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Classes": [[0, "event-handler-classes"]], "watchdog.observers.api": [[0, "module-watchdog.observers.api"]], "Immutables": [[0, "immutables"]], "Collections": [[0, "collections"]], "Classes": [[0, "classes"], [0, "id1"], [0, "id2"], [0, "id3"], [0, "id4"], [0, "id5"]], "watchdog.observers": [[0, "module-watchdog.observers"]], "watchdog.observers.polling": [[0, "module-watchdog.observers.polling"]], "watchdog.utils": [[0, "module-watchdog.utils"]], "watchdog.utils.dirsnapshot": [[0, "module-watchdog.utils.dirsnapshot"]], "Where are the moved events? They \u2018disappeared\u2019": [[0, null]], "watchdog.tricks": [[0, "module-watchdog.tricks"]], "Contributing": [[1, "contributing"]], "Important URLs": [[1, "important-urls"]], "Before you start": [[1, "before-you-start"]], "Setting up the Work Environment": [[1, "setting-up-the-work-environment"]], "Watchdog": [[2, "watchdog"]], "Directory monitoring made easy with": [[2, "directory-monitoring-made-easy-with"]], "Easy installation": [[2, "easy-installation"]], "User\u2019s Guide": [[2, "user-s-guide"]], "Contribute": [[2, "contribute"]], "Indices and tables": [[2, "indices-and-tables"]], "Installation": [[3, "installation"]], "Installing from PyPI using pip": [[3, "installing-from-pypi-using-pip"]], "Installing from source tarballs": [[3, "installing-from-source-tarballs"]], "Installing from the code repository": [[3, "installing-from-the-code-repository"]], "Dependencies": [[3, "dependencies"]], "Installing Dependencies": [[3, "installing-dependencies"]], "Supported Platforms (and Caveats)": [[3, "supported-platforms-and-caveats"]], "Quickstart": [[4, "quickstart"]], "A Simple Example": [[4, "a-simple-example"]]}, "indexentries": {"autorestarttrick (class in watchdog.tricks)": [[0, "watchdog.tricks.AutoRestartTrick"]], "baseobserver (class in watchdog.observers.api)": [[0, "watchdog.observers.api.BaseObserver"]], "basethread (class in watchdog.utils)": [[0, "watchdog.utils.BaseThread"]], "dircreatedevent (class in": [[0, ""]], "dirdeletedevent (class in": [[0, ""]], "dirmodifiedevent (class in": [[0, ""]], "dirmovedevent (class in": [[0, ""]], "directorysnapshot (class in watchdog.utils.dirsnapshot)": [[0, "watchdog.utils.dirsnapshot.DirectorySnapshot"]], "directorysnapshotdiff (class in watchdog.utils.dirsnapshot)": [[0, "watchdog.utils.dirsnapshot.DirectorySnapshotDiff"]], "emptydirectorysnapshot (class in watchdog.utils.dirsnapshot)": [[0, "watchdog.utils.dirsnapshot.EmptyDirectorySnapshot"]], "eventdispatcher (class in watchdog.observers.api)": [[0, "watchdog.observers.api.EventDispatcher"]], "eventemitter (class in watchdog.observers.api)": [[0, "watchdog.observers.api.EventEmitter"]], "eventqueue (class in watchdog.observers.api)": [[0, "watchdog.observers.api.EventQueue"]], "fileclosedevent (class in": [[0, ""]], "filecreatedevent (class in": [[0, ""]], "filedeletedevent (class in": [[0, ""]], "filemodifiedevent (class in": [[0, ""]], "filemovedevent (class in": [[0, ""]], "filesystemevent (class in": [[0, ""]], "filesystemeventhandler (class in": [[0, ""]], "filesystemmovedevent (class in": [[0, ""]], "loggertrick (class in watchdog.tricks)": [[0, "watchdog.tricks.LoggerTrick"]], "loggingeventhandler (class in": [[0, ""]], "observedwatch (class in watchdog.observers.api)": [[0, "watchdog.observers.api.ObservedWatch"]], "observer (in module watchdog.observers)": [[0, "watchdog.observers.Observer"]], "patternmatchingeventhandler (class in": [[0, ""]], "pollingobserver (class in watchdog.observers.polling)": [[0, "watchdog.observers.polling.PollingObserver"]], "pollingobservervfs (class in watchdog.observers.polling)": [[0, "watchdog.observers.polling.PollingObserverVFS"]], "regexmatchingeventhandler (class in": [[0, ""]], "shellcommandtrick (class in watchdog.tricks)": [[0, "watchdog.tricks.ShellCommandTrick"]], "trick (class in watchdog.tricks)": [[0, "watchdog.tricks.Trick"]], "__init__() (watchdog.observers.polling.pollingobservervfs method)": [[0, "watchdog.observers.polling.PollingObserverVFS.__init__"]], "add_handler_for_watch() (watchdog.observers.api.baseobserver method)": [[0, "watchdog.observers.api.BaseObserver.add_handler_for_watch"]], "case_sensitive ( property)": [[0, ""]], "case_sensitive ( property)": [[0, ""]], "daemon (watchdog.utils.basethread property)": [[0, "watchdog.utils.BaseThread.daemon"]], "dest_path ( property)": [[0, ""]], "dirs_created (watchdog.utils.dirsnapshot.directorysnapshotdiff property)": [[0, "watchdog.utils.dirsnapshot.DirectorySnapshotDiff.dirs_created"]], "dirs_deleted (watchdog.utils.dirsnapshot.directorysnapshotdiff property)": [[0, "watchdog.utils.dirsnapshot.DirectorySnapshotDiff.dirs_deleted"]], "dirs_modified (watchdog.utils.dirsnapshot.directorysnapshotdiff property)": [[0, "watchdog.utils.dirsnapshot.DirectorySnapshotDiff.dirs_modified"]], "dirs_moved (watchdog.utils.dirsnapshot.directorysnapshotdiff property)": [[0, "watchdog.utils.dirsnapshot.DirectorySnapshotDiff.dirs_moved"]], "dispatch() ( method)": [[0, ""]], "dispatch() ( method)": [[0, ""]], "dispatch() ( method)": [[0, ""]], "dispatch_events() (watchdog.observers.api.baseobserver method)": [[0, "watchdog.observers.api.BaseObserver.dispatch_events"]], "dispatch_events() (watchdog.observers.api.eventdispatcher method)": [[0, "watchdog.observers.api.EventDispatcher.dispatch_events"]], "emitters (watchdog.observers.api.baseobserver property)": [[0, "watchdog.observers.api.BaseObserver.emitters"]], "event_queue (watchdog.observers.api.eventdispatcher property)": [[0, "watchdog.observers.api.EventDispatcher.event_queue"]], "event_type ( attribute)": [[0, ""]], "event_type ( attribute)": [[0, ""]], "event_type ( attribute)": [[0, ""]], "event_type ( attribute)": [[0, ""]], "event_type ( attribute)": [[0, ""]], "event_type ( attribute)": [[0, ""]], "event_type ( attribute)": [[0, ""]], "event_type ( attribute)": [[0, ""]], "event_type ( attribute)": [[0, ""]], "files_created (watchdog.utils.dirsnapshot.directorysnapshotdiff property)": [[0, "watchdog.utils.dirsnapshot.DirectorySnapshotDiff.files_created"]], "files_deleted (watchdog.utils.dirsnapshot.directorysnapshotdiff property)": [[0, "watchdog.utils.dirsnapshot.DirectorySnapshotDiff.files_deleted"]], "files_modified (watchdog.utils.dirsnapshot.directorysnapshotdiff property)": [[0, "watchdog.utils.dirsnapshot.DirectorySnapshotDiff.files_modified"]], "files_moved (watchdog.utils.dirsnapshot.directorysnapshotdiff property)": [[0, "watchdog.utils.dirsnapshot.DirectorySnapshotDiff.files_moved"]], "getname() (watchdog.utils.basethread method)": [[0, "watchdog.utils.BaseThread.getName"]], "ident (watchdog.utils.basethread property)": [[0, "watchdog.utils.BaseThread.ident"]], "ignore_directories ( property)": [[0, ""]], "ignore_directories ( property)": [[0, ""]], "ignore_patterns ( property)": [[0, ""]], "ignore_regexes ( property)": [[0, ""]], "inode() (watchdog.utils.dirsnapshot.directorysnapshot method)": [[0, "watchdog.utils.dirsnapshot.DirectorySnapshot.inode"]], "isdaemon() (watchdog.utils.basethread method)": [[0, "watchdog.utils.BaseThread.isDaemon"]], "is_alive() (watchdog.utils.basethread method)": [[0, "watchdog.utils.BaseThread.is_alive"]], "is_directory ( attribute)": [[0, ""]], "is_directory ( attribute)": [[0, ""]], "is_directory ( attribute)": [[0, ""]], "is_directory ( attribute)": [[0, ""]], "is_directory ( attribute)": [[0, ""]], "is_recursive (watchdog.observers.api.observedwatch property)": [[0, "watchdog.observers.api.ObservedWatch.is_recursive"]], "is_synthetic ( attribute)": [[0, ""]], "join() (watchdog.utils.basethread method)": [[0, "watchdog.utils.BaseThread.join"]], "module": [[0, ""], [0, "module-watchdog.observers"], [0, "module-watchdog.observers.api"], [0, "module-watchdog.observers.polling"], [0, "module-watchdog.tricks"], [0, "module-watchdog.utils"], [0, "module-watchdog.utils.dirsnapshot"]], "name (watchdog.utils.basethread property)": [[0, ""]], "native_id (watchdog.utils.basethread property)": [[0, "watchdog.utils.BaseThread.native_id"]], "on_any_event() ( method)": [[0, ""]], "on_any_event() (watchdog.tricks.autorestarttrick method)": [[0, "watchdog.tricks.AutoRestartTrick.on_any_event"]], "on_any_event() (watchdog.tricks.loggertrick method)": [[0, "watchdog.tricks.LoggerTrick.on_any_event"]], "on_any_event() (watchdog.tricks.shellcommandtrick method)": [[0, "watchdog.tricks.ShellCommandTrick.on_any_event"]], "on_closed() ( method)": [[0, ""]], "on_created() ( method)": [[0, ""]], "on_created() ( method)": [[0, ""]], "on_created() (watchdog.tricks.loggertrick method)": [[0, "watchdog.tricks.LoggerTrick.on_created"]], "on_deleted() ( method)": [[0, ""]], "on_deleted() ( method)": [[0, ""]], "on_deleted() (watchdog.tricks.loggertrick method)": [[0, "watchdog.tricks.LoggerTrick.on_deleted"]], "on_modified() ( method)": [[0, ""]], "on_modified() ( method)": [[0, ""]], "on_modified() (watchdog.tricks.loggertrick method)": [[0, "watchdog.tricks.LoggerTrick.on_modified"]], "on_moved() ( method)": [[0, ""]], "on_moved() ( method)": [[0, ""]], "on_moved() (watchdog.tricks.loggertrick method)": [[0, "watchdog.tricks.LoggerTrick.on_moved"]], "on_thread_start() (watchdog.utils.basethread method)": [[0, "watchdog.utils.BaseThread.on_thread_start"]], "on_thread_stop() (watchdog.observers.api.baseobserver method)": [[0, "watchdog.observers.api.BaseObserver.on_thread_stop"]], "on_thread_stop() (watchdog.utils.basethread method)": [[0, "watchdog.utils.BaseThread.on_thread_stop"]], "path (watchdog.observers.api.observedwatch property)": [[0, "watchdog.observers.api.ObservedWatch.path"]], "path() (watchdog.utils.dirsnapshot.directorysnapshot method)": [[0, "watchdog.utils.dirsnapshot.DirectorySnapshot.path"]], "path() (watchdog.utils.dirsnapshot.emptydirectorysnapshot static method)": [[0, "watchdog.utils.dirsnapshot.EmptyDirectorySnapshot.path"]], "paths (watchdog.utils.dirsnapshot.directorysnapshot property)": [[0, "watchdog.utils.dirsnapshot.DirectorySnapshot.paths"]], "paths (watchdog.utils.dirsnapshot.emptydirectorysnapshot property)": [[0, "watchdog.utils.dirsnapshot.EmptyDirectorySnapshot.paths"]], "patterns ( property)": [[0, ""]], "queue_event() (watchdog.observers.api.eventemitter method)": [[0, "watchdog.observers.api.EventEmitter.queue_event"]], "queue_events() (watchdog.observers.api.eventemitter method)": [[0, "watchdog.observers.api.EventEmitter.queue_events"]], "regexes ( property)": [[0, ""]], "remove_handler_for_watch() (watchdog.observers.api.baseobserver method)": [[0, "watchdog.observers.api.BaseObserver.remove_handler_for_watch"]], "run() (watchdog.observers.api.eventdispatcher method)": [[0, ""]], "run() (watchdog.observers.api.eventemitter method)": [[0, ""]], "run() (watchdog.utils.basethread method)": [[0, ""]], "schedule() (watchdog.observers.api.baseobserver method)": [[0, "watchdog.observers.api.BaseObserver.schedule"]], "setdaemon() (watchdog.utils.basethread method)": [[0, "watchdog.utils.BaseThread.setDaemon"]], "setname() (watchdog.utils.basethread method)": [[0, "watchdog.utils.BaseThread.setName"]], "should_keep_running() (watchdog.utils.basethread method)": [[0, "watchdog.utils.BaseThread.should_keep_running"]], "src_path ( property)": [[0, ""]], "start() (watchdog.observers.api.baseobserver method)": [[0, "watchdog.observers.api.BaseObserver.start"]], "start() (watchdog.utils.basethread method)": [[0, "watchdog.utils.BaseThread.start"]], "stat_info() (watchdog.utils.dirsnapshot.directorysnapshot method)": [[0, "watchdog.utils.dirsnapshot.DirectorySnapshot.stat_info"]], "stop() (watchdog.observers.api.eventdispatcher method)": [[0, "watchdog.observers.api.EventDispatcher.stop"]], "stop() (watchdog.utils.basethread method)": [[0, "watchdog.utils.BaseThread.stop"]], "timeout (watchdog.observers.api.eventdispatcher property)": [[0, "watchdog.observers.api.EventDispatcher.timeout"]], "timeout (watchdog.observers.api.eventemitter property)": [[0, "watchdog.observers.api.EventEmitter.timeout"]], "unschedule() (watchdog.observers.api.baseobserver method)": [[0, "watchdog.observers.api.BaseObserver.unschedule"]], "unschedule_all() (watchdog.observers.api.baseobserver method)": [[0, "watchdog.observers.api.BaseObserver.unschedule_all"]], "watch (watchdog.observers.api.eventemitter property)": [[0, ""]], "": [[0, ""]], "watchdog.observers": [[0, "module-watchdog.observers"]], "watchdog.observers.api": [[0, "module-watchdog.observers.api"]], "watchdog.observers.polling": [[0, "module-watchdog.observers.polling"]], "watchdog.tricks": [[0, "module-watchdog.tricks"]], "watchdog.utils": [[0, "module-watchdog.utils"]], "watchdog.utils.dirsnapshot": [[0, "module-watchdog.utils.dirsnapshot"]]}})