ID3 Tags

ExifTool extracts ID3 and Lyrics3 information from MP3, MPEG, WAV, AIFF, OGG, FLAC, APE, MPC and RealAudio files. ID3v2 tags which support multiple languages (eg. Comment and Lyrics) are extracted by specifying the tag name, followed by a dash ('-'), then a 3-character ISO 639-2 language code (eg. "Comment-spa"). See for the official ID3 specification and for a list of ISO 639-2 language codes.

Tag Name WritableValues / Notes
ID3v1 - --> ID3 v1 Tags
ID3v1_Enh - --> ID3 v1_Enh Tags
ID3v2_2 - --> ID3 v2_2 Tags
ID3v2_3 - --> ID3 v2_3 Tags
ID3v2_4 - --> ID3 v2_4 Tags

ID3 v1 Tags

Index1Tag Name WritableValues / Notes
3 Title no  
33 Artist no  
63 Album no  
93 Year no  
97 Comment no  
125 Track no (v1.1 addition -- last 2 bytes of v1.0 Comment field)
127 Genre no (CR and RX are ID3v2 only)
0 = Blues
1 = Classic Rock
2 = Country
3 = Dance
4 = Disco
5 = Funk
6 = Grunge
7 = Hip-Hop
8 = Jazz
9 = Metal
10 = New Age
11 = Oldies
12 = Other
13 = Pop
14 = R&B
15 = Rap
16 = Reggae
17 = Rock
18 = Techno
19 = Industrial
20 = Alternative
21 = Ska
22 = Death Metal
23 = Pranks
24 = Soundtrack
25 = Euro-Techno
26 = Ambient
27 = Trip-Hop
28 = Vocal
29 = Jazz+Funk
30 = Fusion
31 = Trance
32 = Classical
33 = Instrumental
34 = Acid
35 = House
36 = Game
37 = Sound Clip
38 = Gospel
39 = Noise
40 = Alt. Rock
41 = Bass
42 = Soul
43 = Punk
44 = Space
45 = Meditative
46 = Instrumental Pop
47 = Instrumental Rock
48 = Ethnic
49 = Gothic
50 = Darkwave
51 = Techno-Industrial
52 = Electronic
53 = Pop-Folk
54 = Eurodance
55 = Dream
56 = Southern Rock
57 = Comedy
58 = Cult
59 = Gangsta Rap
60 = Top 40
61 = Christian Rap
62 = Pop/Funk
63 = Jungle
64 = Native American
   65 = Cabaret
66 = New Wave
67 = Psychedelic
68 = Rave
69 = Showtunes
70 = Trailer
71 = Lo-Fi
72 = Tribal
73 = Acid Punk
74 = Acid Jazz
75 = Polka
76 = Retro
77 = Musical
78 = Rock & Roll
79 = Hard Rock
80 = Folk
81 = Folk-Rock
82 = National Folk
83 = Swing
84 = Fast-Fusion
85 = Bebop
86 = Latin
87 = Revival
88 = Celtic
89 = Bluegrass
90 = Avantgarde
91 = Gothic Rock
92 = Progressive Rock
93 = Psychedelic Rock
94 = Symphonic Rock
95 = Slow Rock
96 = Big Band
97 = Chorus
98 = Easy Listening
99 = Acoustic
100 = Humour
101 = Speech
102 = Chanson
103 = Opera
104 = Chamber Music
105 = Sonata
106 = Symphony
107 = Booty Bass
108 = Primus
109 = Porn Groove
110 = Satire
111 = Slow Jam
112 = Club
113 = Tango
114 = Samba
115 = Folklore
116 = Ballad
117 = Power Ballad
118 = Rhythmic Soul
119 = Freestyle
120 = Duet
121 = Punk Rock
122 = Drum Solo
123 = A Cappella
124 = Euro-House
125 = Dance Hall
126 = Goa
127 = Drum & Bass
128 = Club-House
129 = Hardcore
   130 = Terror
131 = Indie
132 = BritPop
133 = Afro-Punk
134 = Polsk Punk
135 = Beat
136 = Christian Gangsta Rap
137 = Heavy Metal
138 = Black Metal
139 = Crossover
140 = Contemporary Christian
141 = Christian Rock
142 = Merengue
143 = Salsa
144 = Thrash Metal
145 = Anime
146 = JPop
147 = Synthpop
148 = Abstract
149 = Art Rock
150 = Baroque
151 = Bhangra
152 = Big Beat
153 = Breakbeat
154 = Chillout
155 = Downtempo
156 = Dub
157 = EBM
158 = Eclectic
159 = Electro
160 = Electroclash
161 = Emo
162 = Experimental
163 = Garage
164 = Global
165 = IDM
166 = Illbient
167 = Industro-Goth
168 = Jam Band
169 = Krautrock
170 = Leftfield
171 = Lounge
172 = Math Rock
173 = New Romantic
174 = Nu-Breakz
175 = Post-Punk
176 = Post-Rock
177 = Psytrance
178 = Shoegaze
179 = Space Rock
180 = Trop Rock
181 = World Music
182 = Neoclassical
183 = Audiobook
184 = Audio Theatre
185 = Neue Deutsche Welle
186 = Podcast
187 = Indie Rock
188 = G-Funk
189 = Dubstep
190 = Garage Rock
191 = Psybient
255 = None
'CR' = Cover
'RX' = Remix

ID3 v1_Enh Tags

ID3 version 1 "Enhanced TAG" information (not part of the official spec).

Index1Tag Name WritableValues / Notes
4 Title2 no  
64 Artist2 no  
124 Album2 no  
184 Speed no 1 = Slow
2 = Medium
3 = Fast
4 = Hardcore
185 Genre no  
215 StartTime no  
221 EndTime no  

ID3 v2_2 Tags

ExifTool extracts mainly text-based tags from ID3v2 information. The tags in the tables below are those extracted by ExifTool, and don't represent a complete list of available ID3v2 tags.

ID3 version 2.2 tags. (These are the tags written by iTunes 5.0.)

Tag IDTag Name WritableValues / Notes
'CNT' PlayCounter no  
'COM' Comment no  
'IPL' InvolvedPeople no  
'ITU' iTunesU? no  
'PCS' Podcast? no  
'PIC' Picture no (the 3 tags below are also extracted from this PIC frame)
'PIC-1' PictureFormat no  
'PIC-2' PictureType no --> ID3 PictureType Values
'PIC-3' PictureDescription no  
'POP' Popularimeter no  
'RVA' RelativeVolumeAdjustment no  
'SLT' SynLyrics - --> ID3 SynLyrics Tags
'TAL' Album no  
'TBP' BeatsPerMinute no  
'TCM' Composer no  
'TCO' Genre no (uses same lookup table as ID3v1 Genre)
'TCP' Compilation no 0 = No
1 = Yes
'TCR' Copyright no  
'TDA' Date no  
'TDY' PlaylistDelay no  
'TEN' EncodedBy no  
'TFT' FileType no  
'TIM' Time no  
'TKE' InitialKey no  
'TLA' Language no  
'TLE' Length no  
'TMT' Media no  
'TOA' OriginalArtist no  
'TOF' OriginalFileName no  
'TOL' OriginalLyricist no  
'TOR' OriginalReleaseYear no  
'TOT' OriginalAlbum no  
'TP1' Artist no  
'TP2' Band no  
'TP3' Conductor no  
'TP4' InterpretedBy no  
'TPA' PartOfSet no  
'TPB' Publisher no  
'TRC' ISRC no  
'TRD' RecordingDates no  
'TRK' Track no  
'TS2' AlbumArtistSortOrder no  
'TSA' AlbumSortOrder no  
'TSC' ComposerSortOrder no  
'TSI' Size no  
'TSP' PerformerSortOrder no  
'TSS' EncoderSettings no  
'TST' TitleSortOrder no  
'TT1' Grouping no  
'TT2' Title no  
'TT3' Subtitle no  
'TXT' Lyricist no  
'TXX' UserDefinedText no  
'TYE' Year no  
'ULT' Lyrics no  
'WAF' FileURL no  
'WAR' ArtistURL no  
'WAS' SourceURL no  
'WCM' CommercialURL no  
'WCP' CopyrightURL no  
'WPB' PublisherURL no  
'WXX' UserDefinedURL no  

ID3 PictureType Values

0= Other 7= Lead Artist 14= Recording Session
1= 32x32 PNG Icon 8= Artist 15= Performance
2= Other Icon 9= Conductor 16= Capture from Movie or Video
3= Front Cover 10= Band 17= Bright(ly) Colored Fish
4= Back Cover 11= Composer 18= Illustration
5= Leaflet 12= Lyricist 19= Band Logo
6= Media 13= Recording Studio or Location 20= Publisher Logo

ID3 SynLyrics Tags

The following tags are extracted from synchronized lyrics/text frames.

Tag Name WritableValues / Notes
SynchronizedLyricsDescription no  
SynchronizedLyricsText no+ (each list item has a leading time stamp in square brackets. Time stamps may be in seconds with format [], or MPEG frames with format [FFFF], depending on how this information was stored)
SynchronizedLyricsType no
0 = Other
1 = Lyrics
2 = Text Transcription
3 = Movement/part Name
4 = Events
5 = Chord
6 = Trivia/"pop-up" Information
7 = Web Page URL
8 = Image URL

ID3 v2_3 Tags

ID3 version 2.3 tags. Includes some non-standard tags written by other software.

Tag IDTag Name WritableValues / Notes
'APIC' Picture no (the 3 tags below are also extracted from this APIC frame)
'APIC-1' PictureMIMEType no  
'APIC-2' PictureType no --> ID3 PictureType Values
'APIC-3' PictureDescription no  
'COMM' Comment no  
'GRP1' Grouping no  
'IPLS' InvolvedPeople no  
'ITNU' iTunesU? no  
'MCDI' MusicCDIdentifier no  
'MVIN' MovementNumber no  
'MVNM' MovementName no  
'OWNE' Ownership no  
'PCNT' PlayCounter no  
'PCST' Podcast? no  
'POPM' Popularimeter no  
'PRIV' Private - --> ID3 Private Tags
'SYLT' SynLyrics - --> ID3 SynLyrics Tags
'TALB' Album no  
'TBPM' BeatsPerMinute no  
'TCAT' PodcastCategory no  
'TCMP' Compilation no 0 = No
1 = Yes
'TCOM' Composer no  
'TCON' Genre no (uses same lookup table as ID3v1 Genre)
'TCOP' Copyright no  
'TDAT' Date no  
'TDES' PodcastDescription no  
'TDLY' PlaylistDelay no  
'TENC' EncodedBy no  
'TEXT' Lyricist no  
'TFLT' FileType no  
'TGID' PodcastID no  
'TIME' Time no  
'TIT1' Grouping no  
'TIT2' Title no  
'TIT3' Subtitle no  
'TKEY' InitialKey no  
'TKWD' PodcastKeywords no  
'TLAN' Language no  
'TLEN' Length no  
'TMED' Media no  
'TOAL' OriginalAlbum no  
'TOFN' OriginalFileName no  
'TOLY' OriginalLyricist no  
'TOPE' OriginalArtist no  
'TORY' OriginalReleaseYear no  
'TOWN' FileOwner no  
'TPE1' Artist no  
'TPE2' Band no  
'TPE3' Conductor no  
'TPE4' InterpretedBy no  
'TPOS' PartOfSet no  
'TPUB' Publisher no  
'TRCK' Track no  
'TRDA' RecordingDates no  
'TRSN' InternetRadioStationName no  
'TRSO' InternetRadioStationOwner no  
'TSIZ' Size no  
'TSO2' AlbumArtistSortOrder no  
'TSOC' ComposerSortOrder no  
'TSRC' ISRC no  
'TSSE' EncoderSettings no  
'TXXX' UserDefinedText no  
'TYER' Year no  
'USER' TermsOfUse no  
'USLT' Lyrics no  
'WCOM' CommercialURL no  
'WCOP' CopyrightURL no  
'WFED' PodcastURL no  
'WOAF' FileURL no  
'WOAR' ArtistURL no  
'WOAS' SourceURL no  
'WORS' InternetRadioStationURL no  
'WPAY' PaymentURL no  
'WPUB' PublisherURL no  
'WXXX' UserDefinedURL no  
'XDOR' OriginalReleaseTime no  
'XOLY' OlympusDSS - --> Olympus DSS Tags
'XSOA' AlbumSortOrder no  
'XSOP' PerformerSortOrder no  
'XSOT' TitleSortOrder no  

ID3 Private Tags

ID3 private (PRIV) tags. ExifTool will decode any private tags found, even if they do not appear in this table.

Tag Name WritableValues / Notes
AverageLevel no  
PeakValue no  
WM_CollectionGroupID no  
WM_CollectionID no  
WM_ContentID no  
WM_MediaClassPrimaryID no  
WM_MediaClassSecondaryID no  
WM_Provider no  
XMP - --> XMP Tags

ID3 v2_4 Tags

ID3 version 2.4 tags. Includes some non-standard tags written by other software.

Tag IDTag Name WritableValues / Notes
'APIC' Picture no (the 3 tags below are also extracted from this APIC frame)
'APIC-1' PictureMIMEType no  
'APIC-2' PictureType no --> ID3 PictureType Values
'APIC-3' PictureDescription no  
'COMM' Comment no  
'GRP1' Grouping no  
'ITNU' iTunesU? no  
'MCDI' MusicCDIdentifier no  
'MVIN' MovementNumber no  
'MVNM' MovementName no  
'OWNE' Ownership no  
'PCNT' PlayCounter no  
'PCST' Podcast? no  
'POPM' Popularimeter no  
'PRIV' Private - --> ID3 Private Tags
'RVA2' RelativeVolumeAdjustment no  
'SYLT' SynLyrics - --> ID3 SynLyrics Tags
'TALB' Album no  
'TBPM' BeatsPerMinute no  
'TCAT' PodcastCategory no  
'TCMP' Compilation no 0 = No
1 = Yes
'TCOM' Composer no  
'TCON' Genre no (uses same lookup table as ID3v1 Genre)
'TCOP' Copyright no  
'TDEN' EncodingTime no  
'TDES' PodcastDescription no  
'TDLY' PlaylistDelay no  
'TDOR' OriginalReleaseTime no  
'TDRC' RecordingTime no  
'TDRL' ReleaseTime no  
'TDTG' TaggingTime no  
'TENC' EncodedBy no  
'TEXT' Lyricist no  
'TFLT' FileType no  
'TGID' PodcastID no  
'TIPL' InvolvedPeople no  
'TIT1' Grouping no  
'TIT2' Title no  
'TIT3' Subtitle no  
'TKEY' InitialKey no  
'TKWD' PodcastKeywords no  
'TLAN' Language no  
'TLEN' Length no  
'TMCL' MusicianCredits no  
'TMED' Media no  
'TMOO' Mood no  
'TOAL' OriginalAlbum no  
'TOFN' OriginalFileName no  
'TOLY' OriginalLyricist no  
'TOPE' OriginalArtist no  
'TOWN' FileOwner no  
'TPE1' Artist no  
'TPE2' Band no  
'TPE3' Conductor no  
'TPE4' InterpretedBy no  
'TPOS' PartOfSet no  
'TPRO' ProducedNotice no  
'TPUB' Publisher no  
'TRCK' Track no  
'TRSN' InternetRadioStationName no  
'TRSO' InternetRadioStationOwner no  
'TSO2' AlbumArtistSortOrder no  
'TSOA' AlbumSortOrder no  
'TSOC' ComposerSortOrder no  
'TSOP' PerformerSortOrder no  
'TSOT' TitleSortOrder no  
'TSRC' ISRC no  
'TSSE' EncoderSettings no  
'TSST' SetSubtitle no  
'TXXX' UserDefinedText no  
'USER' TermsOfUse no  
'USLT' Lyrics no  
'WCOM' CommercialURL no  
'WCOP' CopyrightURL no  
'WFED' PodcastURL no  
'WOAF' FileURL no  
'WOAR' ArtistURL no  
'WOAS' SourceURL no  
'WORS' InternetRadioStationURL no  
'WPAY' PaymentURL no  
'WPUB' PublisherURL no  
'WXXX' UserDefinedURL no  
'XDOR' OriginalReleaseTime no  
'XOLY' OlympusDSS - --> Olympus DSS Tags
'XSOA' AlbumSortOrder no  
'XSOP' PerformerSortOrder no  
'XSOT' TitleSortOrder no  

ID3 Lyrics3 Tags

ExifTool extracts Lyrics3 version 1.00 and 2.00 tags from any file that supports ID3. See for the specification.

Tag IDTag Name WritableValues / Notes
'AUT' Author no  
'CRC' CRC no  
'EAL' ExtendedAlbumName no  
'EAR' ExtendedArtistName no  
'ETT' ExtendedTrackTitle no  
'IMG' AssociatedImageFile no  
'IND' Indications no  
'INF' AdditionalInfo no  
'LYR' Lyrics no  

(This document generated automatically by Image::ExifTool::BuildTagLookup)
Last revised Jun 1, 2022

<-- ExifTool Tag Names