.1 VerticalScale no [val >> 14 & 0x3]


This chunk is found in lossless WebP files.

Index1Tag Name WritableValues / Notes
1 ImageWidth no  
2 ImageHeight no  


This chunk is found in extended WebP files.

Index1Tag Name WritableValues / Notes
0 WebP_Flags no (flags used in Extended WebP images)
Bit 1 = Animation
Bit 2 = XMP
Bit 3 = EXIF
Bit 4 = Alpha
Bit 5 = ICC Profile
4 ImageWidth no  
6 ImageHeight no  

RIFF Acidizer Tags

Index1Tag Name WritableValues / Notes
0 AcidizerFlags no Bit 0 = One shot
Bit 1 = Root note set
Bit 2 = Stretch
Bit 3 = Disk-based
Bit 4 = High octave
4 RootNote no
48 = C
49 = C#
50 = D
51 = D#
52 = E
53 = F
54 = F#
55 = G
   56 = G#
57 = A
58 = A#
59 = B
60 = High C
61 = High C#
62 = High D
63 = High D#
   64 = High E
65 = High F
66 = High F#
67 = High G
68 = High G#
69 = High A
70 = High A#
71 = High B
12 Beats no  
16 Meter no  
20 Tempo no  

RIFF BroadcastExt Tags

Information found in the Broadcast Audio Extension chunk (see http://tech.ebu.ch/docs/tech/tech3285.pdf).

Index1Tag Name WritableValues / Notes
0 Description no  
256 Originator no  
288 OriginatorReference no  
320 DateTimeOriginal no  
338 TimeReference no (first sample count since midnight)
346 BWFVersion no  
348 BWF_UMID no  
602 CodingHistory no  

RIFF DS64 Tags

64-bit data sizes for MBWF/RF64 files. See https://tech.ebu.ch/docs/tech/tech3306-2009.pdf for the specification.

Index8Tag Name WritableValues / Notes
0 RIFFSize64 no  
1 DataSize64 no  
2 NumberOfSamples64 no  

RIFF Instrument Tags

Index1Tag Name WritableValues / Notes
0 UnshiftedNote no  
1 FineTune no  
2 Gain no  
3 LowNote no  
4 HighNote no  
5 LowVelocity no  
6 HighVelocity no  

RIFF Sampler Tags

Index4Tag Name WritableValues / Notes
0 Manufacturer no  
1 Product no  
2 SamplePeriod no  
3 MIDIUnityNote no  
4 MIDIPitchFraction no  
5 SMPTEFormat no 0 = none
24 = 24 fps
25 = 25 fps
29 = 29 fps
30 = 30 fps
6 SMPTEOffset no (HH:MM:SS:FF)
7 NumSampleLoops no  
8 SamplerDataLen no  
9 SamplerData no  

RIFF UserText Tags

Tags decoded from the USER-format txts stream written by Momento M6 dashcam. Extracted only if the ExtractEmbedded option is used.

Index1Tag Name WritableValues / Notes
28 GPSAltitude no  
40 Accelerometer no  
56 GPSSpeed no  
60 GPSLatitude no  
64 GPSLongitude no  
68 GPSDateTime no  

(This document generated automatically by Image::ExifTool::BuildTagLookup)
Last revised Oct 19, 2022

<-- ExifTool Tag Names