(with apologies to Tennyson (but he's dead))
Half a Mb, half a Mb,
Half a Mb farther.
Churning out code, fixing bugs:
The six coders.
"Forward, the Code Brigade,
Aim for the ship date," he said.
Churning out code, fixing bugs:
The six coders.
"Forward, the Code Brigade!"
Was their a one dismayed?
Well though the coders knew
Some bits were rotten.
Theirs not to feel surprise,
Theirs not to close their eyes,
Theirs but to see sunrise.
Churning out code, fixing bugs:
The six coders.
Bugs to right of them,
Bugs to left of them,
Bugs in front of them,
Crashes and freezes!
Stack traces so bizarre,
Pointers to near and far,
Zero dereferenced there,
Heap scrambled, frantic now.
Churning out code, fixing bugs:
The six coders.
Compiling and linking this,
Errors, more pizza, 'tis
One week to ship, can't miss.
Investors are anxious, and
Marketing's giddy.
Caffeine is fuel in here,
CPU's screaming near
100 megaherz, fear
Has no place, nor tear.
Nor Walter Middy.
Churning out code, fixing bugs:
The six coders.
Bugs to right of them,
Bugs to left of them,
Bugs behind them,
Crashes and freezes!
Errors are fewer now,
Testing says all is going well,
Talking of freezing now:
Code, though, not cursors.
Demos and champagne soon.
Freezing code, no more bugs,
Sleepy coders.
When will their stock price fade?
Oh, the IPO they made!
All the world wondered.
Honor the app they made!
Honor the Code Brigade,
Noble Six Coders.
swiped from rec.humor.funny