LV2 Toolkit
C++ convenience header for LV2 time
LV2 Version Support: >= 1.0 (2012-04-17)
This is a vocabulary for precisely describing a position in time and the passage of time itself, in both real and musical terms.
In addition to real time (e.g. seconds), two units of time are used: "frames" and "beats". A frame is a numbered quantum of time. Frame time is related to real-time by the "frame rate" or "sample rate", time:framesPerSecond. A beat is a single pulse of musical time. Beat time is related to real-time by the "tempo", time:beatsPerMinute.
Musical time additionally has a "meter" which describes passage of time in terms of musical "bars". A bar is a higher level grouping of beats. The meter describes how many beats are in one bar.