GIF Tags

This table lists information extracted from GIF images. See for the official GIF89a specification.

Tag Name WritableValues / Notes
Comment yes  
Duration no (duration of a single animation iteration)
Extensions - --> GIF Extensions Tags
FrameCount no (number of animated images)
GIFVersion no  
ScreenDescriptor - --> GIF Screen Tags
Text no (text displayed in image)
TransparentColor no  

GIF Extensions Tags

Tags extracted from GIF89a application extensions.

Tag IDTag Name WritableValues / Notes
'ICCRGBG1/012' ICC_Profile yes --> ICC_Profile Tags
'MIDICTRL/Jon' MIDIControl - --> GIF MIDIControl Tags
'MIDISONG/Dm7' MIDISong no  
'NETSCAPE/2.0' Animation - --> GIF Animation Tags
'XMP Data/XMP' XMP yes --> XMP Tags

GIF MIDIControl Tags

Information extracted from the MIDI control block extension.

Index1Tag Name WritableValues / Notes
0 MIDIControlVersion no  
1 SequenceNumber no  
2 MelodicPolyphony no  
3 PercussivePolyphony no  
4 ChannelUsage no  
6 DelayTime no  

GIF Animation Tags

Information extracted from the "NETSCAPE2.0" animation extension.

Index1Tag Name WritableValues / Notes
1 AnimationIterations no  

GIF Screen Tags

Information extracted from the GIF logical screen descriptor.

Index1Tag Name WritableValues / Notes
0 ImageWidth no  
2 ImageHeight no  
4.1 HasColorMap no [val >> 7 & 0x1]
0 = No
1 = Yes
4.2 ColorResolutionDepth no [val >> 4 & 0x7]
4.3 BitsPerPixel no [val & 0x7]
5 BackgroundColor no  
6 PixelAspectRatio no  

(This document generated automatically by Image::ExifTool::BuildTagLookup)
Last revised Dec 8, 2021

<-- ExifTool Tag Names