************************ * LIBLOADER 0.4.0 * ************************ 30 May 2008 1. INTRODUCTION --------------- LibLoader is a general purpose resource loading framework. It has been designed to allow to load resources from any physical location and to allow the processing of that content data in a generic way, totally transparent to the user of that library. For the latest news and information about LibLoader, please refer to: http://reporting.pentaho.org/libloader/ 2. REQUIREMENTS --------------- LibLoader needs at least JDK 1.2.2 for its core functionality. The EHCache support requires at least JDK 1.4. This module is therefore not included by default. It can be built manually using the supplied ANT-script. 3. SUPPORT ---------- Free support is available via the Pentaho forum, follow the link from the home page. Please note that questions are answered by volunteers, so there is no guaranteed response time or level of service. Please avoid e-mailing the developers directly for support questions. If you post a message in the forum, then everyone can see the question, and everyone can see the answer. The forums can be found at http://forums.pentaho.org/ 4. REPORTING BUGS ----------------- If you find bugs in LibLoader, we'd like to hear about it so that we can improve future releases of LibLoader. Please post a bug report to the JIRA bug-tracker at Pentaho.org: http://jira.pentaho.org/ Please be sure to provide as much information as you can. We need to know the version of LibLoader that you are using, the JDK version, and the steps required to replicate the bug. Include any other information that you think is relevant. 5. ANT ------ We use an open source build tool called Ant to build LibLoader. An Ant script (tested using Ant 1.7.0) is included in the distribution: /build.xml You can find out more about Ant at: http://ant.apache.org/ Ant is licensed under the terms of the Apache Software License (a popular open source software license). 6. OTHER FEEDBACK ----------------- For other feedback and comments, please post a message on the Pentaho forums. The Forum is available at http://forums.pentaho.org/