#!/usr/bin/env python # Impacket - Collection of Python classes for working with network protocols. # # SECUREAUTH LABS. Copyright (C) 2021 SecureAuth Corporation. All rights reserved. # # This software is provided under a slightly modified version # of the Apache Software License. See the accompanying LICENSE file # for more information. # import uncrc32 try: import pcap as pcapy except ImportError: import pcapy from impacket import ImpactPacket from impacket import ImpactDecoder from impacket.ImpactPacket import TCPOption, array_tobytes from impacket.examples import logger from impacket.examples import os_ident #defaults MAC = "01:02:03:04:05:06" IP = "" IFACE = "eth0" OPEN_TCP_PORTS = [80, 443] OPEN_UDP_PORTS = [111] UDP_CMD_PORT = 12345 nmapOSDB = '/usr/share/nmap/nmap-os-db' # Fingerprint = 'Adtran NetVanta 3200 router' # CD=Z TOSI=Z <----------- NMAP detects it as Linux!!! # Fingerprint = 'ADIC Scalar 1000 tape library remote management unit' # DFI=S # Fingerprint = 'Siemens Gigaset SX541 or USRobotics USR9111 wireless DSL modem' # DFI=O U1(DF=N IPL=38) # Fingerprint = 'Apple Mac OS X 10.5.6 (Leopard) (Darwin 9.6.0)' # DFI=Y SI=S U1(DF=Y) Fingerprint = 'Sun Solaris 10 (SPARC)' # Fingerprint = 'Sun Solaris 9 (x86)' # Fingerprint = '3Com OfficeConnect 3CRWER100-75 wireless broadband router' # TI=Z DFI=N !SS TI=Z II=I # Fingerprint = 'WatchGuard Firebox X5w firewall/WAP' # TI=RD # no TI=Hex # Fingerprint = 'FreeBSD 6.0-STABLE - 6.2-RELEASE' # TI=RI # Fingerprint = 'Microsoft Windows 98 SE' # TI=BI ----> BROKEN! nmap shows no SEQ() output # Fingerprint = 'Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 SP5 - SP6' # TI=BI TOSI=S SS=S # Fingerprint = 'Microsoft Windows Vista Business' # TI=I U1(IPL=164) # Fingerprint = 'FreeBSD 6.1-RELEASE' # no TI (TI=O) # Fingerprint = '2Wire 1701HG wireless ADSL modem' # IE(R=N) # Fingerprint = 'Cisco Catalyst 1912 switch' # TOSI=O SS=S O_ETH = 0 O_IP = 1 O_ARP = 1 O_UDP = 2 O_TCP = 2 O_ICMP = 2 O_UDP_DATA = 3 O_ICMP_DATA = 3 def string2tuple(string): if string.find(':') >= 0: return [int(x) for x in string.split(':')] else: return [int(x) for x in string.split('.')] class Responder: templateClass = None signatureName = None def __init__(self, machine): self.machine = machine print("Initializing %s" % self.__class__.__name__) self.initTemplate() self.initFingerprint() def initTemplate(self): if not self.templateClass: self.template_onion = None else: try: probe = self.templateClass(0, ['',self.getIP()],[0, 0]) except: probe = self.templateClass(0, ['',self.getIP()]) self.template_onion = [probe.get_packet()] try: while 1: self.template_onion.append (self.template_onion[-1].child ()) except: pass # print("Template: %s" % self.template_onion[O_ETH]) # print("Options: %r" % self.template_onion[O_TCP].get_padded_options()) # print("Flags: 0x%04x" % self.template_onion[O_TCP].get_th_flags()) def initFingerprint(self): if not self.signatureName: self.fingerprint = None else: self.fingerprint = self.machine.fingerprint.get_tests()[self.signatureName].copy() def isMine(self, in_onion): return False def buildAnswer(self, in_onion): return None def sendAnswer(self, out_onion): self.machine.sendPacket(out_onion) def process(self, in_onion): if not self.isMine(in_onion): return False print("Got packet for %s" % self.__class__.__name__) out_onion = self.buildAnswer(in_onion) if out_onion: self.sendAnswer(out_onion) return True def getIP(self): return self.machine.ipAddress # Generic Responders (does the word Responder exist?) class ARPResponder(Responder): def isMine(self, in_onion): if len(in_onion) < 2: return False if in_onion[O_ARP].ethertype != ImpactPacket.ARP.ethertype: return False return ( in_onion[O_ARP].get_ar_op() == 1 and # ARP REQUEST in_onion[O_ARP].get_ar_tpa() == string2tuple(self.machine.ipAddress)) def buildAnswer(self, in_onion): eth = ImpactPacket.Ethernet() arp = ImpactPacket.ARP() eth.contains(arp) arp.set_ar_hrd(1) # Hardward type Ethernet arp.set_ar_pro(0x800) # IP arp.set_ar_op(2) # REPLY arp.set_ar_hln(6) arp.set_ar_pln(4) arp.set_ar_sha(string2tuple(self.machine.macAddress)) arp.set_ar_spa(string2tuple(self.machine.ipAddress)) arp.set_ar_tha(in_onion[O_ARP].get_ar_sha()) arp.set_ar_tpa(in_onion[O_ARP].get_ar_spa()) eth.set_ether_shost(arp.get_ar_sha()) eth.set_ether_dhost(arp.get_ar_tha()) return [eth, arp] class IPResponder(Responder): def buildAnswer(self, in_onion): eth = ImpactPacket.Ethernet() ip = ImpactPacket.IP() eth.contains(ip) eth.set_ether_shost(in_onion[O_ETH].get_ether_dhost()) eth.set_ether_dhost(in_onion[O_ETH].get_ether_shost()) ip.set_ip_src(in_onion[O_IP].get_ip_dst()) ip.set_ip_dst(in_onion[O_IP].get_ip_src()) ip.set_ip_id(self.machine.getIPID()) return [eth, ip] def sameIPFlags(self, in_onion): if not self.template_onion: return True return (self.template_onion[O_IP].get_ip_off() & 0xe000) == (in_onion[O_IP].get_ip_off() & 0xe000) def isMine(self, in_onion): if len(in_onion) < 2: return False return ( (in_onion[O_IP].ethertype == ImpactPacket.IP.ethertype) and (in_onion[O_IP].get_ip_dst() == self.machine.ipAddress) and self.sameIPFlags(in_onion) ) def setTTLFromFingerprint(self, out_onion): f = self.fingerprint # Test T: Initial TTL = range_low-range_hi, base 16 # Assumption: we are using the minimum in the TTL range try: ttl = f['T'].split('-') ttl = int(ttl[0], 16) except: ttl = 0x7f # Test TG: Initial TTL Guess. It's just a number, we prefer this try: ttl = int(f['TG'], 16) except: pass out_onion[O_IP].set_ip_ttl(ttl) class ICMPResponder(IPResponder): def buildAnswer(self, in_onion): out_onion = IPResponder.buildAnswer(self, in_onion) icmp = ImpactPacket.ICMP() out_onion[O_IP].contains(icmp) out_onion.append(icmp) icmp.set_icmp_id(in_onion[O_ICMP].get_icmp_id()) icmp.set_icmp_seq(in_onion[O_ICMP].get_icmp_seq()) out_onion[O_IP].set_ip_id(self.machine.getIPID_ICMP()) return out_onion def isMine(self, in_onion): if not IPResponder.isMine(self, in_onion): return False if len(in_onion) < 3: return False return (in_onion[O_ICMP].protocol == ImpactPacket.ICMP.protocol) and self.sameICMPTemplate(in_onion) def sameICMPTemplate(self, in_onion): t_ip = self.template_onion[O_IP] t_icmp = self.template_onion[O_ICMP] t_icmp_datalen = self.template_onion[O_ICMP_DATA].get_size() return ( (t_ip.get_ip_tos () == in_onion[O_IP].get_ip_tos ()) and ( t_ip.get_ip_df () == in_onion[O_IP].get_ip_df ()) and ( t_icmp.get_icmp_type () == in_onion[O_ICMP].get_icmp_type ()) and ( t_icmp.get_icmp_code () == in_onion[O_ICMP].get_icmp_code ()) and ( t_icmp_datalen == in_onion[O_ICMP_DATA].get_size ()) ) class UDPResponder(IPResponder): def isMine(self, in_onion): return ( IPResponder.isMine(self, in_onion) and (len(in_onion) >= 3) and (in_onion[O_UDP].protocol == ImpactPacket.UDP.protocol) ) class OpenUDPResponder(UDPResponder): def isMine(self, in_onion): return ( UDPResponder.isMine(self, in_onion) and self.machine.isUDPPortOpen(in_onion[O_UDP].get_uh_dport())) def buildAnswer(self, in_onion): out_onion = IPResponder.buildAnswer(self, in_onion) udp = ImpactPacket.UDP() out_onion[O_IP].contains(udp) out_onion.append(udp) udp.set_uh_dport(in_onion[O_UDP].get_uh_sport()) udp.set_uh_sport(in_onion[O_UDP].get_uh_dport()) return out_onion class ClosedUDPResponder(UDPResponder): def isMine(self, in_onion): return ( UDPResponder.isMine(self, in_onion) and not self.machine.isUDPPortOpen(in_onion[O_UDP].get_uh_dport())) def buildAnswer(self, in_onion): out_onion = IPResponder.buildAnswer(self, in_onion) icmp = ImpactPacket.ICMP() out_onion[O_IP].contains(icmp) out_onion.append(icmp) icmp.contains(in_onion[O_IP]) out_onion += in_onion[O_IP:] icmp.set_icmp_type(icmp.ICMP_UNREACH) icmp.set_icmp_code(icmp.ICMP_UNREACH_PORT) return out_onion class TCPResponder(IPResponder): def buildAnswer(self, in_onion): out_onion = IPResponder.buildAnswer(self, in_onion) tcp = ImpactPacket.TCP() out_onion[O_IP].contains(tcp) out_onion.append(tcp) tcp.set_th_dport(in_onion[O_TCP].get_th_sport()) tcp.set_th_sport(in_onion[O_TCP].get_th_dport()) return out_onion def sameTCPFlags(self, in_onion): if not self.template_onion: return True in_flags = in_onion[O_TCP].get_th_flags() & 0xfff t_flags = self.template_onion[O_TCP].get_th_flags() & 0xfff return in_flags == t_flags def sameTCPOptions(self, in_onion): if not self.template_onion: return True in_options = in_onion[O_TCP].get_padded_options() t_options = self.template_onion[O_TCP].get_padded_options() return in_options == t_options def isMine(self, in_onion): if not IPResponder.isMine(self, in_onion): return False if len(in_onion) < 3: return False return (in_onion[O_TCP].protocol == ImpactPacket.TCP.protocol and self.sameTCPFlags (in_onion) and self.sameTCPOptions ( in_onion)) class OpenTCPResponder(TCPResponder): def isMine(self, in_onion): return (TCPResponder.isMine (self, in_onion) and in_onion[O_TCP].get_SYN () and self.machine.isTCPPortOpen ( in_onion[O_TCP].get_th_dport ())) def buildAnswer(self, in_onion): out_onion = TCPResponder.buildAnswer(self, in_onion) out_onion[O_TCP].set_SYN() out_onion[O_TCP].set_ACK() out_onion[O_TCP].set_th_ack(in_onion[O_TCP].get_th_seq()+1) out_onion[O_TCP].set_th_seq(self.machine.getTCPSequence()) return out_onion class ClosedTCPResponder(TCPResponder): def isMine(self, in_onion): return ( TCPResponder.isMine(self, in_onion) and in_onion[O_TCP].get_SYN() and not self.machine.isTCPPortOpen(in_onion[O_TCP].get_th_dport())) def buildAnswer(self, in_onion): out_onion = TCPResponder.buildAnswer(self, in_onion) out_onion[O_TCP].set_RST() out_onion[O_TCP].set_ACK() out_onion[O_TCP].set_th_ack(in_onion[O_TCP].get_th_seq()+1) out_onion[O_TCP].set_th_seq(self.machine.getTCPSequence()) return out_onion class UDPCommandResponder(OpenUDPResponder): # default UDP_CMD_PORT is 12345 # use with: # echo cmd:exit | nc -u $(IP) $(UDP_CMD_PORT) # echo cmd:who | nc -u $(IP) $(UDP_CMD_PORT) def set_port(self, port): self.port = port self.machine.openUDPPort(port) return self def isMine(self, in_onion): return ( OpenUDPResponder.isMine(self, in_onion))# and #in_onion[O_UDP].get_uh_dport() == self.port) def buildAnswer(self, in_onion): cmd = array_tobytes(in_onion[O_UDP_DATA].get_bytes()) if cmd[:4] == 'cmd:': cmd = cmd[4:].strip() print("Got command: %r" % cmd) if cmd == 'exit': from sys import exit exit() out_onion = OpenUDPResponder.buildAnswer(self, in_onion) out_onion.append(ImpactPacket.Data()) out_onion[O_UDP].contains(out_onion[O_UDP_DATA]) if cmd == 'who': out_onion[O_UDP_DATA].set_data(self.machine.fingerprint.get_id()) return out_onion # NMAP2 specific responders class NMAP2UDPResponder(ClosedUDPResponder): signatureName = 'U1' # No real need to filter # def isMine(self, in_onion): # return ( # ClosedUDPResponder.isMine(self, inOnion) and # (in_onion[O_UDP_DATA].get_size() == 300)) def buildAnswer(self, in_onion): out_onion = ClosedUDPResponder.buildAnswer(self, in_onion) f = self.fingerprint # assume R = Y try: if (f['R'] == 'N'): return None except: pass # Test DF: Don't fragment IP bit set = [YN] if (f['DF'] == 'Y'): out_onion[O_IP].set_ip_df(True) else: out_onion[O_IP].set_ip_df(False) self.setTTLFromFingerprint(out_onion) # UN. Assume 0 try: un = int(f['UN'],16) except: un = 0 out_onion[O_ICMP].set_icmp_void(un) # RIPL. Assume original packet just quoted try: ripl = int(f['RIPL'],16) # G generates exception out_onion[O_ICMP_DATA].set_ip_len(ripl) except: pass # RID. Assume original packet just quoted try: rid = int(f['RID'],16) # G generates exception out_onion[O_ICMP_DATA].set_ip_id(rid) except: pass # RIPCK. Assume original packet just quoted try: ripck = f['RIPCK'] except: ripck = 'G' if ripck == 'I': out_onion[O_ICMP_DATA].set_ip_sum(0x6765) elif ripck == 'Z': out_onion[O_ICMP_DATA].set_ip_sum(0) elif ripck == 'G': out_onion[O_ICMP_DATA].auto_checksum = 0 # RUCK. Assume original packet just quoted try: ruck = int(f['RUCK'], 16) out_onion[O_ICMP_DATA+1].set_uh_sum(ruck) except: out_onion[O_ICMP_DATA+1].auto_checksum = 0 # RUD. Assume original packet just quoted try: rud = f['RUD'] except: rud = 'G' if rud == 'I': udp_data = out_onion[O_ICMP_DATA+2] udp_data.set_data('G'*udp_data.get_size()) # IPL. Assume all original packet is quoted # This has to be the last thing we do # as we are going to render the packet before doing it try: ipl = int(f['IPL'], 16) except: ipl = None if not ipl is None: data = out_onion[O_ICMP_DATA].get_packet() out_onion[O_ICMP].contains(ImpactPacket.Data()) ip_and_icmp_len = out_onion[O_IP].get_size() data = data[:ipl - ip_and_icmp_len] data += '\x00'*(ipl-len(data)-ip_and_icmp_len) out_onion = out_onion[:O_ICMP_DATA] out_onion.append(ImpactPacket.Data(data)) out_onion[O_ICMP].contains(out_onion[O_ICMP_DATA]) return out_onion class NMAP2ICMPResponder(ICMPResponder): def buildAnswer(self, in_onion): f = self.fingerprint # assume R = Y try: if (f['R'] == 'N'): return None except: pass out_onion = ICMPResponder.buildAnswer(self, in_onion) # assume DFI = N try: dfi = f['DFI'] except: dfi = 'N' if dfi == 'N': out_onion[O_IP].set_ip_df(False) elif dfi == 'Y': out_onion[O_IP].set_ip_df(True) elif dfi == 'S': out_onion[O_IP].set_ip_df(in_onion[O_IP].get_ip_df()) elif dfi == 'O': out_onion[O_IP].set_ip_df(not in_onion[O_IP].get_ip_df()) else: raise Exception('Unsupported IE(DFI=%s)' % dfi) # assume DLI = S try: dli = f['DLI'] except: dli = 'S' if dli == 'S': out_onion[O_ICMP].contains(in_onion[O_ICMP_DATA]) elif dli != 'Z': raise Exception('Unsupported IE(DFI=%s)' % dli) self.setTTLFromFingerprint(out_onion) # assume SI = S try: si = f['SI'] except: si = 'S' if si == 'S': out_onion[O_ICMP].set_icmp_seq(in_onion[O_ICMP].get_icmp_seq()) elif si == 'Z': out_onion[O_ICMP].set_icmp_seq(0) # this is not currently supported by nmap, but I've done it already else: try: out_onion[O_ICMP].set_icmp_seq(int(si, 16)) # this is not supported either by nmap except: raise Exception('Unsupported IE(SI=%s)' % si) # assume CD = S try: cd = f['CD'] except: cd = 'S' if cd == 'Z': out_onion[O_ICMP].set_icmp_code(0) elif cd == 'S': out_onion[O_ICMP].set_icmp_code(in_onion[O_ICMP].get_icmp_code()) elif cd == 'O': out_onion[O_ICMP].set_icmp_code(in_onion[O_ICMP].get_icmp_code()+1) # no examples in DB else: try: out_onion[O_ICMP].set_icmp_code(int(cd, 16)) # documented, but no examples available except: raise Exception('Unsupported IE(CD=%s)' % cd) # assume TOSI = S try: tosi = f['TOSI'] except: tosi = 'S' if tosi == 'Z': out_onion[O_IP].set_ip_tos(0) elif tosi == 'S': out_onion[O_IP].set_ip_tos(in_onion[O_IP].get_ip_tos()) elif tosi == 'O': out_onion[O_IP].set_ip_tos(in_onion[O_IP].get_ip_tos()+1) # no examples in DB else: try: out_onion[O_IP].set_ip_tos(int(tosi, 16)) # documented, but no examples available except: raise Exception('Unsupported IE(TOSI=%s)' % tosi) return out_onion class NMAP2TCPResponder(TCPResponder): def buildAnswer(self, in_onion): out_onion = TCPResponder.buildAnswer(self, in_onion) f = self.fingerprint # Test R: There is a response = [YN] if (f['R'] == 'N'): return None # Test DF: Don't fragment IP bit set = [YN] if (f['DF'] == 'Y'): out_onion[O_IP].set_ip_df(True) else: out_onion[O_IP].set_ip_df(False) # Test W: Initial TCP windows size try: win = int(f['W'],16) except: win = 0 out_onion[O_TCP].set_th_win(win) self.setTTLFromFingerprint(out_onion) # Test CC: Explicit congestion notification # Two TCP flags are used in this test: ECE and CWR try: cc = f['CC'] if cc == 'N': ece,cwr = 0,0 if cc == 'Y': ece,cwr = 1,0 if cc == 'S': ece,cwr = 1,1 if cc == 'O': ece,cwr = 0,1 except: ece,cwr = 0,0 if ece: out_onion[O_TCP].set_ECE() else: out_onion[O_TCP].reset_ECE() if cwr: out_onion[O_TCP].set_CWR() else: out_onion[O_TCP].reset_CWR() # Test O: TCP Options try: options = f['O'] except: options = '' self.setTCPOptions(out_onion, options) # Test S: TCP Sequence number # Z: Sequence number is zero # A: Sequence number is the same as the ACK in the probe # A+: Sequence number is the same as the ACK in the probe + 1 # O: Other value try: s = f['S'] except: s = 'O' if s == 'Z': out_onion[O_TCP].set_th_seq(0) if s == 'A': out_onion[O_TCP].set_th_seq(in_onion[O_TCP].get_th_ack()) if s == 'A+': out_onion[O_TCP].set_th_seq(in_onion[O_TCP].get_th_ack()+1) if s == 'O': out_onion[O_TCP].set_th_seq(self.machine.getTCPSequence()) # Test A: TCP ACK number # Z: Ack is zero # S: Ack is the same as the Squence number in the probe # S+: Ack is the same as the Squence number in the probe + 1 # O: Other value try: a = f['A'] except: a = 'O' if a == 'Z': out_onion[O_TCP].set_th_ack(0) if a == 'S': out_onion[O_TCP].set_th_ack(in_onion[O_TCP].get_th_seq()) if a == 'S+': out_onion[O_TCP].set_th_ack(in_onion[O_TCP].get_th_seq()+1) # Test Q: Quirks # R: Reserved bit set (right after the header length) # U: Urgent pointer non-zero and URG flag clear try: if 'R' in f['Q']: out_onion[O_TCP].set_flags(0x800) except: pass try: if 'U' in f['Q']: out_onion[O_TCP].set_th_urp(0xffff) except: pass # Test F: TCP Flags try: flags = f['F'] except: flags = '' if 'E' in flags: out_onion[O_TCP].set_ECE() if 'U' in flags: out_onion[O_TCP].set_URG() if 'A' in flags: out_onion[O_TCP].set_ACK() if 'P' in flags: out_onion[O_TCP].set_PSH() if 'R' in flags: out_onion[O_TCP].set_RST() if 'S' in flags: out_onion[O_TCP].set_SYN() if 'F' in flags: out_onion[O_TCP].set_FIN() # Test RD: TCP Data checksum (mostly for data in RST) try: crc = f['RD'] if crc != '0': # when the crc = int(crc, 16) data = 'TCP Port is closed\x00' data += uncrc32.compensate(data, crc) data = ImpactPacket.Data(data) out_onion.append(data) out_onion[O_TCP].contains(data) except: pass return out_onion def setTCPOptions(self, onion, options): def getValue(string, i): value = 0 idx = i for c in options[i:]: try: value = value * 0x10 + int(c,16) except: break idx += 1 return value, idx # Test O,O1=O6: TCP Options # L: End of Options # N: NOP # S: Selective ACK # Mx: MSS (x is a hex number) # Wx: Windows Scale (x is a hex number) # Tve: Timestamp (v and e are two binary digits, v for TSval and e for TSecr i = 0 tcp = onion[O_TCP] while i < len(options): opt = options[i] i += 1 if opt == 'L': tcp.add_option(TCPOption(TCPOption.TCPOPT_EOL)) if opt == 'N': tcp.add_option(TCPOption(TCPOption.TCPOPT_NOP)) if opt == 'S': tcp.add_option(TCPOption(TCPOption.TCPOPT_SACK_PERMITTED)) if opt == 'T': opt = TCPOption(TCPOption.TCPOPT_TIMESTAMP) # default ts = 0, ts_echo = 0 if options[i] == '1': opt.set_ts(self.machine.getTCPTimeStamp()) if options[i+1] == '1': opt.set_ts_echo(0xffffffff) tcp.add_option(opt) i += 2 if opt == 'M': maxseg, i = getValue(options, i) tcp.add_option(TCPOption(TCPOption.TCPOPT_MAXSEG, maxseg)) if opt == 'W': window, i = getValue(options, i) tcp.add_option(TCPOption(TCPOption.TCPOPT_WINDOW, window)) class nmap2_SEQ(NMAP2TCPResponder): templateClass = None signatureName = None seqNumber = None def initFingerprint(self): NMAP2TCPResponder.initFingerprint(self) if not self.seqNumber: return else: OPS = self.machine.fingerprint.get_tests()['OPS'] WIN = self.machine.fingerprint.get_tests()['WIN'] self.fingerprint['O'] = OPS['O%d' % self.seqNumber] self.fingerprint['W'] = WIN['W%d' % self.seqNumber] class nmap2_ECN(NMAP2TCPResponder): templateClass = os_ident.nmap2_ecn_probe signatureName = 'ECN' class nmap2_SEQ1(nmap2_SEQ): templateClass = os_ident.nmap2_seq_1 signatureName = 'T1' seqNumber = 1 class nmap2_SEQ2(nmap2_SEQ): templateClass = os_ident.nmap2_seq_2 signatureName = 'T1' seqNumber = 2 class nmap2_SEQ3(nmap2_SEQ): templateClass = os_ident.nmap2_seq_3 signatureName = 'T1' seqNumber = 3 class nmap2_SEQ4(nmap2_SEQ): templateClass = os_ident.nmap2_seq_4 signatureName = 'T1' seqNumber = 4 class nmap2_SEQ5(nmap2_SEQ): templateClass = os_ident.nmap2_seq_5 signatureName = 'T1' seqNumber = 5 class nmap2_SEQ6(nmap2_SEQ): templateClass = os_ident.nmap2_seq_6 signatureName = 'T1' seqNumber = 6 class nmap2_T2(NMAP2TCPResponder): templateClass = os_ident.nmap2_tcp_open_2 signatureName = 'T2' class nmap2_T3(NMAP2TCPResponder): templateClass = os_ident.nmap2_tcp_open_3 signatureName = 'T3' class nmap2_T4(NMAP2TCPResponder): templateClass = os_ident.nmap2_tcp_open_4 signatureName = 'T4' class nmap2_T5(NMAP2TCPResponder): templateClass = os_ident.nmap2_tcp_closed_1 signatureName = 'T5' class nmap2_T6(NMAP2TCPResponder): templateClass = os_ident.nmap2_tcp_closed_2 signatureName = 'T6' class nmap2_T7(NMAP2TCPResponder): templateClass = os_ident.nmap2_tcp_closed_3 signatureName = 'T7' class nmap2_ICMP_1(NMAP2ICMPResponder): templateClass = os_ident.nmap2_icmp_echo_probe_1 signatureName = 'IE' class nmap2_ICMP_2(NMAP2ICMPResponder): templateClass = os_ident.nmap2_icmp_echo_probe_2 signatureName = 'IE' class Machine: AssumedTimeIntervalPerPacket = 0.11 # seconds def __init__(self, emmulating, interface, ipAddress, macAddress, openTCPPorts = [], openUDPPorts = [], nmapOSDB = 'nmap-os-db'): self.interface = interface self.ipAddress = ipAddress self.macAddress = macAddress self.responders = [] self.decoder = ImpactDecoder.EthDecoder() self.initPcap() self.initFingerprint(emmulating, nmapOSDB) self.initSequenceGenerators() self.openTCPPorts = openTCPPorts self.openUDPPorts = openUDPPorts print(self) def openUDPPort(self, port): if self.isUDPPortOpen(port): return self.openUDPPorts.append(port) def isUDPPortOpen(self, port): return port in self.openUDPPorts def isTCPPortOpen(self, port): return port in self.openTCPPorts def initPcap(self): self.pcap = pcapy.open_live(self.interface, 65535, 1, 0) try: self.pcap.setfilter("host %s or ether host %s" % (self.ipAddress, self.macAddress)) except: self.pcap.setfilter("host %s or ether host %s" % (self.ipAddress, self.macAddress), 1, 0xFFFFFF00) def initGenericResponders(self): # generic responders self.addResponder(ARPResponder(self)) self.addResponder(OpenUDPResponder(self)) self.addResponder(ClosedUDPResponder(self)) self.addResponder(OpenTCPResponder(self)) self.addResponder(ClosedTCPResponder(self)) def initFingerprint(self, emmulating, nmapOSDB): fpm = os_ident.NMAP2_Fingerprint_Matcher('') f = open(nmapOSDB, 'r') for text in fpm.fingerprints(f): fingerprint = fpm.parse_fp(text) if fingerprint.get_id() == emmulating: self.fingerprint = fingerprint self.simplifyFingerprint() # print(fingerprint) return raise Exception("Couldn't find fingerprint data for %r" % emmulating) def simplifyFingerprint(self): tests = self.fingerprint.get_tests() for probeName in tests: probe = tests[probeName] for test in probe: probe[test] = probe[test].split('|')[0] def initSequenceGenerators(self): self.initIPIDGenerator() self.initTCPISNGenerator() self.initTCPTSGenerator() def initIPIDGenerator(self): seq = self.fingerprint.get_tests()['SEQ'] self.ip_ID = 0 try: TI = seq['TI'] except: TI = 'O' if TI == 'Z': self.ip_ID_delta = 0 elif TI == 'RD': self.ip_ID_delta = 30000 elif TI == 'RI': self.ip_ID_delta = 1234 elif TI == 'BI': self.ip_ID_delta = 1024+256 elif TI == 'I': self.ip_ID_delta = 1 elif TI == 'O': self.ip_ID_delta = 123 else: self.ip_ID_delta = int(TI, 16) try: ss = seq['SS'] except: ss = 'O' self.ip_ID_ICMP_delta = None if ss == 'S': self.ip_ID_ICMP = None else: self.ip_ID_ICMP = 0 try: II = seq['II'] except: II = 'O' if II == 'Z': self.ip_ID_ICMP_delta = 0 elif II == 'RD': self.ip_ID_ICMP_delta = 30000 elif II == 'RI': self.ip_ID_ICMP_delta = 1234 elif II == 'BI': self.ip_ID_ICMP_delta = 1024+256 elif II == 'I': self.ip_ID_ICMP_delta = 1 elif II == 'O': self.ip_ID_ICMP_delta = 123 else: self.ip_ID_ICMP_delta = int(II, 16) # generate a few, so we don't start with 0 when we don't have to for i in range(10): self.getIPID() self.getIPID_ICMP() print("IP ID Delta: %d" % self.ip_ID_delta) print("IP ID ICMP Delta: %s" % self.ip_ID_ICMP_delta) def initTCPISNGenerator(self): # tcp_ISN and tcp_ISN_delta for TCP Initial sequence numbers self.tcp_ISN = 0 try: self.tcp_ISN_GCD = int(self.fingerprint.get_tests()['SEQ']['GCD'].split('-')[0], 16) except: self.tcp_ISN_GCD = 1 try: isr = self.fingerprint.get_tests()['SEQ']['ISR'].split('-') if len(isr) == 1: isr = int(isr[0], 16) else: isr = (int(isr[0], 16) + int(isr[1], 16)) / 2 except: isr = 0 try: sp = self.fingerprint.get_tests()['SEQ']['SP'].split('-') sp = int(sp[0], 16) except: sp = 0 self.tcp_ISN_stdDev = (2**(sp/8.0)) * 5 / 4 # n-1 on small populations... erm... if self.tcp_ISN_GCD > 9: self.tcp_ISN_stdDev *= self.tcp_ISN_GCD self.tcp_ISN_stdDev *= self.AssumedTimeIntervalPerPacket self.tcp_ISN_delta = 2**(isr/8.0) * self.AssumedTimeIntervalPerPacket # generate a few, so we don't start with 0 when we don't have to for i in range(10): self.getTCPSequence() print("TCP ISN Delta: %f" % self.tcp_ISN_delta) print("TCP ISN Standard Deviation: %f" % self.tcp_ISN_stdDev) def initTCPTSGenerator(self): # tcp_TS and tcp_TS_delta for TCP Time stamp generation self.tcp_TS = 0 try: ts = self.fingerprint.get_tests()['SEQ']['TS'] except: ts = 'U' if ts == 'U' or ts == 'Z': self.tcp_TS_delta = 0 else: self.tcp_TS_delta = (2**int(ts, 16)) * self.AssumedTimeIntervalPerPacket # generate a few, so we don't start with 0 when we don't have to for i in range(10): self.getTCPTimeStamp() print("TCP TS Delta: %f" % self.tcp_TS_delta) def getIPID(self): answer = self.ip_ID self.ip_ID += self.ip_ID_delta self.ip_ID %= 0x10000 # print("IP ID: %x" % answer) return answer def getIPID_ICMP(self): if self.ip_ID_ICMP is None: return self.getIPID() answer = self.ip_ID_ICMP self.ip_ID_ICMP += self.ip_ID_ICMP_delta self.ip_ID_ICMP %= 0x10000 # print("---> IP ID: %x" % answer) return answer def getTCPSequence(self): answer = self.tcp_ISN + self.tcp_ISN_stdDev # *random.random() self.tcp_ISN_stdDev *= -1 answer = int(int(answer/self.tcp_ISN_GCD) * self.tcp_ISN_GCD) self.tcp_ISN += self.tcp_ISN_delta self.tcp_ISN %= 0x100000000 # print("---> TCP Sequence: %d" % (answer % 0x100000000)) return answer % 0x100000000 def getTCPTimeStamp(self): answer = int(round(self.tcp_TS)) self.tcp_TS += self.tcp_TS_delta self.tcp_TS %= 0x100000000 # print("---> TCP Time Stamp: %x" % answer) return answer def sendPacket(self, onion): if not onion: return print("--> Packet sent:") #print(onion[0]) #print() self.pcap.sendpacket(onion[O_ETH].get_packet()) def addResponder(self, aResponder): self.responders.append(aResponder) def run(self): while 1: p = self.pcap.next() try: in_onion = [self.decoder.decode(p[1])] except: in_onion = [self.decoder.decode(p[0])] try: while 1: in_onion.append(in_onion[-1].child()) except: pass #print("-------------- Received: ", in_onion[0]) for r in self.responders: if r.process(in_onion): break def main(): def initResponders(machine): # cmd responder # machine.addResponder(UDPCommandResponder(machine).set_port(UDP_CMD_PORT)) # nmap2 specific responders machine.addResponder(nmap2_SEQ1(machine)) machine.addResponder(nmap2_SEQ2(machine)) machine.addResponder(nmap2_SEQ3(machine)) machine.addResponder(nmap2_SEQ4(machine)) machine.addResponder(nmap2_SEQ5(machine)) machine.addResponder(nmap2_SEQ6(machine)) machine.addResponder(nmap2_ECN(machine)) machine.addResponder(nmap2_T2(machine)) machine.addResponder(nmap2_T3(machine)) machine.addResponder(nmap2_T4(machine)) machine.addResponder(nmap2_T5(machine)) machine.addResponder(nmap2_T6(machine)) machine.addResponder(nmap2_T7(machine)) machine.addResponder(nmap2_ICMP_1(machine)) machine.addResponder(nmap2_ICMP_2(machine)) machine.addResponder(NMAP2UDPResponder(machine)) from sys import argv, exit def usage(): print(""" if arg == '-h': usage() if arg == '--help': usage() if arg == '-f': Fingerprint = value if arg == '-p': IP = value if arg == '-m': MAC = value if arg == '-i': IFACE = value if arg == '-d': nmapOsDB = value where: arg = argv[i] value = argv[i+1] """) exit() global Fingerprint, IFACE, MAC, IP, nmapOSDB for i, arg in enumerate(argv): try: value = argv[i+1] except: value = None if arg == '-h': usage() if arg == '--help': usage() if arg == '-f': Fingerprint = value if arg == '-p': IP = value if arg == '-m': MAC = value if arg == '-i': IFACE = value if arg == '-d': nmapOSDB = value print("Emulating: %r" % Fingerprint) print("at %s / %s / %s" % (IFACE, MAC, IP)) machine = Machine( Fingerprint, IFACE, IP, MAC, OPEN_TCP_PORTS, OPEN_UDP_PORTS, nmapOSDB=nmapOSDB) initResponders(machine) machine.initGenericResponders() machine.run() if __name__ == '__main__': # Init the example's logger theme logger.init() main() # All Probes # [x] SEQ # [x] OPS # [x] WIN # [x] T1 # [x] T2 # [x] T3 # [x] T4 # [x] T5 # [x] T6 # [x] T7 # [x] IE # [x] ECN # [x] U1 # All Tests # SEQ() # [x] TCP ISN sequence predictability index (SP) # [x] TCP ISN greatest common divisor (GCD) # [x] TCP ISN counter rate (ISR) # [x] IP ID sequence generation algorithm on TCP Open ports (TI) # [x] Z - All zeros # [x] RD - Random: It increments at least once by at least 20000. # [-] Hex Value - fixed IP ID # [x] RI - Random positive increments. Any (delta_i > 1000, and delta_i % 256 != 0) or (delta_i > 256000 and delta_i % 256 == 0) # [x] BI - Broken increment. All delta_i % 256 = 0 and all delta_i <= 5120. # [x] I - Incremental. All delta_i < 10 # [x] O - (Omitted, the test does not show in the fingerprint). None of the other # [-] IP ID sequence generation algorithm on TCP closed ports (CI) # [x] IP ID sequence generation algorithm on ICMP messages (II) # [x] Shared IP ID sequence Boolean (SS) # [x] TCP timestamp option algorithm (TS) # [x] U - unsupported (don't send TS) # [x] 0 - Zero # [x] 1 - 0-5.66 (2 Hz) # [x] 7 - 70-150 (100 Hz) # [x] 8 - 150-350 (200 Hz) # [x] - avg_freq = sum(TS_diff/time_diff) . round(.5 + math.log(avg_freq)/math.log(2))) # time_diff = 0.11 segs # OPS() # [x] TCP options (O, O1-O6) # WIN() # [x] TCP initial window size (W, W1-W6) # ECN, T1-T7 # [x] TCP options (O, O1-O6) # [x] TCP initial window size (W, W1-W6) # [x] Responsiveness (R) # [x] IP don't fragment bit (DF) # [x] IP initial time-to-live (T) # [x] IP initial time-to-live guess (TG) # [x] Explicit congestion notification (CC) # [x] TCP miscellaneous quirks (Q) # [x] TCP sequence number (S) # [x] TCP acknowledgment number (A) # [x] TCP flags (F) # [x] TCP RST data checksum (RD) # IE() # [x] Responsiveness (R) # [x] Don't fragment (ICMP) (DFI) # [x] IP initial time-to-live (T) # [x] IP initial time-to-live guess (TG) # [x] ICMP response code (CD) #-[x] IP Type of Service (TOSI) #-[x] ICMP Sequence number (SI) #-[x] IP Data Length (DLI) # U1() # [x] Responsiveness (R) # [x] IP don't fragment bit (DF) # [x] IP initial time-to-live (T) # [x] IP initial time-to-live guess (TG) # [x] IP total length (IPL) # [x] Unused port unreachable field nonzero (UN) # [x] Returned probe IP total length value (RIPL) # [x] Returned probe IP ID value (RID) # [x] Integrity of returned probe IP checksum value (RIPCK) # [x] Integrity of returned probe UDP checksum (RUCK) # [x] Integrity of returned UDP data (RUD) # [-] ??? (TOS) Type of Service # [-] ??? (RUL) Length of return UDP packet is correct # sudo nmap -O -p 22,111,89 # sudo python nmapAnswerMachine.py -i eth0 -p -f 'Sun Solaris 9 (SPARC)'