GoPro GPMF Tags

Tags extracted from the GPMF box of GoPro MP4 videos, the APP6 "GoPro" segment of JPEG files, and from the "gpmd" timed metadata if the ExtractEmbedded (-ee) option is enabled. Many more tags exist, but are currently unknown and extracted only with the Unknown (-u) option. Please let me know if you discover the meaning of any of these unknown tags. See for details about this format.

Tag IDTag Name WritableValues / Notes
'ACCL' Accelerometer no (accelerator readings in m/s2)
'ALLD' AutoLowLightDuration no  
'ATTD' Attitude no  
'ATTR' AttitudeTarget no  
'AUDO' AudioSetting no  
'BPOS' Controller? no  
'CASN' CameraSerialNumber no  
'CSEN' CoyoteSense no  
'CYTS' CoyoteStatus no  
'DEVC' DeviceContainer - --> GoPro GPMF Tags
'DVID' DeviceID? no  
'DVNM' DeviceName no  
'DZOM' DigitalZoom no 'N' = No
'Y' = Yes
'EISA' ElectronicImageStabilization no  
'EMPT' Empty? no  
'ESCS' EscapeStatus? no  
'EXPT' MaximumShutterAngle no  
'FACE' FaceDetected no  
'FCNM' FaceNumbers no  
'FMWR' FirmwareVersion no  
'FWVS' OtherFirmware no  
'GLPI' GPSPos - --> GoPro GLPI Tags
'GPRI' GPSRaw? - --> GoPro GPRI Tags
'GPS5' GPSInfo - --> GoPro GPS5 Tags
'GPSF' GPSMeasureMode no 2 = 2-Dimensional Measurement
3 = 3-Dimensional Measurement
'GPSP' GPSHPositioningError no  
'GPSU' GPSDateTime no  
'GYRO' Gyroscope no (gyroscope readings in rad/s)
'ISOE' ISOSpeeds no  
'ISOG' ImageSensorGain no  
'KBAT' BatteryStatus - --> GoPro KBAT Tags
'LNED' LocalPositionNED no  
'MAGN' Magnetometer no  
'MINF' Model no  
'MTRX' AccelerometerMatrix no  
'MUID' MediaUniqueID no  
'OREN' AutoRotation no 'A' = Auto
'D' = Down
'U' = Up
'ORIN' InputOrientation no  
'ORIO' OutputOrientation no  
'PHDR' HDRSetting no  
'PIMN' AutoISOMin no  
'PIMX' AutoISOMax no  
'PRES' PhotoResolution no  
'PRTN' ProTune no 'N' = Off
'Y' = On
'PTCL' ColorMode no  
'PTEV' ExposureCompensation no  
'PTSH' Sharpness no  
'PTWB' WhiteBalance no  
'RATE' Rate no  
'RMRK' Comments no  
'SCAL' ScaleFactor? no  
'SCPR' ScaledPressure no  
'SHUT' ExposureTimes no  
'SIMU' ScaledIMU no  
'SIUN' SIUnits? no  
'SROT' SensorReadoutTime no  
'STMP' TimeStamp no  
'STNM' StreamName? no  
'STRM' NestedSignalStream - --> GoPro GPMF Tags
'SYST' SystemTime no  
'TMPC' CameraTemperature no  
'TSMP' TotalSamples? no  
'TYPE' StructureType? no  
'UNIF' InputUniformity no  
'UNIT' Units? no  
'VERS' MetadataVersion no  
'VFOV' FieldOfView no 'L' = Linear
'S' = Super View
'W' = Wide
'VFRH' VisualFlightRulesHUD no  
'WBAL' ColorTemperatures no  
'WRGB' WhiteBalanceRGB no  

GoPro GLPI Tags

IndexTag Name WritableValues / Notes
0 GPSDateTime no  
1 GPSLatitude no  
2 GPSLongitude no  
3 GPSAltitude no  
5 GPSSpeedX no  
6 GPSSpeedY no  
7 GPSSpeedZ no  
8 GPSTrack no  

GoPro GPRI Tags

IndexTag Name WritableValues / Notes
0 GPSDateTimeRaw no  
1 GPSLatitudeRaw no  
2 GPSLongitudeRaw no  
3 GPSAltitudeRaw no  
6 GPSSpeedRaw no  
7 GPSTrackRaw no  

GoPro GPS5 Tags

IndexTag Name WritableValues / Notes
0 GPSLatitude no  
1 GPSLongitude no  
2 GPSAltitude no  
3 GPSSpeed no  
4 GPSSpeed3D no  

GoPro KBAT Tags

Battery status information found in GoPro Karma videos.

IndexTag Name WritableValues / Notes
0 BatteryCurrent no  
1 BatteryCapacity no  
3 BatteryTemperature no  
4 BatteryVoltage1 no  
5 BatteryVoltage2 no  
6 BatteryVoltage3 no  
7 BatteryVoltage4 no  
8 BatteryTime no  
14 BatteryLevel no  

GoPro fdsc Tags

Tags extracted from the MP4 "fdsc" timed metadata when the ExtractEmbedded (-ee) option is used.

Index1Tag Name WritableValues / Notes
8 FirmwareVersion no  
23 SerialNumber no  
87 OtherSerialNumber no  
102 Model no  

(This document generated automatically by Image::ExifTool::BuildTagLookup)
Last revised Sep 22, 2021

<-- ExifTool Tag Names