#!/usr/bin/env python # Impacket - Collection of Python classes for working with network protocols. # # SECUREAUTH LABS. Copyright (C) 2022 SecureAuth Corporation. All rights reserved. # # This software is provided under a slightly modified version # of the Apache Software License. See the accompanying LICENSE file # for more information. # # Description: # This script is an alternative to smbpasswd tool and intended to be used # for changing passwords remotely over SMB (MSRPC-SAMR). It can perform the # password change when the current password is expired, and supports NTLM # hashes as a new password value instead of a plaintext value. As for the # latter approach the new password is flagged as expired after the change # due to how SamrChangePasswordUser function works. # # Examples: # smbpasswd.py j.doe@ # smbpasswd.py contoso.local/j.doe@DC1 -hashes :fc525c9683e8fe067095ba2ddc971889 # smbpasswd.py contoso.local/j.doe:'Passw0rd!'@DC1 -newpass 'N3wPassw0rd!' # smbpasswd.py contoso.local/j.doe:'Passw0rd!'@DC1 -newhashes :126502da14a98b58f2c319b81b3a49cb # smbpasswd.py contoso.local/j.doe:'Passw0rd!'@DC1 -newpass 'N3wPassw0rd!' -altuser administrator -altpass 'Adm1nPassw0rd!' # smbpasswd.py contoso.local/j.doe:'Passw0rd!'@DC1 -newhashes :126502da14a98b58f2c319b81b3a49cb -altuser CONTOSO/administrator -altpass 'Adm1nPassw0rd!' -admin # smbpasswd.py SRV01/administrator:'Passw0rd!'@ -newhashes :126502da14a98b58f2c319b81b3a49cb -altuser CONTOSO/SrvAdm -althash 6fe945ead39a7a6a2091001d98a913ab # # Author: # @snovvcrash # @bransh # @alefburzmali # # References: # https://snovvcrash.github.io/2020/10/31/pretending-to-be-smbpasswd-with-impacket.html # https://www.n00py.io/2021/09/resetting-expired-passwords-remotely/ # https://github.com/samba-team/samba/blob/master/source3/utils/smbpasswd.c # https://github.com/SecureAuthCorp/impacket/pull/381 # https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/openspecs/windows_protocols/ms-samr/acb3204a-da8b-478e-9139-1ea589edb880 # https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/openspecs/windows_protocols/ms-samr/9699d8ca-e1a4-433c-a8c3-d7bebeb01476 # https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/openspecs/windows_protocols/ms-samr/538222f7-1b89-4811-949a-0eac62e38dce # import sys import logging from getpass import getpass from argparse import ArgumentParser from impacket import version from impacket.examples import logger from impacket.examples.utils import parse_target from impacket.dcerpc.v5 import transport, samr class SMBPasswd: def __init__(self, address, domain='', username='', oldPassword='', newPassword='', oldPwdHashLM='', oldPwdHashNT='', newPwdHashLM='', newPwdHashNT=''): self.address = address self.domain = domain self.username = username self.oldPassword = oldPassword self.newPassword = newPassword self.oldPwdHashLM = oldPwdHashLM self.oldPwdHashNT = oldPwdHashNT self.newPwdHashLM = newPwdHashLM self.newPwdHashNT = newPwdHashNT self.dce = None def connect(self, domain='', username='', password='', nthash='', anonymous=False): rpctransport = transport.SMBTransport(self.address, filename=r'\samr') if anonymous: rpctransport.set_credentials(username='', password='', domain='', lmhash='', nthash='', aesKey='') elif username != '': lmhash = '' rpctransport.set_credentials(username, password, domain, lmhash, nthash, aesKey='') else: rpctransport.set_credentials(self.username, self.oldPassword, self.domain, self.oldPwdHashLM, self.oldPwdHashNT, aesKey='') self.dce = rpctransport.get_dce_rpc() self.dce.connect() self.dce.bind(samr.MSRPC_UUID_SAMR) def hSamrUnicodeChangePasswordUser2(self): try: resp = samr.hSamrUnicodeChangePasswordUser2(self.dce, '\x00', self.username, self.oldPassword, self.newPassword, self.oldPwdHashLM, self.oldPwdHashNT) except Exception as e: if 'STATUS_PASSWORD_RESTRICTION' in str(e): logging.critical('Some password update rule has been violated. For example, the password may not meet length criteria.') else: raise e else: if resp['ErrorCode'] == 0: logging.info('Password was changed successfully.') else: logging.error('Non-zero return code, something weird happened.') resp.dump() def hSamrChangePasswordUser(self): try: serverHandle = samr.hSamrConnect(self.dce, self.address + '\x00')['ServerHandle'] domainSID = samr.hSamrLookupDomainInSamServer(self.dce, serverHandle, self.domain)['DomainId'] domainHandle = samr.hSamrOpenDomain(self.dce, serverHandle, domainId=domainSID)['DomainHandle'] userRID = samr.hSamrLookupNamesInDomain(self.dce, domainHandle, (self.username,))['RelativeIds']['Element'][0] userHandle = samr.hSamrOpenUser(self.dce, domainHandle, userId=userRID)['UserHandle'] except Exception as e: if 'STATUS_NO_SUCH_DOMAIN' in str(e): logging.critical('Wrong realm. Try to set the domain name for the target user account explicitly in format DOMAIN/username.') return else: raise e try: resp = samr.hSamrChangePasswordUser(self.dce, userHandle, self.oldPassword, newPassword='', oldPwdHashNT=self.oldPwdHashNT, newPwdHashLM=self.newPwdHashLM, newPwdHashNT=self.newPwdHashNT) except Exception as e: if 'STATUS_PASSWORD_RESTRICTION' in str(e): logging.critical('Some password update rule has been violated. For example, the password history policy may prohibit the use of recent passwords.') else: raise e else: if resp['ErrorCode'] == 0: logging.info('NTLM hashes were changed successfully.') else: logging.error('Non-zero return code, something weird happened.') resp.dump() def hSamrSetInformationUser(self): try: serverHandle = samr.hSamrConnect(self.dce, self.address + '\x00')['ServerHandle'] domainSID = samr.hSamrLookupDomainInSamServer(self.dce, serverHandle, self.domain)['DomainId'] domainHandle = samr.hSamrOpenDomain(self.dce, serverHandle, domainId=domainSID)['DomainHandle'] userRID = samr.hSamrLookupNamesInDomain(self.dce, domainHandle, (self.username,))['RelativeIds']['Element'][0] userHandle = samr.hSamrOpenUser(self.dce, domainHandle, userId=userRID)['UserHandle'] except Exception as e: if 'STATUS_NO_SUCH_DOMAIN' in str(e): logging.critical('Wrong realm. Try to set the domain name for the target user account explicitly in format DOMAIN/username.') return else: raise e try: resp = samr.hSamrSetNTInternal1(self.dce, userHandle, self.newPassword, self.newPwdHashNT) except Exception as e: raise e else: if resp['ErrorCode'] == 0: logging.info('Credentials were injected into SAM successfully.') else: logging.error('Non-zero return code, something weird happened.') resp.dump() def init_logger(options): logger.init(options.ts) if options.debug is True: logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.DEBUG) logging.debug(version.getInstallationPath()) else: logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.INFO) def parse_args(): parser = ArgumentParser(description='Change password over SMB.') parser.add_argument('target', action='store', help='[[domain/]username[:password]@]') parser.add_argument('-ts', action='store_true', help='adds timestamp to every logging output') parser.add_argument('-debug', action='store_true', help='turn DEBUG output ON') group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() group.add_argument('-newpass', action='store', default=None, help='new SMB password') group.add_argument('-newhashes', action='store', default=None, metavar='LMHASH:NTHASH', help='new NTLM hashes, format is LMHASH:NTHASH ' '(the user will be asked to change their password at next logon)') group = parser.add_argument_group('authentication') group.add_argument('-hashes', action='store', default=None, metavar='LMHASH:NTHASH', help='NTLM hashes, format is LMHASH:NTHASH') group = parser.add_argument_group('RPC authentication') group.add_argument('-altuser', action='store', default=None, help='alternative username') group.add_argument('-altpass', action='store', default=None, help='alternative password') group.add_argument('-althash', action='store', default=None, help='alternative NT hash') group = parser.add_argument_group('set credentials method') group.add_argument('-admin', action='store_true', help='injects credentials into SAM (requires admin\'s priveleges on a machine, ' 'but can bypass password history policy)') return parser.parse_args() if __name__ == '__main__': print(version.BANNER) options = parse_args() init_logger(options) domain, username, oldPassword, address = parse_target(options.target) if domain is None: domain = 'Builtin' if options.hashes is not None: try: oldPwdHashLM, oldPwdHashNT = options.hashes.split(':') except ValueError: logging.critical('Wrong hashes string format. For more information run with --help option.') sys.exit(1) else: oldPwdHashLM = '' oldPwdHashNT = '' if oldPassword == '' and oldPwdHashNT == '' and not options.admin: oldPassword = getpass('Current SMB password: ') if options.newhashes is not None: try: newPwdHashLM, newPwdHashNT = options.newhashes.split(':') except ValueError: logging.critical('Wrong new hashes string format. For more information run with --help option.') sys.exit(1) newPassword = '' else: newPwdHashLM = '' newPwdHashNT = '' if options.newpass is None: newPassword = getpass('New SMB password: ') if newPassword != getpass('Retype new SMB password: '): logging.critical('Passwords do not match, try again.') sys.exit(1) else: newPassword = options.newpass smbpasswd = SMBPasswd(address, domain, username, oldPassword, newPassword, oldPwdHashLM, oldPwdHashNT, newPwdHashLM, newPwdHashNT) if options.altuser is not None: try: altDomain, altUsername = options.altuser.split('/') except ValueError: altDomain = domain altUsername = options.altuser if options.altpass is not None and options.althash is None: altPassword = options.altpass altNTHash = '' elif options.altpass is None and options.althash is not None: altPassword = '' altNTHash = options.althash elif options.altpass is None and options.althash is None: logging.critical('Please, provide either alternative password or NT hash for RPC authentication.') sys.exit(1) else: # if options.altpass is not None and options.althash is not None logging.critical('Argument -altpass not allowed with argument -althash.') sys.exit(1) else: altUsername = '' try: if altUsername == '': smbpasswd.connect() else: logging.debug('Using {}\\{} credentials to connect to RPC.'.format(altDomain, altUsername)) smbpasswd.connect(altDomain, altUsername, altPassword, altNTHash) except Exception as e: if any(msg in str(e) for msg in ['STATUS_PASSWORD_MUST_CHANGE', 'STATUS_PASSWORD_EXPIRED']): if newPassword: logging.warning('Password is expired, trying to bind with a null session.') smbpasswd.connect(anonymous=True) else: logging.critical('Cannot set new NTLM hashes when current password is expired. Provide a plaintext value for the new password.') sys.exit(1) elif 'STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE' in str(e): logging.critical('Authentication failure.') sys.exit(1) else: raise e if options.admin: # Inject credentials into SAM (requires admin's privileges) smbpasswd.hSamrSetInformationUser() else: if newPassword: # If using a plaintext value for the new password smbpasswd.hSamrUnicodeChangePasswordUser2() else: # If using NTLM hashes for the new password smbpasswd.hSamrChangePasswordUser()