Resetting the root postgres password for PostgreSQL

NOTE: In step 2 and 5 you will most likely not be using “ident” but rather “password” or “md5” or "peer". NOTE: all actions need to be performed as root 1. Shut down PostgreSQL #service postgresql stop 2. Reset the authentication mechanism (assuming defaults are already being used) Edit the /etc/postgresql/X.Y/main/pg_hba.conf file #pico /etc/postgresql/X.Y/main/pg_hba.conf Navigate down to the line that says local all all ident [ or peer, ...] Edit it to local all postgres trust And now save the file. 3. Start PostgreSQL #service postgresql start 4. Log in and change the password #su - postgres $psql -d postgres -U postgres [DB postgres could be template1 or something else] [check also /etc/phppgadmin/ ] >alter user postgres with password 'new_password'; >\q [to quit client] $exit [turn back to root shell] 5. Reverse the actions you did in step 2 Edit the /etc/postgresql/X.Y/main/pg_hba.conf file #pico /etc/postgresql/X.Y/main/pg_hba.conf Navigate down to the line that says local all postgres trust Edit it to local all all ident [ or peer, ...] And now save the file. 6. Start PostgreSQL # service postgresql start Success!