Fractal files describe a subset of some fractal space, as well as some parameters used for computation. Fractal file syntax: FRACTAL_FILE_FORMAT FRACTAL_TYPE [REAL_MAIN_POWER IMAG_MAIN_POWER] [CX CY] CENTER_X CENTER_Y SPAN_X SPAN_Y ESCAPE_RADIUS NB_ITER_MAX Text characters can be upper-case or lower-case. Arguments separators can be tabs, blank spaces, carriage return. FRACTAL_FILE_FORMAT should be F075, which is the format described in this document. Other format values (of older versions) may still be supported though. FRACTAL_TYPE can be : - MANDELBROT for classic Mandelbrot (z_n = z_{n-1}^2 + c) - MANDELBROTP for custom Mandelbrot (z_n = z_{n-1}^p + c, with p parameter) - JULIA for classic Julia (z_n = z_{n-1}^2 + c, with c parameter) - JULIAP for custom Julia (z_n = z_{n-1}^p + c, with c, p parameters) - BURNINGSHIP for mandelbrot-type burning ship (z_n = (|real(z_{n-1}) + I*|imag(z_{n-1})|)^p + c, with p parameter) - JULIABURNINGSHIP for julia-type burning ship (z_n = (|real(z_{n-1}) + I*|imag(z_{n-1})|)^p + c, with c, p parameters) - MANDELBAR for mandelbar (z_n = conj(z_{n-1})^p + c, with p parameter) - JULIABAR for juliabar (z_n = conj(z_{n-1})^p + c, with c, p parameters) - RUDY for Rudy (z_n = z_{n-1}^p + c*z + d, with c, p parameters) FOR MANDELBROTP, JULIAP, BURNINGSHIP, JULIABURNINGSHIP, MANDELBAR, JULIABAR and RUDY, p parameter is a complex number that must be specified through REAL_MAIN_POWER and IMAG_MAIN_POWER values. For the others, REAL_MAIN_POWER and IMAG_MAIN_POWER are of no use, so they should *not* be specified. For JULIA, JULIAP, JULIABURNINGSHIP, JULIABAR and RUDY, a parameter c (complex number) MUST be specified, hence the optional parameters CX and CY. For the others, CX and CY are of no use, so they should *not* be specified. CENTER_X, CENTER_Y, SPAN_X and SPAN_Y are floating point numbers specifying the part of fractal space to draw. ESCAPE RADIUS (often called bailout value) is a floating point number used as a condition for breaking the fractal loop. NB_ITER_MAX is an integer specifying the maximum number of iterations used to determine if a point is inside fractal or not. Acceptable floating numbers are for example : 2.567 4.146E-5 8.26e2