Source code for certbot_apache.tls_sni_01

"""A class that performs TLS-SNI-01 challenges for Apache"""

import os
import logging

from acme.magic_typing import Set  # pylint: disable=unused-import, no-name-in-module
from certbot.plugins import common
from certbot.errors import PluginError, MissingCommandlineFlag

from certbot_apache import obj

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class ApacheTlsSni01(common.TLSSNI01): """Class that performs TLS-SNI-01 challenges within the Apache configurator :ivar configurator: ApacheConfigurator object :type configurator: :class:`~apache.configurator.ApacheConfigurator` :ivar list achalls: Annotated TLS-SNI-01 (`.KeyAuthorizationAnnotatedChallenge`) challenges. :param list indices: Meant to hold indices of challenges in a larger array. ApacheTlsSni01 is capable of solving many challenges at once which causes an indexing issue within ApacheConfigurator who must return all responses in order. Imagine ApacheConfigurator maintaining state about where all of the http-01 Challenges, TLS-SNI-01 Challenges belong in the response array. This is an optional utility. :param str challenge_conf: location of the challenge config file """ VHOST_TEMPLATE = """\ <VirtualHost {vhost}> ServerName {server_name} UseCanonicalName on SSLStrictSNIVHostCheck on LimitRequestBody 1048576 Include {ssl_options_conf_path} SSLCertificateFile {cert_path} SSLCertificateKeyFile {key_path} DocumentRoot {document_root} </VirtualHost> """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(ApacheTlsSni01, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.challenge_conf = os.path.join( self.configurator.conf("challenge-location"), "le_tls_sni_01_cert_challenge.conf")
[docs] def perform(self): """Perform a TLS-SNI-01 challenge.""" if not self.achalls: return [] # Save any changes to the configuration as a precaution # About to make temporary changes to the config"Changes before challenge setup", True) # Prepare the server for HTTPS self.configurator.prepare_server_https( str(self.configurator.config.tls_sni_01_port), True) responses = [] # Create all of the challenge certs for achall in self.achalls: responses.append(self._setup_challenge_cert(achall)) # Setup the configuration addrs = self._mod_config()"Don't lose mod_config changes", True) self.configurator.make_addrs_sni_ready(addrs) # Save reversible changes"SNI Challenge", True) return responses
[docs] def _mod_config(self): """Modifies Apache config files to include challenge vhosts. Result: Apache config includes virtual servers for issued challs :returns: All TLS-SNI-01 addresses used :rtype: set """ addrs = set() # type: Set[obj.Addr] config_text = "<IfModule mod_ssl.c>\n" for achall in self.achalls: achall_addrs = self._get_addrs(achall) addrs.update(achall_addrs) config_text += self._get_config_text(achall, achall_addrs) config_text += "</IfModule>\n" self.configurator.parser.add_include( self.configurator.parser.loc["default"], self.challenge_conf) self.configurator.reverter.register_file_creation( True, self.challenge_conf) logger.debug("writing a config file with text:\n %s", config_text) with open(self.challenge_conf, "w") as new_conf: new_conf.write(config_text) return addrs
[docs] def _get_addrs(self, achall): """Return the Apache addresses needed for TLS-SNI-01.""" # TODO: Checkout _default_ rules. addrs = set() default_addr = obj.Addr(("*", str( self.configurator.config.tls_sni_01_port))) try: vhost = self.configurator.choose_vhost(achall.domain, create_if_no_ssl=False) except (PluginError, MissingCommandlineFlag): # We couldn't find the virtualhost for this domain, possibly # because it's a new vhost that's not configured yet # (GH #677). See also GH #2600. logger.warning("Falling back to default vhost %s...", default_addr) addrs.add(default_addr) return addrs for addr in vhost.addrs: if "_default_" == addr.get_addr(): addrs.add(default_addr) else: addrs.add( addr.get_sni_addr( self.configurator.config.tls_sni_01_port)) return addrs
[docs] def _get_config_text(self, achall, ip_addrs): """Chocolate virtual server configuration text :param .KeyAuthorizationAnnotatedChallenge achall: Annotated TLS-SNI-01 challenge. :param list ip_addrs: addresses of challenged domain :class:`list` of type `~.obj.Addr` :returns: virtual host configuration text :rtype: str """ ips = " ".join(str(i) for i in ip_addrs) document_root = os.path.join( self.configurator.config.work_dir, "tls_sni_01_page/") # TODO: Python docs is not clear how multiline string literal # newlines are parsed on different platforms. At least on # Linux (Debian sid), when source file uses CRLF, Python still # parses it as "\n"... c.f.: # return self.VHOST_TEMPLATE.format( vhost=ips, server_name=achall.response(achall.account_key).z_domain.decode('ascii'), ssl_options_conf_path=self.configurator.mod_ssl_conf, cert_path=self.get_cert_path(achall), key_path=self.get_key_path(achall), document_root=document_root).replace("\n", os.linesep)