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附錄 A. 衍生產品

Many Linux distributions are derivatives of Debian and reuse Debian's package management tools. They all have their own interesting properties, and it is possible one of them will fulfill your needs better than Debian itself.

A.1. 調查與合作

Debian 專案充分認識到衍生產品分配的重要性,並積極支援所有相關方之間的合作。這通常涉及合併最初由衍生資料分配開發的改進,以便每個人都能受,並減少長期維護工作。
This explains why derivative distributions are invited to become involved in discussions on the mailing-list, and to participate in the derivative census. This census aims at collecting information on work happening in a derivative so that official Debian maintainers can better track the state of their package in Debian variants.