- Bugfixes
- bin/racc -g option renamed to -t
- racc/compiler.rb is removed
- '|' is allowed with meta rules
- Ruby 1.8.7 compatibility fixes
- Ruby 1.9 compatibility fixes
- [FEATURE CHANGE] --no-extensions option was removed.
- [fix] racc command should not depend on `raccrt' package.
- [fix] --no-omit-actions did not work.
- setup.rb 3.4.1.
- document changed.
- -all packages does not include amstd and strscan.
- setup.rb 3.2.1.
- [fix] reduce ruby 1.8 warnings.
- [new] new option --no-extentions
- now Racc does not depend on amstd library.
- update y2racc and racc2y for racc 1.4.1
- minor version up for checking in runtime library into ruby CVS repositry.
- RaccParser, RaccScanner -> GrammarFileParser, GrammarFileScanner
- modify typo (grammer -> grammar)
- modify installer bug (thanks Tanaka Akira)
- enhance regexp/%-strings/gvar detection in action block
- modify scan error on $' $` $/ etc.
- modify prototype missmatch in cparse.c
- output symbol name when error
- Racc::Parser#token_to_str
- allow nil for EndOfInput (experimental)
- more sample grammar files
- modify cparse.so for static link
- %-string scanning was wrong
- new directive "expect"
- cparse: add type checks
- cparse: rm depend
- cparse: does not pass non-VALUE object to rb_iterate()
- <em>critical bug</em> in generator (from 1.3.1)
- racc --runtime-version
- bug with racc -E
- package strscan togather (again)
- dynamically determine RE_DUP_MAX
- ruby version routine was used always
- can yield(sym,val) from scanner (Parser#yyparse)
- big changes in option; -h -f -p -i -n -c -A are incompatible
- support long options
- y2racc, racc2y leaves actions as default
- updates installer and documents
- output useless rules and nonterminals (version 2)
- nonassoc makes error (never shift/reduce)
- uses bison's lookahead algorithm
- new keyword "options" and its parameter "no_result_var"
- [IMPORTANT] change keyword "token" to "convert"
- NEW keyword "token" for token declearation
- update installer
- samples had bugs
- new option -a; does not omit void action call
- now racc does not use strscan.so
- ScanError -> Racc::ScanError, ParseError -> Racc::ParseError
- more friendly error messages
- require miss
- conflicts were not reported with -v
- use other algolithm for generating state table
- S/R conflict & -v flag causes unexpected exception (reported by Tosh)
- output useless nonterminals/rules
- use Array#collect! instead of #filter.
- update installer (setup.rb)
- state.rb: faster lookahead & debug lalr code
- refine code
- update amstd package (1.7.0)
- Racc_* are included in Racc_arg
- faster state generation (a little)
- check both of SYM2ID and ID2SYM (thanks Katsuyuki Komatsu)
- "class" on first line causes parse error (thanks Yoshiki Wada)
- new option "racc -V"
- implement "fast" table (same to bison)
- stop line no. conversion temporaliry because of ruby bug
- racc --version --copyright did not work (thanks Tadayoshi Funaba)
- implement yyerror/yyerrok/yyaccept
- modify the way to decide default action
- implement real LALR
- use both SLR and LALR to resolve conflicts
- modify lookahead routine again
- bug in lookahead routine
- modify cparse.so for Symbol class of ruby 1.5
- modify for Symbol
- update strscan
- if error is occured in action, ruby print line number of grammar file
- (1-17 re-packed) add/modify documents
- modify setup.rb, compile.rb, amstd/inst. (thanks: Koji Arai)
- racc -e ruby
- omit void action call
- critical bug in embedded action implement
- bug in setup.rb
- modify calc[2].y for 0.10
- support error recover ('error' token)
- can embed runtime by "racc -E"
- Racc is module
- support embedded action
- modify .output bug
- update document
- separate libracc.rb
- rewrite runtime routine in C
- once next_token returns [false, *], not call next_token
- action is only default, not call next_token
- $end is obsolute
- LALRactionTable
- next_value, peep_token is obsolute
- @__debug__ -> @yydebug
- class...rule...end
- refine libracc.rb
- unify strscan library
- *.rb are installed in lib/ruby/VERSION/racc/
- too few arguments for __show_stack__
- could not scan $end
- typo in d.format.rb