16.3. Futuro di questo libro
We would like this book to evolve in the spirit of free software. We therefore welcome contributions, remarks, suggestions, and criticism. Please direct them to Raphaël (
) or Roland (
). For actionable feedback, feel free to open bug reports against the
Debian package. The website will be used to gather all information relevant to its evolution, and you will find there information on how to contribute, in particular if you want to translate this book to make it available to an even larger public than today.
Abbiamo cercato di integrare la maggior parte di ciò che la nostra esperienza con Debian ci ha insegnato, in modo che chiunque possa usare questa distribuzione ed ottenerne il massimo vantaggio nel più breve tempo possibile. Speriamo che questo libro contribuisca a rendere Debian più facile e popolare, ed accogliamo con favore la pubblicità attorno ad esso!
We would like to conclude on a personal note. Writing (and translating) this book took a considerable amount of time out of our usual professional activity. Since we are both freelance consultants, any new source of income grants us the freedom to spend more time improving Debian; we hope this book to be successful and to contribute to this. In the meantime, feel free to retain our services!
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