PDF Tags

The tags listed in the PDF tables below are those which are used by ExifTool to extract meta information, but they are only a small fraction of the total number of available PDF tags. See http://www.adobe.com/devnet/pdf/pdf_reference.html for the official PDF specification.

ExifTool supports reading and writing PDF documents up to version 1.7 extension level 3, including support for RC4, AES-128 and AES-256 encryption. A Password option is provided to allow processing of password-protected PDF files.

ExifTool may be used to write native PDF and XMP metadata to PDF files. It uses an incremental update technique that has the advantages of being both fast and reversible. If ExifTool was used to modify a PDF file, the original may be recovered by deleting the PDF-update pseudo-group (with -PDF-update:all= on the command line). However, there are two main disadvantages to this technique:

1) A linearized PDF file is no longer linearized after the update, so it must be subsequently re-linearized if this is required.

2) All metadata edits are reversible. While this would normally be considered an advantage, it is a potential security problem because old information is never actually deleted from the file. (However, after running ExifTool the old information may be removed permanently using the "qpdf" utility with this command: "qpdf --linearize in.pdf out.pdf".)

Tag IDTag Name WritableValues / Notes
'Encrypt' Encrypt - --> PDF Encrypt Tags
'Info' Info - --> PDF Info Tags
'Root' Root - --> PDF Root Tags
'_linearized' Linearized no (flag set if document is linearized for fast web display; not a real Tag ID)
'false' = No
'true' = Yes

PDF Encrypt Tags

Tags extracted from the document Encrypt dictionary.

Tag IDTag Name WritableValues / Notes
'Filter' Encryption no (extracted value is actually a combination of the Filter, SubFilter, V, R and Length information from the Encrypt dictionary)
'P' UserAccess no
Bit 2 = Print
Bit 3 = Modify
Bit 4 = Copy
Bit 5 = Annotate
   Bit 8 = Fill forms
Bit 9 = Extract
Bit 10 = Assemble
Bit 11 = Print high-res

PDF Info Tags

As well as the tags listed below, the PDF specification allows for user-defined tags to exist in the Info dictionary. These tags, which should have corresponding XMP-pdfx entries in the XMP of the PDF XML Metadata object, are also extracted by ExifTool.

Writable specifies the value format, and may be string, date, integer, real, boolean or name for PDF tags.

Tag IDTag Name WritableValues / Notes
'AAPL:Keywords' AppleKeywords string+ (keywords written by Apple utilities, although they seem to use PDF:Keywords when reading)
'Author' Author string  
'CreationDate' CreateDate date  
'Creator' Creator string  
'Keywords' Keywords string+  
'ModDate' ModifyDate date  
'Producer' Producer string  
'Subject' Subject string  
'Title' Title string  
'Trapped' Trapped string!  

PDF Root Tags

This is the PDF document catalog.

Tag IDTag Name WritableValues / Notes
'AcroForm' AcroForm - --> PDF AcroForm Tags
'Lang' Language no  
'MarkInfo' MarkInfo - --> PDF MarkInfo Tags
'Metadata' Metadata - --> PDF Metadata Tags
'PageLayout' PageLayout no  
'PageMode' PageMode no  
'Pages' Pages - --> PDF Pages Tags
'Perms' Perms - --> PDF Perms Tags
'Version' PDFVersion no  

PDF AcroForm Tags

Tag IDTag Name WritableValues / Notes
'_has_xfa' HasXFA no (this tag is defined if a document contains form fields, and is true if it uses XML Forms Architecture; not a real Tag ID)
'false' = No
'true' = Yes

PDF MarkInfo Tags

Tag IDTag Name WritableValues / Notes
'Marked' TaggedPDF no (not a Tagged PDF if this tag is missing)
'false' = No
'true' = Yes

PDF Metadata Tags

Tag IDTag Name WritableValues / Notes
'XML_stream' XMP - --> XMP Tags

PDF Pages Tags

Tag IDTag Name WritableValues / Notes
'Count' PageCount no  
'Kids' Kids - --> PDF Kids Tags

PDF Kids Tags

Tag IDTag Name WritableValues / Notes
'Kids' Kids - --> PDF Kids Tags
'Metadata' Metadata - --> PDF Metadata Tags
'PieceInfo' PieceInfo - --> PDF PieceInfo Tags
'Resources' Resources - --> PDF Resources Tags

PDF PieceInfo Tags

Tag IDTag Name WritableValues / Notes
'AdobePhotoshop' AdobePhotoshop - --> PDF AdobePhotoshop Tags
'Illustrator' Illustrator - --> PDF Illustrator Tags

PDF AdobePhotoshop Tags

Tag IDTag Name WritableValues / Notes
'Private' Private - --> PDF Private Tags

PDF Private Tags

Tag IDTag Name WritableValues / Notes
'ImageResources' ImageResources - --> PDF ImageResources Tags

PDF ImageResources Tags

Tag IDTag Name WritableValues / Notes
'_stream' _stream - --> Photoshop Tags

PDF Illustrator Tags

Tag IDTag Name WritableValues / Notes
'Private' Private - --> PDF AIPrivate Tags

PDF AIPrivate Tags

Tag IDTag Name WritableValues / Notes
'AIMetaData' AIMetaData - --> PDF AIMetaData Tags
'AIPDFPrivateData' AIPDFPrivateData - --> PostScript Tags
'AIPrivateData' AIPrivateData - --> PostScript Tags
(the ExtractEmbedded option enables information to be extracted from embedded PostScript documents in the AIPrivateData# and AIPDFPrivateData# streams)
'ContainerVersion' ContainerVersion no  
'CreatorVersion' CreatorVersion no  
'RoundTripVersion' RoundTripVersion no  

PDF AIMetaData Tags

Tag IDTag Name WritableValues / Notes
'_stream' _stream - --> PostScript Tags

PDF Resources Tags

Tag IDTag Name WritableValues / Notes
'ColorSpace' ColorSpace - --> PDF ColorSpace Tags
'Properties' Properties - --> PDF Properties Tags
'XObject' XObject - --> PDF XObject Tags

PDF ColorSpace Tags

Tag IDTag Name WritableValues / Notes
'CS0' CS0 - --> PDF DefaultRGB Tags
'Cs1' Cs1 - --> PDF DefaultRGB Tags
'DefaultCMYK' DefaultCMYK - --> PDF DefaultRGB Tags
'DefaultRGB' DefaultRGB - --> PDF DefaultRGB Tags

PDF DefaultRGB Tags

Tag IDTag Name WritableValues / Notes
'ICCBased' ICCBased - --> PDF ICCBased Tags

PDF ICCBased Tags

Tag IDTag Name WritableValues / Notes
'_stream' _stream - --> ICC_Profile Tags

PDF Properties Tags

Tag IDTag Name WritableValues / Notes
'MC' MC - --> PDF MC Tags
(the ExtractEmbedded option enables information to be extracted from these embedded metadata dictionaries)


Tag IDTag Name WritableValues / Notes
'Metadata' Metadata - --> PDF Metadata Tags

PDF XObject Tags

Tag IDTag Name WritableValues / Notes
'Im' Im - --> PDF Im Tags
(the ExtractEmbedded option enables information to be extracted from these embedded images)

PDF Im Tags

Information extracted from embedded images with the ExtractEmbedded option. The EmbeddedImage and its metadata are extracted only for JPEG and Jpeg2000 image formats.

Tag IDTag Name WritableValues / Notes
'ColorSpace' EmbeddedImageColorSpace no+  
'Filter' EmbeddedImageFilter no+  
'Height' EmbeddedImageHeight no  
'Image_stream' EmbeddedImage no  
'Width' EmbeddedImageWidth no  

PDF Perms Tags

Additional document permissions imposed by digital signatures.

Tag IDTag Name WritableValues / Notes
'DocMDP' DocMDP - --> PDF Signature Tags
'FieldMDP' FieldMDP - --> PDF Signature Tags
'UR3' UR3 - --> PDF Signature Tags

PDF Signature Tags

Tag IDTag Name WritableValues / Notes
'ContactInfo' SignerContactInfo no  
'Location' SigningLocation no  
'M' SigningDate no  
'Name' SigningAuthority no  
'Prop_AuthTime' AuthenticationTime no  
'Prop_AuthType' AuthenticationType no  
'Reason' SigningReason no  
'Reference' Reference - --> PDF Reference Tags

PDF Reference Tags

Tag IDTag Name WritableValues / Notes
'TransformParams' TransformParams - --> PDF TransformParams Tags

PDF TransformParams Tags

Tag IDTag Name WritableValues / Notes
'Action' FieldPermissions no (FieldMDP signatures only)
'All' = Disallow changes to all form fields
'Exclude' = Allow changes to specified form fields
'Include' = Disallow changes to specified form fields
'Annots' AnnotationUsageRights no+ (possible values are Create, Delete, Modify, Copy, Import and Export; additional values for UR3 signatures are Online and SummaryView)
'Document' DocumentUsageRights no+ (only possible value is FullSave)
'EF' EmbeddedFileUsageRights no+ (possible values are Create, Delete, Modify and Import)
'Fields' FormFields no+ (FieldMDP signatures only)
'Form' FormUsageRights no+ (possible values are FillIn, Import, Export, SubmitStandalone and SpawnTemplate; additional values for UR3 signatures are BarcodePlaintext and Online)
'FormEX' FormExtraUsageRights no+ (UR signatures only; only possible value is BarcodePlaintext)
'Msg' UsageRightsMessage no  
'P' ModificationPermissions no (1-3 for DocMDP signatures, default 2; true/false for UR3 signatures, default false)
1 = No changes permitted
2 = Fill forms, Create page templates, Sign
3 = Fill forms, Create page templates, Sign, Create/Delete/Edit annotations
'false' = Do not restrict applications to reader permissions
'true' = Restrict all applications to reader permissions
'Signature' SignatureUsageRights no+ (only possible value is Modify)

(This document generated automatically by Image::ExifTool::BuildTagLookup)
Last revised Oct 27, 2021

<-- ExifTool Tag Names