Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 Clru_cacheXXX: document this
 Crange_listXXX: document this
 CREGFI_BUFFERGeneral purpose buffer with stored length
 CREGFI_CLASSNAMEClass name structure (used in storing SysKeys)
 CREGFI_DATAData record structure
 C_regfi_data_interpretedThese items represent interpreted versions of the REGFI_DATA::raw field
 CREGFI_FILERegistry hive file data structure
 CREGFI_HBINHBIN block information
 CREGFI_ITERATORRegistry hive iterator
 CREGFI_NKKey structure
 CREGFI_SKSecurity structure
 CREGFI_SUBKEY_LISTSubkey-list structure
 CREGFI_VALUE_LISTValue-list structure
 CREGFI_VKValue structure
 Cvoid_stackXXX: document this
 Cvoid_stack_iteratorXXX: document this
 CWINSEC_ACEXXX: document this
 CWINSEC_ACLXXX: document this
 CWINSEC_DESCXXX: document this
 CWINSEC_DOM_SIDXXX: document this
 CWINSEC_UUIDXXX: document this