Rendering files contain all parameters necessary to render a fractal file. Remark: The end of a rendering file is merely the body of a gradient file. Rendering file syntax: RENDERING_FILE_FORMAT BYTES_PER_COMPONENT SPACE_COLOR COLOR_SCALING COLOR_OFFSET NB_TRANSITIONS COLORING_METHOD [ITERATION_COUNT | [ADDEND_FUNCTION [STRIPE_DENSITY] INTERPOLATION_METHOD]] Pos1 Color1 ... PosN ColorN Text characters can be upper-case or lower-case. Arguments separators can be tabs, blank spaces, carriage return. RENDERING_FILE_FORMAT should be R073, which is the format described in this document. Other format values (of older versions) may still be supported though. BYTES_PER_COMPONENT specifies the number of bytes per component used for colors. It can be : - 1 for RGB8 (8 bits per component) - 2 for RGB16 (16 bits per component) SPACE_COLOR specifies the color of points inside fractal. COLORING_METHOD can be : - ITERATIONCOUNT : the value returned by the iteration count is directly used - AVERAGECOLORING : average sum(s) is/are computed using the specified addend function ITERATION_COUNT is only needed for ITERATIONCOUNT coloring method, and should *not* be specified for AVERAGECOLORING coloring method. Symmetrically, ADDEND_FUNCTION and INTERPOLATION_METHOD are only needed for AVERAGECOLORING coloring method, and should *not* be specified for ITERATIONCOUNT coloring method. ITERATION_COUNT can be : - DISCRETE for discrete iteration count (simply the number of iterations). - CONTINUOUS for continuous iteration count - SMOOTH for smooth iteration count ADDEND_FUNCION can be : - TRIANGLEINEQUALITY - CURVATURE - STRIPE STRIPE_DENSITY is a positive integer used only for STRIPE addend function. It should not be specified for other addend functions. INTERPOLATION_METHOD can be : - NONE : only 1 average sum is computed and is directly used - LINEAR : 2 average sums are computed and interpolated linearly using smooth iteration count to produce one value - SPLINE : 4 average sums are computed and interpolated with polynomials using smooth iteration count to produce one value TRANSFER_FUNCTION specifies the transfer function to apply to the (nearly) final value, in order to map it better to the gradient. It can be : - LOG for logarithm (base e) - SQUAREROOT for square root - CUBEROOT for cube root - IDENTITY for identity function (value unchanged) - SQUARE for square - CUBE for cube - EXP for exponential COLOR_SCALING specifies a (floating point) multiplicand to be applied after transfer function, again to fit better to the gradient. COLOR_OFFSET specifies a (floating point) addend to be applied after multiplicand, again, to fit better to the gradient. It must be between 0 and 1. POSi : position of COLORi in gradient (between 0 and 1). First position must be 0, and last position must be 1. Positions must be strictly increasing. COLORi : colors composing gradient. Gradient must be made of at least 2 colors. Colors must be specified as hexadecimal numbers. Red, green, and blue are respectively the 1st, 2nd and 3rd component. Some RGB8 color examples : - 0x0 for black - 0xFF for blue - 0xFF00 for green - 0xFF0000 for red - 0xFFFFFF for white Some RGB16 color examples : - 0x0 for black - 0xFFFF for blue - 0xFFFF0000 for green - 0xFFFF00000000 for red - 0xFFFFFFFFFFFF for white In order for the gradient not to be discontinuous, the first and last color should be the same, for example 0x0 0xFFFFFF 0x0 for a black and white continuous gradient. Acceptable floating numbers are for example : 2.567 4.146E-5 8.26e2