When you are at sea, keep clear of the land --Publilius Syrus
This is a hypertext version of Chapter 16 in the text Windows Sockets Network Programming, by Bob Quinn and Dave Shute. The ping and multicast code examples are available in the multitst.exe sample program available from this web page.
The primary goal of the Windows Sockets specification was to provide a single API across all TCP/IP protocol stacks. To this end, the many TCP/IP stack vendors who cooperated in its development agreed to compromise a few features that were not available from all TCP/IP stacks. Rather than leave some of these features out of the specification altogether, they made them optional. For most of these optional features they defined the syntax and semantics, but not for all of them.
Optional features were not always intentional, however. The WinSock specification didn't prescribe the proper API behavior for some circumstance, which left it open to interpretation. Fortunately, most of these ambiguities are corner cases which applications can usually avoid.
In this chapter we do a survey of the optional features of the Windows Sockets API. We describe the options, and--where possible--show you how to use them. Many of these features are optional by intent, but we describe others that were optional because of ambiguities in the specification. One of the features we describe in detail--multicast--was not even considered at the time the spec was being created. Since that time, however, there's more demand for a multicast API and multicast support is available in some WinSock implementations.
In an API specification as large as WinSock, that supports a protocol suite as rich and flexible as TCP/IP, with so many WinSock providers trying to agree on a single standard, it is difficult to satisfy everyone's' requirements and limitations. In the name of progress, those involved must occasionally compromise by using words like "should" and "may," rather than "must" when describing the proper API and behavior. With these words, they introduce optional features.
Defining a specification involves making some features optional in order to satisfy the common denominator among WinSock providers. Allowing different behavior in a specification designed to describe The Way is indeed a contradiction, but it's a necessary evil that is executed in the name of the greater good. The main goal remains the focus: agreement on the core API, the one that the majority of network applications will rely on. Ultimately, those who use the specification--WinSock application developers and users--will determine how standard the optional features are.
Among the intentional options in the WinSock specification, the degree to which WinSock or other relevant standards describe the API and behavior can vary greatly. For example, the method and format of debug output from the SO_DEBUG option is completely arbitrary. By contrast, the use of SOCK_RAW for access to ICMP is well-defined by Berkeley Sockets and RFC 1122, "Hosts Requirements."
In a large specification like WinSock unintentional options--caused by ambiguities and omissions--are also inevitable. We describe the most prominent of these in this chapter, along with intentional options. We describe when and why, and illustrate how to use them.
The immediate answer to the question of whether or not you should use optional features is definitively, yes you should! Just don't depend on them.
Most optional features can enhance the performance and capabilities of your application. However, your application should not fail if and when the optional features aren't available. For example, generally you can get better bulk data throughput if you increase your input and output buffer sizes with SO_RCVBUF and SO_SNDBUF. However, your application should still be able to function with the default buffer sizes if your attempts to change the buffer sizes fail (with the WSAENOPROTOOPT or WSAEINVAL error).
You can (and should) avoid dependence on some optional features by redesigning your application. For example, you shouldn't require a specific amount of receive buffer space for your application to function. The doesn't require WinSocks to support the SO_RCVBUF socket option, so you may not be able to specify the system buffer space you get. For datastream sockets, you can (and should) always allocate this buffer space in your application instead of relying on system buffers. For datagram sockets, you'd have to redesign your application protocol to use smaller datagrams.
Of course, there are some applications that cannot possibly function when a Windows Sockets implementation doesn't support a particular optional feature. For example, SOCK_RAW support is essential to many network monitoring type applications, that use ICMP pings.
You should avoid using options that don't have standard API and behavior definitions. For example, sharing sockets. The Windows Sockets specification doesn't mention the possibility of sharing sockets, so socket sharing is an optional feature by implication. The problem is that each WinSock implementation that allows sharing may have different requirements. The SO_DEBUG socket option is another optional feature without a description. The WinSock specification doesn't describe SOCK_RAW or multicast support either, but fortunately we can refer to the de facto standard defined by Berkeley Sockets.
Using a proprietary API extension like socket sharing is a step backward. You limit your application, and you complicate it also. The v1.1 WinSock does not define a standard way to identify individual WinSock implementations. There's no standards committee to assign specific manufacturer identifiers like the IEEE does for Ethernet and Token Ring network interface manufacturers. The WSAData structure returned by WSAStartup() provides a location for vendor specific information, but does not prescribe the format.
In any case, the programming convenience of application reliance on optional features does not justify the incompatibility your application will suffer on different WinSock implementations. For instance, an application that uses socket sharing won't function on WinSocks that don't allow socket sharing, and may not function on different WinSocks that do allow it. Since it is possible to write any type of application without relying on proprietary features, we recommend that you avoid proprietary features altogether for the benefit of portability. After all, the main reason to use WinSock is to avoid proprietary APIs and take advantage of the standard.
SOCK_RAW is a type of socket that denotes a "raw socket" in the same way that SOCK_STREAM denotes a datastream socket and SOCK_DGRAM denotes a datagram socket. It's a macro (defined in WINSOCK.H) that you use as the value for the type parameter in socket() function. As section 2.6.10 of the v1.1 Windows Socket specification states, the support of SOCK_RAW is not mandated. However, it is encouraged, so many WinSock implementations do provide support (one notable exception are TCP/IP stacks from Microsoft).
Unfortunately, the WinSock specification doesn't describe the acceptable syntax. There are many variations of raw sockets, that correspond to different levels of support. True raw sockets allow free reign of the network and transport protocol headers.
Fortunately, few applications need low-level raw sockets support. Most applications require the common variation that allows access to the ICMP protocol to provide the ping facility, and this is what most WinSock implementations provide. The Berkeley sockets API model for this "raw ICMP" API is well-defined.
As we describe in Chapter 14, "Debugging," the ICMP ping facility provides a way to reach out and gently touch another machine. All TCP/IP hosts are required to reply to an ICMP echo request. Sending an echo request, and reading the echo reply is the simplest way to check IP connectivity between two network hosts and by implication it can provide a surprising amount of other information.
The ICMP ping capability is essential for any network management application designed to run over WinSock, but many average applications can benefit also. By embedding ICMP ping an application can perform simple diagnostics automatically. This can help application users, and provide essential information to support personnel.
To create an ICMP ping application a WinSock socket() function must support the "raw ICMP" socket type (af=AF_INET, type=SOCK_RAW, protocol=IPPROTO_ICMP). The following code example shows you how.
The following code example illustrates the essentials that go into a ping application.. A few things to notice about in this example:
/* ICMP types */ #define ICMP_ECHOREPLY 0 /* ICMP type: echo reply */ #define ICMP_ECHOREQ 8 /* ICMP type: echo request */ /* definition of ICMP header as per RFC 792 */ typedef struct icmp_hdr { u_char icmp_type; /* type of message */ u_char icmp_code; /* type sub code */ u_short icmp_cksum; /* ones complement cksum */ u_short icmp_id; /* identifier */ u_short icmp_seq; /* sequence number */ char icmp_data[1]; /* data */ } ICMP_HDR, *PICMPHDR, FAR *LPICMPHDR; #define ICMP_HDR_LEN sizeof(ICMP_HDR) /* definition of IP header version 4 as per RFC 791 */ #define IPVERSION 4 typedef struct ip_hdr { u_char ip_hl; /* header length */ u_char ip_v; /* version */ u_char ip_tos; /* type of service */ short ip_len; /* total length */ u_short ip_id; /* identification */ short ip_off; /* fragment offset field */ u_char ip_ttl; /* time to live */ u_char ip_p; /* protocol */ u_short ip_cksum; /* checksum */ struct in_addr ip_src; /* source address */ struct in_addr ip_dst; /* destination address */ } IP_HDR, *PIP_HDR, *LPIP_HDR; #define IP_HDR_LEN sizeof(IP_HDR) #define PNGBUFSIZE 8192+ICMP_HDR_LEN+IP_HDR_LEN /* external functions */ extern void WSAErrMsg(LPSTR); /* private data */ static ICMP_HDR FAR *lpIcmpHdr; /* pointers into our I/O buffer */ static IP_HDR FAR *lpIpHdr; static char achIOBuf[PNGBUFSIZE]; static SOCKADDR_IN stFromAddr; static DWORD lCurrentTime, lRoundTripTime; /* * Function icmp_open() * * Description: opens an ICMP "raw" socket. */ SOCKET icmp_open(void) { SOCKET s; s = socket (AF_INET, SOCK_RAW, IPPROTO_ICMP); if (s == SOCKET_ERROR) { WSAErrMsg("socket(type=SOCK_RAW, protocol=IPROTO_ICMP)"); return (INVALID_SOCKET); } return (s); } /* end icmp_open() */ /* * Function: icmp_sendto() * * Description: Initializes an ICMP header, inserts the current * time in the ICMP data and initializes the data, then sends * the ICMP Echo Request to destination address. */ int icmp_sendto (SOCKET s, HWND hwnd, LPSOCKADDR_IN lpstToAddr, int nIcmpId, int nIcmpSeq, int nEchoDataLen) { int nAddrLen = sizeof(SOCKADDR_IN); int nRet; u_short i; char c; /*--------------------- init ICMP header -----------------------*/ lpIcmpHdr = (ICMP_HDR FAR *)achIOBuf; lpIcmpHdr->icmp_type = ICMP_ECHOREQ; lpIcmpHdr->icmp_code = 0; lpIcmpHdr->icmp_cksum = 0; lpIcmpHdr->icmp_id = nIcmpId++; lpIcmpHdr->icmp_seq = nIcmpSeq++; /*--------------------put data into packet------------------------ * insert the current time, so we can calculate round-trip time * upon receipt of echo reply (which will echo data we sent) */ lCurrentTime = GetCurrentTime(); _fmemcpy (&(achIOBuf[ICMP_HDR_LEN]),&lCurrentTime,sizeof(long)); /* data length includes the time (but not icmp header) */ c=' '; /* first char: space, right after the time */ for (i=ICMP_HDR_LEN+sizeof(long); ((i < (nEchoDataLen+ICMP_HDR_LEN)) && (i < PNGBUFSIZE));i++) { achIOBuf[i] = c; c++; if (c > '~') /* go up to ASCII 126, then back to 32 */ c= ' '; } /*----------------------assign ICMP checksum ---------------------- * ICMP checksum includes ICMP header and data, and assumes current * checksum value of zero in header */ lpIcmpHdr->icmp_cksum = cksum((u_short FAR *)lpIcmpHdr, nEchoDataLen+ICMP_HDR_LEN); /*--------------------- send ICMP echo request -------------------*/ nRet = sendto (s, /* socket */ (LPSTR)lpIcmpHdr, /* buffer */ nEchoDataLen+ICMP_HDR_LEN+sizeof(long),/* length */ 0, /* flags */ (LPSOCKADDR)lpstToAddr, /* destination */ sizeof(SOCKADDR_IN)); /* address length */ if (nRet == SOCKET_ERROR) { WSAErrMsg("sendto()"); } return (nRet); } /* end icmp_sendto() */ /* * Function: icmp_recvfrom() * * Description: * receive icmp echo reply, parse the reply packet to remove the * send time from the ICMP data. */ u_long icmp_recvfrom(SOCKET s, LPINT lpnIcmpId, LPINT lpnIcmpSeq, LPSOCKADDR_IN lpstFromAddr) { u_long lSendTime; int nAddrLen = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in); int nRet, i; /*-------------------- receive ICMP echo reply ------------------*/ stFromAddr.sin_family = AF_INET; stFromAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; /*not used on input anyway*/ stFromAddr.sin_port = 0; /* port not used in ICMP */ nRet = recvfrom (s, /* socket */ (LPSTR)achIOBuf, /* buffer */ PNGBUFSIZE+ICMP_HDR_LEN+sizeof(long)+IP_HDR_LEN, /* length */ 0, /* flags */ (LPSOCKADDR)lpstFromAddr, /* source */ &nAddrLen); /* addrlen*/ if (nRet == SOCKET_ERROR) { WSAErrMsg("recvfrom()"); } /*------------------------- parse data --------------------------- * remove the time from data for return. * NOTE: the data received and sent may be asymmetric, as they * are in Berkeley Sockets. As a reusult, we may receive * the IP header, although we didn't send it. This subtlety is * not often implemented so we do a quick check of the data * received to see if it includes the IP header (we look for 0x45 * value in first byte of buffer to check if IP header present). */ /* figure out the offset to data */ if (achIOBuf[0] == 0x45) { /* IP header present? */ i = IP_HDR_LEN + ICMP_HDR_LEN; lpIcmpHdr = (LPICMPHDR) &(achIOBuf[IP_HDR_LEN]); } else { i = ICMP_HDR_LEN; lpIcmpHdr = (LPICMPHDR) achIOBuf; } /* pull out the ICMP ID and Sequence numbers */ *lpnIcmpId = lpIcmpHdr->icmp_id; *lpnIcmpSeq = lpIcmpHdr->icmp_seq; /* remove the send time from the ICMP data */ _fmemcpy (&lSendTime, (&achIOBuf[i]), sizeof(u_long)); return (lSendTime); } /* end icmp_recvfrom() */ /* * Function: cksum() * * Description: * Calculate Internet checksum for data buffer and length (one's * complement sum of 16-bit words). Used in IP, ICMP, UDP, IGMP. */ u_short cksum (u_short FAR*lpBuf, int nLen) { register long lSum = 0L; /* work variables */ /* note: to handle odd number of bytes, last (even) byte in * buffer have a value of 0 (we assume that it does) */ while (nLen > 0) { lSum += *(lpBuf++); /* add word value to sum */ nLen -= 2; /* decrement byte count by 2 */ } /* put 32-bit sum into 16-bits */ lSum = (lSum & 0xffff) + (lSum>>16); lSum += (lSum >> 16); /* return Internet checksum. Note:integral type * conversion warning is expected here. It's ok. */ return (~lSum); } /* end cksum() */
The traceroute utility reports the IP addresses of all router "hops" between you and a destination host. It uses the time-to-live (TTL) mechanism in the Internet Protocol (IP) to elicit a response from each intermediate router. All routers decrement the TTL in each IP header they receive, and they typically respond to a TTL of 0 by returning an ICMP "TTL exceeded" error packet to the sender. It can work with UDP or ICMP datagrams (see the illustration of this in Chapter 14, "Debugging"). Unfortunately, the v1.1 of the WinSock specification doesn't provide API access to the contents of an IP header (like TTL). By the BSD de facto standard, access to the IP TTL field would require SOCK_RAW IPPROTO_IP support, or the setsockopt() (level=IPPROTO_IP, cmd=IP_TTL) support. Many WinSock compliant TCP/IP implementations come with a traceroute utility. However, they access a proprietary API to provide this low-level IP header access. As a result their traceroute application won't run over other WinSock implementations. Fortunately, WinSock version 2.0 prescribes support for the IP_TTL option. The following code sample shows how to use it. Note: the value we use for IP_TTL is compatible with Berkeley sockets, however it conflicts with the Steve Deering multicast value (which we describe next). This macro value of may change in WinSock version 2.0.
#define IP_TTL 4 /* level=IPPROTO_IP option, Time To Live */ #define MAX_TTL 255 /* maximum IP Time To Live value */ /* * Function set_IP_TTL() * * Description: Attempts to set the IP Time to live value using the * IP_TTL socket option (which is rarely supported). This is necessary * to implement a traceroute application. */ int set_ttl (SOCKET s, int nTimeToLive) { int nRet; nRet = setsockopt (s, IPPROTO_IP, IP_TTL, (LPSTR)&nTimeToLive, sizeof(int)); if (nRet==SOCKET_ERROR) { WSAErrMsg(setsockopt(lewel=IPPROTO_IP, option=IP_TTL)); } return (nRet); } /* end set_IP_TTL() */
NOTE: Also see my Internet Multicasting article in October '97 Issue of Dr.Dobbs Journal
In RFC-1112 "Host Extensions for IP Multicasting," Steve Deering details the extensions that TCP/IP protocol stacks use to support multicasting (RFC-1122 "Hosts Requirements" has a few addendum and clarifications). He describes the mechanics of multicast, and focuses on Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP). The main purpose of IGMP is to allow IP hosts to report group memberships to any local "multicast routers" (routers which support IGMP). In effect, IGMP is the muscle behind multicast. By keeping routers informed about multicast hosts, it allows multicast datagrams to traverse an internetwork and reach many hosts simultaneously. The ability to traverse an internetwork and reach an unlimited number of "member" hosts simultaneously without affecting others adversely is the linchpin of multicast.
In an effort to create a multicast test bed despite the lack of multicast-capable routers on the Internet, the IETF established the multicast backbone (MBONE). The MBONE is a virtual network that allows multicast datagrams to traverse the Internet across non-multicast routers in an IP "tunnel." A special router encapsulates multicast datagrams and sends them as unicast IP datagrams to other special routers, which de-encapsulate them and send them on the local network as standard multicast datagrams. As demonstrated by the live MBONE multicast of the Rolling Stones rock concert on November 18, 1994, from Dallas Texas, even this limited capability has impressive potential. The video was choppy and the audio low-fidelity, but like early radio and TV broadcasts it got everyone excited. It was a harbinger of what's to come.
A Class D IP address in the range to is a "multicast address." Each is also known as a "host group address," since datagrams with a multicast destination address can be received by all hosts that have joined the group that an address represents. The address is reserved, and is assigned to the permanent group of all IP hosts. The "Assigned Numbers" RFC publishes other permanent host group addresses.
A host with a TCP/IP stack must support IGMP to join a multicast group in order to receive multicast datagrams. Any host can send a multicast datagrams without being a group member. Multicast datagrams can only traverse routers which are IGMP-capable (i.e. multicast routers), unless "tunneled" as described earlier.
Multicast addresses provide a limited broadcasting, but without the problems and limitations of traditional broadcasts. Since they don't use a broadcast hardware address, only those hosts which have joined a group "read" the packet off the net. As a result, multicast datagrams don't incur the extra overhead that traditional broadcast packets do.
Sending datagrams to a multicast address is analogous to transmitting radio signals on a particular frequency. Just as you must tune a radio receiver to the particular frequency to receive the radio signal, you must join a multicast group to receive the multicast packets. Unlike a radio transmission, however, you need not be in range to receive the signal. Provided the route between you and the sender has properly configured multicast routers (or MBONE), you can receive multicast datagrams from anywhere.
The downside of multicast is that currently multicast-capable routers are relatively rare. And multicasts must be co-ordinated between networked hosts to avoid conflicts, make sure someone is listening, and conserve limited network bandwidth.
Steve Deering also wrote "IP Multicast Extensions for 4.3BSD and related systems" which describes the extensions to the Sockets API for support of multicasting. We'll describe this API in the remainder of this section and show you how to use it. The v1.1 Windows Sockets specification doesn't reference any of this, and very few Windows Sockets implementations currently provide support, but there are bound to be more. Version 2.0 of the Windows Sockets specification is slated to adopt this API as its own standard.
The multicast API uses a number of new socket options. As with the other socket options we describe in Chapter 10, "Socket Information and Control," you set and retrieve the values for these options with setsockopt() and getsockopt(). The value of the getsockopt() and setsockopt() level parameter for all of these options is IPPROTO_IP. Only two of the five new options use an integer type for the option value. Two of them use a new multicast structure (struct im_req), and another uses an in_addr structure.
As with any option, if a WinSock implementation doesn't support it, the call to either setsockopt() or getsockopt() will fail with WSAENOPROTOOPT.
The IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP option allows you to join a multicast group specified by the host group address in the multicast address structure. You must join a group to receive multicast datagrams. You do not need to join a group to send multicast datagrams.
option name data default getsockopt setsockopt socket special type () () type notes IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP struct <none> no yes DG or RAW level ip_mreq IPPROTO_IP
You can join multiple host groups on a single socket. The maximum number of memberships is typically twenty, although this value may differ on different WinSock implementations. This value can also vary over a single WinSock implementation since (link-layer) network drivers have their own limits. You can also join the same host group address on multiple interfaces.
The multicast address structure is defined as follows:
struct ip_mreq {
struct in_addr imr_multiaddr; /* multicast group to join */
struct in_addr imr_interface; /* interface to join on */
imr_multiaddr: The multicast host group to join. By joining, you implicitly notify your local multicast router of your membership (the TCP/IP stack sends an IGMP), and you enable your local interface (network driver) to receive multicast datagrams destined for this multicast address.
imr_interface: This is the IP address of the local network interface you wish to receive multicast datagrams on. Typically, you will specify INADDR_ANY for this value to use the default interface. You can specify any multicast capable interface on your system.
You can have multiple sockets join the same group address on different ports. Be careful, though. You may run into problems if the underlying protocol stack doesn't use the multicast address along with the port number to demultiplex the packet at the UDP (transport) level.
It is also possible to have multiple sockets join the same or different groups on the same port number. To do so, you'd need to call setsockopt(SO_REUSEADDR) to allow duplicate socket names. However, the same caveats in the description of SO_REUSEADDR in Chapter 10, "Socket Information and Control" apply here. You need to be careful and test this over different WinSocks, since demultiplexing multicast data to multiple sockets can have varying results.
When successful, this option will cause your TCP/IP protocol stack to send an IGMP Host Membership Report to (the "all-hosts" multicast group). See the "Multicast mechanics" described in more detail below.
The IP_DROP_MEMBERSHIP option allows you to drop the host membership in a multicast group.
option name data default getsockopt setsockopt( socket special type () ) type notes IP_DROP_MEMBERSHIP struct <none> no yes DG or level ip_mreq RAW IPPROTO_IP
The underlying TCP/IP stack keeps a reference count of the number of requests to join a particular host group. When you set the IP_DROP_MEMBERSHIP option for a particular group, the underlying stack decrements the reference count by one. The stack only sends notification to drop a multicast group membership to the (data-link) network driver when the reference count is zero. This option does not generate any IGMP activity.
The IP_MULTICAST_IF option allows you to specify a default local interface from which to send multicast packets. This option is only relevant on hosts with more than one interface.
option name data default getsockopt setsockopt( socket special type () ) type notes IP_MULTICAST_IF struct FALSE no yes DG or level in_addr RAW IPPROTO_IP
All multicast capable hosts must have a default multicast interface, so you're not required to use this option. You may override the default and IP_MULTICAST_IF selection by specifying an interface when you join a group (with setsockopt() IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP))..
The IP_MULTICAST_LOOP option enables or disables the receipt of multicast packets that you send to a multicast group you're a member of.
option name data default getsockopt setsockopt( socket special type () ) type notes IP_MULTICAST_LOOP BOOL TRUE yes yes DG or level RAW IPPROTO_IP
This option is enabled by default. In other words, by default you will get a copy of all multicast packets you send, from each of the interfaces that you've joined as a group member.
The IP_MULTICAST_TTL option allows you to change the IP "time to live" (TTL) value in the multicast packets you send. You need to use this option if you want to send multicast packets beyond the local network, since the default TTL for multicast packets is one.
option name data default getsockopt( setsockopt socket special type ) () type notes IP_MULTICAST_TTL int 1 yes yes DG or level RAW IPPROTO_IP
To send multicast packets beyond the local network, your local router and any other routers between you and the hosts you want to send to must be multicast capable (i.e. they must be "multicast routers," with support for IGMP).
You can check whether there are any host group members currently available, with an "expanding ring search." You start with a TTL value of zero and then larger TTL values for each subsequent send to the multicast address, until you get a response (the suggested TTL value sequence is 0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32). Eventually, you'll elicit a response from one or more group members "listening" on the same UDP port number you are sending to.
You can use any valid host group address as a destination address in an expanding ring search. You cannot use the "all-hosts" group ( however, since multicast routers never forward packets destined for the all-hosts group beyond the local network (this limitation is similar to the limitation on packets sent to the IP broadcast address).
You don't need to know a lot about the mechanics of multicast support since the WinSock API insulates you from the low-level details. But as with anything else, it helps to know something so you know what to look for when you encounter problems. For the most part, you'd need a network analyzer to put this information to practical use, since it all has to do with the Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) that TCP/IP stacks use to provide multicast support. The following information is from RFC 1112, "Host Extensions for IP Multicasting", August 1989, by Steve Deering.
When a TCP/IP host starts, it sends a host membership report to the all-hosts group ( from each network interfaces to notify the multicast routers. Every host remains a member of the all-hosts group for as long as the host is active.
When you join a specific multicast group with setsockopt (IPPROTO_IP, IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP), your TCP/IP stack notifies the driver so it can create a hardware multicast address (for example, low-order 23-bits of multicast address become low-order 23-bits of Ethernet address). If this is the first membership request for this group, it also sends an IGMP "host membership report" packet immediately, then sends another at a random timeout period up to 10 seconds later to cover the possibility of the initial report being lost or damaged (datagrams are unreliable, after all).
Multicast routers send IGMP "host membership queries" to the all-hosts group periodically to refresh their knowledge of memberships present on a particular network. If it doesn't receive any reports for a particular group after some number of queries, then the routers assume that that group has no local members and that they need not forward remotely-originated multicasts for that group onto the local network.
When a host sees a "host membership query" (which only multicast routers send, never multicast hosts), it doesn't send reports immediately. Instead it starts a random delay timer for each of its group memberships on the network interface of the incoming query. When a timer expires, it sends the host membership report to the all-hosts address (so other hosts on the local net see it), but only if it hasn't seen a report for the same group from some other host. As a result, each host membership query typically generates only one report for each group present on a network. Multicast routers need not know which hosts belong to a group, but only that (at least) one host belongs to a group on a particular network.
Hosts never send a host membership report for the all-hosts group in response to a host membership query, since the "all-hosts' group membership is a given. A multicast host sends a host membership report for the all-hosts group only when it initializes each multicast interface at boot time..
Links to other multicast code examples
The following macros may already be defined in your WINSOCK.H file, and they may or may not be the same. Unfortunately, there is some confusion about the socket option values. The original values Steve Deering of Stanford University defined in his document "IP Multicast Extensions for 4.3BSD UNIX related systems (MULTICAST 1.2 Release)," had IP_MULTICAST_IF defined with a value of two. However, Berkeley Sockets already had the IPPROTO_IP level socket option of value two assigned to IP_TTL. There were other conflicts with other values, so Berkeley changed all the values by adding 7.
The multicast socket options defined in the WINSOCK.H file that comes with the v3.5 Windows NT SDK have the original Steve Deering values (not the BSD compatible values). WinSock version 2 will probably adopt the Berkeley values.
As mentioned, you can use any UDP socket to send to a multicast address. You do not need to use any of the multicast options. In addition to sendto() (which we use in this example), you could use connect() to set a default destination port and address, and then send(). As always, if you use connect() and send(), you'll need to call connect() again with the destination port and address both set to 0 to reset the socket before you can change the destination port and address.
#ifndef IP_MULTICAST_IF /* * The following constants are taken from include/netinet/in.h * in Berkeley Software Distribution version 4.4. Note that these * values *DIFFER* from the original values defined by Steve Deering * as described in "IP Multicast Extensions for 4.3BSD UNIX related * systems (MULTICAST 1.2 Release)". It describes the extensions * to BSD, SunOS and Ultrix to support multicasting, as specified * by RFC-1112. */ #define IP_MULTICAST_IF 9 /* set/get IP multicast interface */ #define IP_MULTICAST_TTL 10 /* set/get IP multicast TTL */ #define IP_MULTICAST_LOOP 11 /* set/get IP multicast loopback */ #define IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP 12 /* add (set) IP group membership */ #define IP_DROP_MEMBERSHIP 13 /* drop (set) IP group membership */ #define IP_DEFAULT_MULTICAST_TTL 1 #define IP_DEFAULT_MULTICAST_LOOP 1 #define IP_MAX_MEMBERSHIPS 20 /* The structure used to add and drop multicast addresses */ typedef struct ip_mreq { struct in_addr imr_multiaddr; /* multicast group to join */ struct in_addr imr_interface; /* interface to join on */ }IP_MREQ; #endif ... #define DESTINATION_MCAST "" #define DESTINATION_PORT 4567 ... int nRet, nSize, nOptVal; SOCKET hSock; achInBuf[BUFSIZE]; struct sockaddr_in stSourceAddr, stDestAddr; u_short nSourcePort; struct ip_mreq stIpMreq; ... /* get a datagram (UDP) socket */ hSock = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0); if (hSock == INVALID_SOCKET) {} ... /*----------------------- to send --------------------------- /* Theoretically, you do not need any special preparation to * send to a multicast address. However, you may want a few * things to overcome the limits of the default behavior */ ... /* init source address structure */ stSourceAddr.sin_family = PF_INET; stSourceAddr.sin_port = htons(nSourcePort); stSourceAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; /* * Calling bind() is not required, but some implementations need it * before you can reference any multicast socket options */ nRet = bind (hSock, (struct sockaddr FAR *)&stSourceAddr, sizeof(struct sockaddr)); if (nRet == SOCKET_ERROR) { } ... /* disable loopback of multicast datagrams we send, since the * default--according to Steve Deering--is to loopback all * datagrams sent on any interface which is a member of the * destination group address of that datagram. */ nOptVal = FALSE; nRet = setsockopt (hSock, IPPROTO_IP, IP_MULTICAST_LOOP, (char FAR *)nOptVal, sizeof(int)); if (nRet == SOCKET_ERROR) { /* rather than notifying the user, we make note that this option * failed. Some WinSocks don't support this option, and default * with loopback disabled), so this failure is of no consequence. * However, if we *do* get loop-backed data, we'll know why */ bLoopFailed = TRUE; } ... /* increase the IP TTL from the default of one to 64, so our * multicast datagrams can get off of the local network */ nOptVal = 64; nRet = setsockopt (hSock, IPPROTO_IP, IP_MULTICAST_TTL, (char FAR *)nOptVal, sizeof(int)); if (nRet == SOCKET_ERROR) { } ... /* Initialize the Destination Address structure */ stDestAddr.sin_family = PF_INET; stDestAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr (DESTINATION_MCAST); stDestAddr.sin_port = htons (DESTINATION_PORT); ... nRet = sendto (hSock, (char FAR *)achOutBuf, lstrlen(achOutBuf), 0, (struct sockaddr FAR *) &stDestAddr, sizeof(struct sockaddr)); if (nRet == SOCKET_ERROR) { } ... /*----------------------- to receive ------------------------- * Register for FD_READ events (any operation mode will work, but * we happened to use asynchronous mode in this example */ nRet = WSAAsyncSelect (hSock, hwnd, WM_READ_DATA, FD_READ); if (nRet == SOCKET_ERROR) { } ... /* join the multicast group we want to receive datagrams from */ stIpMreq.imr_multiaddr.s_addr = DESTINATION_MCAST; /* group addr */ stIpMreq.imr_interface.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; /* use default */ nRet = setsockopt (hSock, IPPROTO_IP, IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP, (char FAR *)&stIpMreq, sizeof (struct ip_mreq)); if (nRet == SOCKET_ERROR) { } ... /* multicast datagram receive routine from our Window Procedure */ case WM_READ_DATA: if (WSAGETSELECTERROR (lParam)) { } switch (WSAGETSELECTEVENT (lParam)) { case FD_READ: /* Recv the available data */ nSize = sizeof(struct sockaddr); nRet = recvfrom (hSock, (char FAR *)achInBuf, BUFSIZE, 0, (struct sockaddr *) &stSockAddr, &nSize); if (nRet == SOCKET_ERROR) { } break; }
Loopback is ability to send data on a virtual circuit between two datastream sockets, or two datagram sockets in the same or different processes. One common use is for development and testing network applications, without a network (on a standalone computer). Another is to allow one application to access the services of another, even if it's located on the same machine. These expectations are perfectly reasonable, but the v1.1 Windows Sockets specification does not guarantee the availability of these capabilities (including, the de facto standard loopback address on TCP/IP hosts). Since 16-bit Windows is not a true multitasking environment, this is not really surprising.
Although a number of WinSock implementations can loopback successfully, to assure compatibility with all WinSock implementations you should not design an application that depends on its availability.
By "sharing sockets" we're talking about allowing two or more tasks to use a single socket handle. In other words, task A gets a socket descriptor from a successful call to socket(), and task B uses that descriptor in socket calls. The v1.1 WinSock spec doesn't say it's illegal, but it doesn't say that it's legal either, so you should not assume you can do it.
You might be tempted to do it if you wanted to create an application that spawned other applications. For example, an "inet daemon" in UNIX keeps sockets listening on different ports for various servers, and when a connection request comes in it spawns the application and hands-off the connected socket.
As we described in Chapter 12, "DLLs over WinSock," socket sharing can simplify intermediate DLL design. Since DLLs don't have task ids of their own, they inherit the id of the task currently active. It would be convenient if a DLL could access a socket no matter which task were currently active (assuming the DLL made sure to call WSAStartup() to register the task with the WinSock DLL).
Some WinSock implementations allow socket sharing between any task that has successfully called WSAStartup() to register with the WinSock DLL. We call this implicit sharing, since it is automatic. The task that "owns" the socket--the active task when the socket was created--does not have to "export" it actively, nor do the other tasks need to "import" it either. Typically, the only limitation is that only the "owner" task can close the socket.
WinSock version 1.1 does not have a standard API for explicit socket sharing, but WinSock version 2.0 does. This new API is modeled after the BSD Unix model, and is currently supported in 32-bit WinSock. You share sockets explicitlly by calling DuplicateHandle() (see Chapter 13, "Porting from BSD Sockets" for more information).
The bottom line is you should not attempt to share sockets between different applications to ensure compatibility among 1.1 WinSock implementations,
A number of setsockopt() and getsockopt() options are optional. In some cases, Berkeley (or other) precedent defines their function well. However, in other cases, the precedent is inadequate or isn't well established. In Chapter 10, "Socket information and control," we described all the socket options, including the optional ones in the v1.1 WinSock specification. They are: SO_DEBUG, SO_DONTROUTE, SO_RCVBUF and SO_SNDBUF.
The specification states that all Windows Sockets implementations should recognize all options, and return plausible values for each. An implementation may silently ignore an optional option on setsockopt(), and return a constant value for getsockopt(). The getsockopt() function may even return the value set by setsockopt(), without using the value at all. On some WinSock implementations that don't support the option named, getsockopt() or setsockopt() will fail with WSAENOPROTOOPT.
The Microsoft 32-bit Windows Sockets interface (WSOCK32.DLL) also has a number of options not found in the v1.1 Windows Sockets specification. The SO_SNDTIMEO and SO_RCVTIMEO options are compatible with their counterparts in Berkeley Sockets. The SO_OPENTYPE option is new to the Win32 API, and deals with what Microsoft calls "overlapped I/O." We describe these options in detail in the previous Chapter 15, "Platforms."
"In Berkeley Sockets, sockets are represented by standard file descriptors. While nothing in the Windows Sockets API prevents an implementation from using regular file handles to identify sockets, nothing requires it either." In other words, you cannot assume that a socket is equivalent to a file handle.
In addition to causing the WinSock specification writers to rename the close() and ioctl() functions to closesocket() and ioctlsocket(), and avoiding support of fcntl(), read() and write(), the fact that file handles and sockets aren't required to be equivalent caused them to create the macros for access to the fdsets of the select() function. Related to the changes necessary in select() is that--unlike with file handles--you can never make any assumptions about the value of a socket handle.
We discuss this difference between sockets and file handles in detail in Chapter 13, "Porting from BSD Sockets."
"Note that this specification defines a recommended set of error codes, and lists the possible errors which may be returned as a result of each function. It may be the case in some implementations that other Windows Sockets error codes will be returned in addition to those listed, and applications should be prepared to handle errors other than those enumerated under each API description."
In effect, this paragraph puts the onus of responsibility on applications. WinSock implementations aren't relieved of responsibility entirely, since they must return the listed errors for the listed conditions. This quote states that implementations can return any other WinSock errors they want under any conditions not listed by the specification.
Each additional error is an optional feature. These aren't bad things, since they provide additional information that can help you debug a problem when it arises. They should not require any extra coding, if your application is designed to handle errors properly. Unlike other optional features, you must be prepared to deal with these to assure maximum portability for your application.
The most significant other optional feature is support of protocol suites--or in Sockets parlance, "domains"--other than TCP/IP (the Internet domain). Most significantly, the WinSock DLL for Windows NT provides support for AppleTalk, Novell IPX/SPX., ISO TP4 and NetBEUI. Version 2.0 of the Windows Sockets specification will likely endorse the NT APIs as the de facto standard for these protocol suites (see Chapter 15, "Platforms" for more information).
There are a number of other optional features throughout the v1.1 WinSock API. Most of the remainder result from ambiguities. For example, as mentioned in Chapter 6, "Socket States," the specification doesn't say you can't use select() with NULL fd_sets as a timer, but it doesn't say you can either. In this case, as with other similar cases, if the Windows Sockets specification doesn't specifically make as statement one way or the other, then you should assume the feature is not widely supported.
As we said earlier: you should use optional features when they're available, since they add value to the WinSock API. However, you should not design your applications to depend on them, since this will limit the number of WinSock implementations your application can use. Although with some optional features--like SOCK_RAW and multicast--you don't have much choice; the only way your application can work is if the WinSock implementation provides the optional feature support in the de facto standard fashion.