"""Contains UI methods for Apache operations."""
import logging
import os
import zope.component
from certbot import errors
from certbot import interfaces
import certbot.display.util as display_util
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]def select_vhost_multiple(vhosts):
"""Select multiple Vhosts to install the certificate for
:param vhosts: Available Apache VirtualHosts
:type vhosts: :class:`list` of type `~obj.Vhost`
:returns: List of VirtualHosts
:rtype: :class:`list`of type `~obj.Vhost`
if not vhosts:
return list()
tags_list = [vhost.display_repr()+"\n" for vhost in vhosts]
# Remove the extra newline from the last entry
if len(tags_list):
tags_list[-1] = tags_list[-1][:-1]
code, names = zope.component.getUtility(interfaces.IDisplay).checklist(
"Which VirtualHosts would you like to install the wildcard certificate for?",
tags=tags_list, force_interactive=True)
if code == display_util.OK:
return_vhosts = _reversemap_vhosts(names, vhosts)
return return_vhosts
return []
[docs]def _reversemap_vhosts(names, vhosts):
"""Helper function for select_vhost_multiple for mapping string
representations back to actual vhost objects"""
return_vhosts = list()
for selection in names:
for vhost in vhosts:
if vhost.display_repr().strip() == selection.strip():
return return_vhosts
[docs]def select_vhost(domain, vhosts):
"""Select an appropriate Apache Vhost.
:param vhosts: Available Apache VirtualHosts
:type vhosts: :class:`list` of type `~obj.Vhost`
:returns: VirtualHost or `None`
:rtype: `~obj.Vhost` or `None`
if not vhosts:
return None
code, tag = _vhost_menu(domain, vhosts)
if code == display_util.OK:
return vhosts[tag]
return None