#!/usr/bin/perl package main; use Perl::Tidy; # Note: This program is no longer necessary because this capability is now # built into perltidy, but the prograim is a good example of the use of # prefilters and postfilters. =pod Hide sections of as script from perltidy which are between special comments, like this: #<>V' is hidden from perltidy but seen by perl #>>V This works by converting #<>V into =cut before processing, and then converting back after processing. This was created for issue git #65. =cut my $arg_string = undef; exit Perl::Tidy::perltidy( argv => $arg_string, prefilter => sub { $_ = $_[0]; s/^(#<>V\b.*)$/=cut $1/gm; return $_; }, postfilter => sub { $_ = $_[0]; s/^=pod (#<>V\b)/$1/gm; return $_; }, );