DJI Tags

This table lists tags found in the maker notes of images from some DJI Phantom drones.

Tag IDTag Name WritableValues / Notes
0x0001 Make string  
0x0003 SpeedX float  
0x0004 SpeedY float  
0x0005 SpeedZ float  
0x0006 Pitch float  
0x0007 Yaw float  
0x0008 Roll float  
0x0009 CameraPitch float  
0x000a CameraYaw float  
0x000b CameraRoll float  


XMP tags used by DJI for images from drones.

These tags belong to the ExifTool XMP-drone-dji family 1 group.

Tag Name WritableValues / Notes
AbsoluteAltitude real  
CalibratedFocalLength real  
CalibratedOpticalCenterX real  
CalibratedOpticalCenterY real  
CamReverse string  
DewarpData string  
DewarpFlag string  
FlightPitchDegree real  
FlightRollDegree real  
FlightXSpeed real  
FlightYSpeed real  
FlightYawDegree real  
FlightZSpeed real  
GPSLatitude real/  
GPSLongitude real/  
GPSLongtitude real  
GimbalPitchDegree real  
GimbalReverse string  
GimbalRollDegree real  
GimbalYawDegree real  
Latitude real  
Longitude real  
RelativeAltitude real  
RtkFlag string  
RtkStdHgt real  
RtkStdLat real  
RtkStdLon real  
SelfData string  

DJI Info Tags

Tags written by some DJI drones.

Tag IDTag Name WritableValues / Notes
'FlightDegree(Y,P,R)' FlightDegree no  
'FlightSpeed(X,Y,Z)' FlightSpeed no  
'GimbalDegree(Y,P,R)' GimbalDegree no  
'adj_dbg_info' ADJDebugInfo no  
'ae_dbg_info' AEDebugInfo no  
'ae_histogram_info' AEHistogramInfo no  
'ae_liveview_histogram_info' AELiveViewHistogramInfo no  
'ae_liveview_local_histogram' AELiveViewLocalHistogram no  
'ae_local_histogram' AELocalHistogram no  
'af_dbg_info' AFDebugInfo no  
'awb_dbg_info' AWBDebugInfo no  
'hiso' Histogram no  
'hyperlapse_dbg_info' HyperlapsDebugInfo no  
'sensor_id' SensorID no  
'xidiri' Xidiri no  

DJI ThermalParams Tags

Thermal parameters extracted from APP4 of DJI RJPEG files from the ZH20T.

Index1Tag Name WritableValues / Notes
36 K1 no  
40 K2 no  
44 K3 no  
48 K4 no  
52 KF no  
56 B1 no  
60 B2 no  
68 ObjectDistance no  
70 RelativeHumidity no  
72 Emissivity no  
74 Reflection no  
76 AmbientTemperature no  
80 D2 no  
84 KJ no  
86 DB no  
88 KK no  

(This document generated automatically by Image::ExifTool::BuildTagLookup)
Last revised Jun 1, 2022

<-- ExifTool Tag Names