Mysql DB Full Dump - BackUp - Restore

TERMINAL 1 (sync & lock MyIsam Tables) ------------------------------------------- mysql -u root -p >FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK; Without closing the connection to the client (I.E. in another terminal window... because it would release the read lock) issue the command to get a dump of the master: TERMINAL 2 (do the bkup - InnoDB Tables are sync-ed & locked here - delete old bin-logs) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- mysqldump -u root -p --single-transaction --routines --flush-logs --master-data=2 --all-databases --delete-master-logs > [abs-path-to/]mysqldump.sql WAIT TILL FINISHED... Now you can release the lock (on MyIsam Tables). To do it perform the following command in the TERM1 mysql client: TERMINAL 1 ---------------- >UNLOCK TABLES; >QUIT ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ Restore Data Dump with this console command: mysql -u root -p < mysqldump.sql Then restore bin-logs (incremental bkup): mysqlbinlog bin-log.1 [bin-log.2 ... bin-log.N] | mysql -user root -p IMPORTANT: Use ALL Bin Logs in the same command!