LV2 Toolkit  1.2.0
AtomObject Member List

This is the complete list of members for AtomObject, including all inherited members.

AtomObject(const void *atom)AtomObjectinline
AtomObject(ForgeRef ref)AtomObjectinline
AtomObject(const AtomObject &other) (defined in AtomObject)AtomObjectinline
begin() const (defined in AtomObject)AtomObjectinline
cobj() const AtomObjectinline
end() const (defined in AtomObject)AtomObjectinline
id() const AtomObjectinline
operator LV2_Atom_Object *() (defined in AtomObject)AtomObjectinline
operator=(const AtomObject &other) (defined in AtomObject)AtomObjectinline
otype() const AtomObjectinline
query(ObjectQuery &query)AtomObjectinline
total_size() const AtomObjectinline