
To generate URLs, use the url or url_for object provided by your framework. url is an instance of Routes URLGenerator, while url_for is the older routes.url_for() function. url_for is being phased out, so new applications should use url.

To generate a named route, specify the route name as a positional argument:

url("home")   =>  "/"

If the route contains path variables, you must specify values for them using keyword arguments:

url("blog", year=2008, month=10, day=2)

Non-string values are automatically converted to strings using str(). (This may break with Unicode values containing non-ASCII characters.)

However, if the route defines an extra variable with the same name as a path variable, the extra variable is used as the default if that keyword is not specified. Example:

m.connect("archives", "/archives/{id}",
    controller="archives", action="view", id=1)
url("archives", id=123)  =>  "/archives/123"
url("archives")  =>  "/archives/1"

(The extra variable is not used for matching unless minimization is enabled.)

Any keyword args that do not correspond to path variables will be put in the query string. Append a “_” if the variable name collides with a Python keyword:

map.connect("archive", "/archive/{year}")
url("archive", year=2009, font=large)  =>  "/archive/2009?font=large"
url("archive", year=2009, print_=1)  =>  "/archive/2009?print=1"

If the application is mounted at a subdirectory of the URL space, all generated URLs will have the application prefix. The application prefix is the “SCRIPT_NAME” variable in the request’s WSGI environment.

If the positional argument corresponds to no named route, it is assumed to be a literal URL. The application’s mount point is prefixed to it, and keyword args are converted to query parameters:

url("/search", q="My question")  =>  "/search?q=My+question"

If there is no positional argument, Routes will use the keyword args to choose a route. The first route that has all path variables specified by keyword args and the fewest number of extra variables not overridden by keyword args will be chosen. This was common in older versions of Routes but can cause application bugs if an unexpected route is chosen, so using route names is much preferable because that guarantees only the named route will be chosen. The most common use for unnamed generation is when you have a seldom-used controller with a lot of ad hoc methods; e.g., url(controller="admin", action="session").

An exception is raised if no route corresponds to the arguments. The exception is routes.util.GenerationException. (Prior to Routes 1.9, None was returned instead. It was changed to an exception to prevent invalid blank URLs from being insered into templates.)

You’ll also get this exception if Python produces a Unicode URL (which could happen if the route path or a variable value is Unicode). Routes generates only str URLs.

The following keyword args are special:


Specifies the URL anchor (the part to the right of “#”).

url("home", "summary")  =>  "/#summary"


Make the URL fully qualified and override the host (domain).


Make the URL fully qualified and override the protocol (e.g., “ftp”).


Make the URL fully qualified (i.e., add “protocol://host:port” prefix).


See “Generating URLs with subdomains” below.

The syntax in this section is the same for both url and url_for.

New in Routes 1.10: ``url`` and the ``URLGenerator`` class behind it.

Generating routes based on the current URL

url.current() returns the URL of the current request, without the query string. This is called “route memory”, and works only if the RoutesMiddleware is in the middleware stack. Keyword arguments override path variables or are put on the query string.

url_for combines the behavior of url and url_current. This is deprecated because nameless routes and route memory have the same syntax, which can lead to the wrong route being chosen in some cases.

Here’s an example of route memory:

m.connect("/archives/{year}/{month}/{day}", year=2004)

# Current URL is "/archives/2005/10/4".
# Routing variables are {"controller": "archives", "action": "view",
  "year": "2005", "month": "10", "day": "4"}

url.current(day=6)    =>  "/archives/2005/10/6"
url.current(month=4)  =>  "/archives/2005/4/4"
url.current()         =>  "/archives/2005/10/4"

Route memory can be disabled globally with map.explicit = True.

Generation-only routes (aka. static routes)

A static route is used only for generation – not matching – and it must be named. To define a static route, use the argument _static=True.

This example provides a convenient way to link to a search:

map.connect("google", "", _static=True)
url("google", q="search term")  =>  "")

This example generates a URL to a static image in a Pylons public directory. Pylons serves the public directory in a way that bypasses Routes, so there’s no reason to match URLs under it.

map.connect("attachment", "/images/attachments/{category}/{id}.jpg",
url("attachment", category="dogs", id="Mastiff") =>

Starting in Routes 1.10, static routes are exactly the same as regular routes except they’re not added to the internal match table. In previous versions of Routes they could not contain path variables and they had to point to external URLs.

Filter functions

A filter function modifies how a named route is generated. Don’t confuse it with a function condition, which is used in matching. A filter function is its opposite counterpart.

One use case is when you have a story object with attributes for year, month, and day. You don’t want to hardcode these attributes in every url call because the interface may change someday. Instead you pass the story as a pseudo-argument, and the filter produces the actual generation args. Here’s an example:

class Story(object):
    def __init__(self, year, month, day):
        self.year = year
        self.month = month = day

    def expand(kw):
            story = kw["story"]
        except KeyError:
            pass   # Don't modify dict if ``story`` key not present.
            # Set the actual generation args from the story.
            kw["year"] = story.year
            kw["month"] = story.month
            kw["day"] =
        return kw

m.connect("archives", "/archives/{year}/{month}/{day}",
    controller="archives", action="view", _filter=Story.expand)

my_story = Story(2009, 1, 2)
url("archives", story=my_story)  =>  "/archives/2009/1/2"

The _filter argument can be any function that takes a dict and returns a dict. In the example we’ve used a static method of the Story class to keep everything story-related together, but you may prefer to use a standalone function to keep Routes-related code away from your model.

Generating URLs with subdomains

If subdomain support is enabled and the sub_domain arg is passed to url_for, Routes ensures the generated route points to that subdomain.

# Enable subdomain support.
map.sub_domains = True

# Ignore the www subdomain.
map.sub_domains_ignore = "www"


# Add a subdomain.
url_for(action="update", sub_domain="fred")  =>  ""

# Delete a subdomain.  Assume current URL is
url_for(action="new", sub_domain=None)  =>  ""